81 research outputs found

    The Large N Harmonic Oscillator as a String Theory

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    We propose a duality between the large-N gauged harmonic oscillator and a novel string theory in two dimensions.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures; v2: fixed typo

    Non-Fermi liquids from holography

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    We report on a potentially new class of non-Fermi liquids in (2+1)-dimensions. They are identified via the response functions of composite fermionic operators in a class of strongly interacting quantum field theories at finite density, computed using the AdS/CFT correspondence. We find strong evidence of Fermi surfaces: gapless fermionic excitations at discrete shells in momentum space. The spectral weight exhibits novel phenomena, including particle-hole asymmetry, discrete scale invariance, and scaling behavior consistent with that of a critical Fermi surface postulated by Senthil.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures. v2: added references, corrected figures, some minor changes. v3: figure 5 replace

    Gravity duals for non-relativistic CFTs

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    We attempt to generalize the AdS/CFT correspondence to non-relativistic conformal field theories which are invariant under Galilean transformations. Such systems govern ultracold atoms at unitarity, nucleon scattering in some channels, and more generally, a family of universality classes of quantum critical behavior. We construct a family of metrics which realize these symmetries as isometries. They are solutions of gravity with negative cosmological constant coupled to pressureless dust. We discuss realizations of the dust, which include a bulk superconductor. We develop the holographic dictionary and compute some two-point correlators. A strange aspect of the correspondence is that the bulk geometry has two extra noncompact dimensions.Comment: 12 pages; v2, v3, v4: added references, minor corrections; v3: cleaned up and generalized dust; v4: closer to published versio

    A controlled expansion for certain non-Fermi liquid metals

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    The destruction of Fermi liquid behavior when a gapless Fermi surface is coupled to a fluctuating gapless boson field is studied theoretically. This problem arises in a number of different contexts in quantum many body physics. Examples include fermions coupled to a fluctuating transverse gauge field pertinent to quantum spin liquid Mott insulators, and quantum critical metals near a Pomeranchuk transition. We develop a new controlled theoretical approach to determining the low energy physics. Our approach relies on combining an expansion in the inverse number (N) of fermion species with a further expansion in the parameter \epsilon = z_b -2 where z_b is the dynamical critical exponent of the boson field. We show how this limit allows a systematic calculation of the universal low energy physics of these problems. The method is illustrated by studying spinon fermi surface spin liquids, and a quantum critical metal at a second order electronic nematic phase transition. We calculate the low energy single particle spectra, and various interesting two particle correlation functions. In some cases deviations from the popular Random Phase Approximation results are found. Some of the same universal singularities are also calculated to leading non-vanishing order using a perturbative renormalization group calculation at small N extending previous results of Nayak and Wilczek. Implications for quantum spin liquids, and for Pomeranchuk transitions are discussed. For quantum critical metals at a nematic transition we show that the tunneling density of states has a power law suppression at low energies.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    New Dimensions for Wound Strings: The Modular Transformation of Geometry to Topology

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    We show, using a theorem of Milnor and Margulis, that string theory on compact negatively curved spaces grows new effective dimensions as the space shrinks, generalizing and contextualizing the results in hep-th/0510044. Milnor's theorem relates negative sectional curvature on a compact Riemannian manifold to exponential growth of its fundamental group, which translates in string theory to a higher effective central charge arising from winding strings. This exponential density of winding modes is related by modular invariance to the infrared small perturbation spectrum. Using self-consistent approximations valid at large radius, we analyze this correspondence explicitly in a broad set of time-dependent solutions, finding precise agreement between the effective central charge and the corresponding infrared small perturbation spectrum. This indicates a basic relation between geometry, topology, and dimensionality in string theory.Comment: 28 pages, harvmac big. v2: references and KITP preprint number added, minor change

    Supersymmetric Three-cycles and (Super)symmetry Breaking

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    We describe physical phenomena associated with a class of transitions that occur in the study of supersymmetric three-cycles in Calabi-Yau threefolds. The transitions in question occur at real codimension one in the complex structure moduli space of the Calabi-Yau manifold. In type IIB string theory, these transitions can be used to describe the evolution of a BPS state as one moves through a locus of marginal stability: at the transition point the BPS particle becomes degenerate with a supersymmetric two particle state, and after the transition the lowest energy state carrying the same charges is a non-supersymmetric two particle state. In the IIA theory, wrapping the cycles in question with D6-branes leads to a simple realization of the Fayet model: for some values of the CY modulus gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken, while for other values supersymmetry is spontaneously broken.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac big; v2, minor change

    Stringy Instantons and Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We explore contributions to the 4D effective superpotential which arise from Euclidean D3 branes (``instantons'') that intersect space-filling D-branes. These effects can perturb the effective field theory on the space-filling branes by nontrivial operators composed of charged matter fields, changing the vacuum structure in a qualitative way in some examples. Our considerations are exemplified throughout by a careful study of a fractional brane configuration on a del Pezzo surface.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures; v2: reference added; v3: confusing minor error in axion charges fixed (thanks to D. Green for pointing it out

    Strings from Tachyons

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    We propose a new interpretation of the c=1 matrix model as the world-line theory of N unstable D-particles, in which the hermitian matrix is provided by the non- abelian open string tachyon. For D-particles in 1+1-d string theory, we find a direct quantitative match between the closed string emission due to a rolling tachyon and that due to a rolling eigenvalue in the matrix model. We explain the origin of the double-scaling limit, and interpret it as an extreme representative of a large equivalence class of dual theories. Finally, we define a concrete decoupling limit of unstable D-particles in IIB string theory that reduces to the c=1 matrix model, suggesting that 1+1-d string theory represents the near-horizon limit of an ultra-dense gas of IIB D-particles.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures; v2: added references, improved discussion of Liouville boundary states, v3: small correction

    A Quantum Mechanical Model of Spherical Supermembranes

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    We present a quantum mechanical model of spherical supermembranes. Using superfields to represent the cartesian coordinates of the membrane, we are able to exactly determine its supersymmetric vacua. We find there are two classical vacua, one corresponding to an extended membrane and one corresponding to a point-like membrane. For the N=2{\mathcal N} = 2 case, instanton effects then lift these vacua to massive states. For the N=4{\mathcal N} = 4 case, there is no instanton tunneling, and the vacua remain massless. Similarities to spherical supermembranes as giant gravitons and in Matrix theory on pp-waves is discussed.Comment: 9 page
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