3,083 research outputs found

    Prospects for the future of narrow bandgap materials

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    Recently there has been greatly expended interest in narrow bandgap materials. Modern epitaxial techniques and the growing interest in nanostructures have provided areas of application for some of the unique properties of the narrow bandgap material. As always, one of the primary sources of interest is the small bandgap which makes them the material of choice for many applications in the infrared. However, in recent years their other unique properties have been the basis for a broader set of interests in narrow bandgap semiconductors. The type II band offsets (InAs/GaSb) have been the basis for novel tunnel devices and infrared superlattices. The very small effective masses inherent in small bandgap materials make them the obvious candidates in which to observe quantum confinement effects at larger dimensions than in materials of larger effective mass and wider gap. The ease of making electrical contact to some of the materials (ohmic contact to n-InAs) has made them the material of choice for electrical nanostructures. The ability to put in large amounts of magnetic ions to make magnetic semiconductors has led to a number of novel properties. The technical importance of a narrow bandgap and the unique applications promised by some of the other properties of these materials bode well for substantial research in narrow bandgap semiconductors well into the next decade

    Mapping of AlxGa1–xAs band edges by ballistic electron emission spectroscopy

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    We have employed ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM) to study the energy positions in the conduction band of AlxGa1 – xAs. Epilayers of undoped AlxGa1 – xAs were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on conductive GaAs substrates. The Al composition x took on values of 0, 0.11, 0.19, 0.25, 0.50, 0.80 and 1 so that the material was examined in both the direct and indirect band gap regime. The AlxGa1 – xAs layer thickness was varied from 100 to 500 Å to ensure probing of bulk energy levels. Different capping layers and surface treatments were explored to prevent surface oxidation and examine Fermi level pinning at the cap layer/AlxGa1 – xAs interface. All samples were metallized ex situ with a 100 Å Au layer so that the final BEEM structure is of the form Au/capping layer/AlxGa1 – xAs/bulk GaAs. Notably we have measured the Schottky barrier height for Au on AlxGa1 – xAs. We have also probed the higher lying band edges such as the X point at low Al concentrations and the L point at high Al concentrations. Variations of these critical energy positions with Al composition x were mapped out in detail and compared with findings from other studies. Local variations of these energy positions were also examined and found to be on the order of 30–50 meV. The results of this study suggest that BEEM can provide accurate positions for multiple energy levels in a single semiconductor structure

    Real-time extraction of growth rates from rotating substrates during molecular-beam epitaxy

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    We present a method for measuring molecular‐beam epitaxy growth rates in near real‐time on rotating substrates. This is done by digitizing a video image of the reflection high‐energy electron diffraction screen, automatically tracking and measuring the specular spot width, and using numerical techniques to filter the resulting signal. The digitization and image and signal processing take approximately 0.4 s to accomplish, so this technique offers the molecular‐beam epitaxy grower the ability to actively adjust growth times in order to deposit a desired layer thickness. The measurement has a demonstrated precision of approximately 2%, which is sufficient to allow active control of epilayer thickness by counting monolayers as they are deposited. When postgrowth techniques, such as frequency domain analysis, are also used, the reflection high‐energy electron diffraction measurement of layer thickness on rotating substrates improves to a precision of better than 1%. Since all of the components in the system described are commercially available, duplication is straightforward

    Reflection high-energy electron diffraction studies of the growth of lnAs/Ga_(1-x)In_xSb strained-layer superlattices

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    We have used reflection high‐energy electron diffraction to study the surface periodicity of the growth front of InAs/GaInSb strained‐layer superlattices (SLSs). We found that the apparent surface lattice spacing reproducibly changed during layers which subsequent x‐ray measurements indicated were coherently strained. Abrupt changes in the measured streak spacings were found to be correlated to changes in the growth flux. The profile of the dynamic streak spacing was found to be reproducible when comparing consecutive periods of a SLSs or different SLSs employing the same shuttering scheme at the InAs/GaInSb interface. Finally, when the interface shuttering scheme was changed, it was found that the dynamic streak separation profile also changed. Large changes in the shuttering scheme led to dramatic differences in the streak separation profile, and small changes in the shuttering scheme led to minor changes in the profile. In both cases, the differences in the surface periodicity profile occurred during the parts of the growth where the incident fluxes differed

