545 research outputs found

    From Tolerance and Diversity to Inclusion and Celebration; New Horizons for Infusing Queer Theory into Communities

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    Tolerance and diversity are at times lauded as the essential terms for modern social justice movements. From school to community settings teachers, public figures, and political leaders throw these terms around to great applaud and acclaim. And yet who are we trying to serve by using these terms, and whose humanity is preserved through tolerance and diversity? In the following article I address the difference between the simplicity and shortcomings posed by tolerating and diversifying spaces to the more radical movements of inclusion and celebration. I unpack these frameworks through personal narratives concerning my field work and experiences as well as touching on aspects of my research on inclusion. My work and research focuses on the intentional efforts needed to “queer” spaces through dialogue, discourse, and moving through uncomfortable conversations around these topics. I offer a list of steps toward revolutionary inclusion that respects the dignity and humanity of students, teachers, and community members, who may or may not feel convinced of the importance of inclusion and celebration

    Fact Sheet On Episodic Time Off (EPTO)

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    Workplace Flexibility 2010 has coined the term Episodic Time Off or EPTO to describe the type of workplace flexibility needed to address the recurring need for time off - sometimes regular, sometimes sporadic, sometimes foreseeable, sometimes not - for which Short Term Time Off is insufficient and which a Flexible Work Arrangement cannot resolve. Evidence illustrates that across the lifespan, for a variety of reasons, the need and desire for EPTO are great

    Workplace Flexibility 2010: Facts on Short Term Time Off

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    Short Term Time Off (STO) refers to job-protected time away from the workplace (generally 5 days or less) to address anticipated or unexpected issues of limited duration. STO may be scheduled or unscheduled, depending on the underlying need. STO enables workers to address the routine and emergency situations that occur in everybody’s lives. The need for STO may arise, for example, because a worker or worker’s child is sick or has a routine doctor’s appointment, because a worker has to wait for the plumber or apply for benefits or go to court, or because a worker needs to attend a school conference or a religious event or finish a term paper

    Flexible Work Arrangements: Selected Case Studies

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    Employees have shown a great desire for flexible work arrangements (FWAs). National data reveals that nearly 80% of workers say they would like to have more flexible work options and would use them if there were no negative consequences at work. However, most workers do not have access to flexible work arrangements and barriers to their effective implementation persist in many organizations as the following nationally representative employer-based survey data reveals

    Flexible Work Arrangements: The Fact Sheet

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    A flexible work arrangement (FWA) is any one of a spectrum of work structures that alters the time and/or place that work gets done on a regular basis. The term includes (but is not limited to): 1. flexibility in the scheduling of hours worked, such as alternative work schedules (e.g., flex time and compressed workweeks), and arrangements regarding shift and breack schedules: 2. flexibility in the amount of hours worked, such as part-time work and job shares; and 3. flexibility in the place of work, such as working at home or at a satellite location

    Ethanol webcast archived online

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    The Perspectives on Present and Future Corn-Based Ethanol Industry webcast was presented by Iowa State University (ISU) Extension on Monday, November 13. An archive of the program is available athttp://www.extension.iastate.edu/webcast/archive.htm. Seven Iowa State University economists presented economic information on several aspects of the industry during the 3-hour, 15-minute program. Links to papers offering additional information on each topic and the PowerPoint each presenter used are available at http://www.extension.iastate.edu/ag/ethanol.html

    Soybean rust education program

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    Asian soybean rust has received much attention recently as a potential new threat to soybean production. As part of a multi-state event, Iowa State University Extension will be offering a program to increase awareness of soybean rust issues here in Iowa. It will be available at nine locations around Iowa on June 29. Soybean Rust: Issues & Facts, is designed for anyone involved in soybean production and will include basic information about Asian soybean rust biology and management

    Continuing education for Iowa commercial pesticide applicators

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    Four continuing instructional courses (CIC) will be held in February and March to offer continuing education credit for Iowa commercial pesticide applicators. These programs will be held around the state at Iowa State University Extension county offices

    More info on soybean rust

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    The Iowa Soybean Rust Team is offering a video program on Asian soybean rust on March 11. It will air from 10 a.m. to noon and will feature several Iowa State University Extension experts, along with representatives from the Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Soybean Association. This program will give Iowa soybean producers and ag professionals a status report on the disease and, most important, offer an opportunity for them to ask questions. Each expert will provide a short presentation and then answer questions

    More info on Asian soybean rust

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    The Iowa Soybean Rust Team is offering a video program on Asian soybean rust on March 11. It will air from 10 a.m. to noon and will feature several Iowa State University Extension experts, along with representatives from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Soybean Association
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