8 research outputs found

    Designing automated handheld navigation support

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    Map usage on handheld devices suffers from limited screen size and the minimal attention that users can dedicate to them in mobile situations. This work examines effects of automating navigation features like zooming and panning as well as other features such as rotation, path finding and artifact representation on the mobile navigation experience. Described are five claims and early support for these features in the police work domain. © 2008 ACM

    Balancing Awareness and Interruption in Mobile Patrol using Context-Aware Notification

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    Om afleiding en interruptie te voorkomen in mobiele politiesurveillance, moeten notificatiesystemen weten wanneer en hoe ze berichten het beste kunnen aanbieden. Vier verschillende vormen van timing en presentatie van notificaties (uitstel, direct, indicator en adaptief) werden met elkaar vergeleken in een mobiele surveillancetaak. Resultaten laten zien dat het uitstellen van notificaties leidt tot verkeerde beslissingen, terwijl het direct aanbieden van notificaties leidt tot veel afleiding. Adaptieve notificatie leidt tot de laagste foutscore en de beste recall. Mobiele politie surveillance zou baat hebben bij het toepassen van dergelijke adaptieve notificatiesystemen

    Attentive agents

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    Ambient Timer – Unobtrusively Reminding Users of Upcoming Tasks with Ambient Light

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    Abstract. Daily office work is often a mix of concentrated desktop work and scheduled meetings and appointments. However, constantly checking the clock and alarming popups interrupt the flow of creative work as they require the user's focused attention. We present Ambient Timer, an ambient light display designed to unobtrusively remind users of upcoming events. The light display-mounted around the monitor- is designed to slowly catch the user's attention and raise awareness for an upcoming event while not distracting her from the primary creative task such as writing a paper. Our experiment compared established reminder techniques such as checking the clock or using popups against Ambient Timer in two different designs. One of these designs produced a reminder in which the participants felt well informed on the progress of time and experienced a better "flow " of work than with traditional reminders