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation of the mixed anion GaSb/InAs heterointerface

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    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to measure levels of anion cross-incorporation and to study interface formation for the mixed anion GaSb/lnAs heterojunction. Anion cross-incorporation was measured in 20 Å thick GaSb layers grown on lnAs, and 20 Å thick InAs layers grown on GaSb for cracked and uncracked sources. It was found that significantly less anion cross-incorporation occurs in structures grown with cracked sources. Interface formation was investigated by studying Sb soaks of InAs surfaces and As soaks of GaSb surfaces as a function of cracker power and soak time. Exchange of the group V surface atoms was found to be an increasing function of both cracker power and soak time. We find that further optimization of current growth parameters may be possible by modifying the soak time used at interfaces

    Type II superlattices for infrared detectors and devices

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    Superlattices consisting of combinations of III-V semiconductors with type II band alignments are of interest for infrared applications because their energy gaps can be made smaller than those of any 'natural' III-V compounds. Specifically, it has been demonstrated that both InSb/InAsxSb1-x superlattices and Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices can possess energy gaps in the 8-14 mu m range. The efforts have focused on the Ga1-xInxSb/InAs system because of its extreme broken gap band alignment, which results in narrow energy gaps for very short superlattice periods. The authors report the use of in situ chemical doping of Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices to fabricate p-n photodiodes. These diodes display a clear photovoltaic response with a threshold near 12 mu m. They have also attained outstanding structural quality in Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices grown on radiatively heated GaSb substrates. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscope images of these superlattices display no dislocations, while high resolution X-ray diffraction scans reveal sharp high-order superlattice satellites and strong Pendellosung fringes

    Scanning tunneling microscopy of lnAs/GaSb superlattices: Subbands, interface roughness, and interface asymmetry

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy is used to characterize InAs/GaSb superlattices, grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. Roughness at the interfaces between InAs and GaSb layers is directly observed in the images, and a quantitative spectrum of this roughness is obtained. Electron subbands in the InAs layers are resolved in spectroscopy. Asymmetry between the interfaces of InAs grown on GaSb compared with GaSb grown on In As is seen in voltage-dependent imaging. Detailed spectroscopic study of the interfaces reveals some subtle differences between the two in terms of their valence-band onsets and conduction-band state density. These differences are interpreted in a model in which the GaSb on InAs interface has an abrupt InSb-like structure, but at the InAs on GaSb interface some Sb grading occurs into the InAs overlayer

    Investigation of Polymer–Plasticizer Blends as SH-SAW Sensor Coatings for Detection of Benzene in Water with High Sensitivity and Long-Term Stability

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    We report the first-ever direct detection of benzene in water at concentrations below 100 ppb (parts per billion) using acoustic wave (specifically, shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave, SH-SAW) sensors with plasticized polymer coatings. Two polymers and two plasticizers were studied as materials for sensor coatings. For each polymer–plasticizer combination, the influence of the mixing ratio of the blend on the sensitivity to benzene was measured and compared to commercially available polymers that were used for BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) detection in previous work. After optimizing the coating parameters, the highest sensitivity and lowest detection limit for benzene were found for a 1.25 μm thick sensor coating of 17.5%-by-weight diisooctyl azelate-polystyrene on the tested acoustic wave device. The calculated detection limit was 45 ppb, with actual sensor responses to concentrations down to 65 ppb measured directly. Among the sensor coatings that showed good sensitivity to benzene, the best long-term stability was found for a 1.0 μm thick coating of 23% diisononyl cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate-polystyrene, which was studied here because it is known to show no detectable leaching in water. The present work demonstrates that, by varying type of plasticizer, mixing ratio, and coating thickness, the mechanical and chemical properties of the coatings can be conveniently tailored to maximize analyte sorption and partial chemical selectivity for a given class of analytes as well as to minimize acoustic-wave attenuation in contact with an aqueous phase at the operating frequency of the sensor device