4,901 research outputs found

    An Outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium at a teaching hospital

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    An outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium infection in December 1996 affected 52 patients, relatives, and staff of a large teaching hospital in southeast Queensland. Assorted sandwiches were identified as the vehicle of transmission. This article describes the outbreak investigation and demonstrates the importance of food hygiene and timely public health interventions

    Duration judgements in patients with schizophrenia

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    Background. The ability to encode time cues underlies many cognitive processes. In the light of schizophrenic patients' compromised cognitive abilities in a variety of domains, it is noteworthy that there are numerous reports of these patients displaying impaired timing abilities. However, the timing intervals that patients have been evaluated on in prior studies vary considerably in magnitude (e.g. 1 s, 1 min, 1 h etc.). Method. In order to obviate differences in abilities in chronometric counting and place minimal demands on cognitive processing, we chose tasks that involve making judgements about brief durations of time (<1 s). Results. On a temporal generalization task, patients were less accurate than controls at recognizing a standard duration. The performance of patients was also significantly different from controls on a temporal bisection task, in which participants categorized durations as short or long. Although time estimation may be closely intertwined with working memory, patients' working memory as measured by the digit span task did not correlate significantly with their performance on the duration judgement tasks. Moreover, lowered intelligence scores could not completely account for the findings. Conclusions. We take these results to suggest that patients with schizophrenia are less accurate at estimating brief time periods. These deficits may reflect dysfunction of biopsychological timing processes

    Physical activity patterns in urban neighbourhood parks: Insights from a multiple case study

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    Background: Many characteristics of urban parks and neighbourhoods have been linked to patterns of physical activity, yet untangling these relationships to promote increased levels of physical activity presents methodological challenges. Based on qualitative and quantitative data, this article describes patterns of activity within urban parks and the socio-demographic characteristics of park visitors. It also accounts for these patterns in relation to the attributes of parks and their surrounding neighbourhoods.Methods. A multiple case study was undertaken that incorporated quantitative and qualitative data derived from first-hand observation in a purposive sample of four urban parks. Quantitative data, based on direct observation of visitors' patterns of use and socio-demographic characteristics, were collected using a structured instrument. Differences in frequencies of observed activities and socio-demographic characteristics of visitors were compared between the four parks. Qualitative data, based on direct observation of park characteristics and patterns of use, were generated through digital photography and analyzed through captioning. Quantitative data on patterns in activity and socio-demographic characteristics were synthesized with the qualitative data on park and usage characteristics.Results: A comprehensive portrait of each park in the study was generated. Activity types (sedentary, walking, dog-related, cycling, and play), patterns of park use (time of day, day of week), and socio-demographic characteristics (age group, social group) differed between the four parks. Patterns in park use and activity appeared to be associated with socio-demographic characteristics of the surrounding neighbourhoods as well as the physical and social environmental characteristics specific to each park.Conclusions: Both park and neighbourhood characteristics influence patterns of use and physical activity within parks. The study findings suggest that socio-demographic characteristics of neighbourhoods surrounding parks need be considered in planning, development and management. Engaging local communities could help planners to develop and update urban parks in ways that reflect the needs and characteristics of community residents and, in turn, encourage visits and more physical activity amongst visitors

    The practices of apartheid as a war crime: a critical analysis

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    The human suffering caused by the political ideology of apartheid in South Africa during the Apartheid era (1948-1994) prompted worldwide condemnation and a variety of diplomatic and legal responses. Amongst these responses was the attempt to have apartheid recognised both as a crime against humanity in the 1973 Apartheid Convention as well as a war crime in Article 85(4)(c) of Additional Protocol I. This article examines the origins, nature and current status of the practices of apartheid as a war crime and its possible application to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Dietary patterns across the life course, mammographic density and implications for breast cancer: results from a British prospective cohort

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    Background : Previous epidemiological studies have investigated the relationship between individual nutrients such as vitamin D and vitamin B12 and mammographic density, a strong marker of breast cancer risk [1], with varied results. There has been limited research on overall dietary patterns and most studies have focused on adult dietary patterns [2]. We examine prospective data to determine whether dietary patterns from childhood to adult life affect mammographic density.Methods : The Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development is a national representative sample of 2,815 men and 2,547 women followed since their birth in March 1946 [3]. A wealth of medical and social data has been collected in over 25 follow-ups by home visits, medical examinations and postal questionnaires. Dietary intakes at age 4 years were determined by 24-hour recalls and in adulthood (ages 36, 43 years) by 5-day food records. Copies of the mammograms (two views for each breast) taken when the women were closest to age 50 years were obtained from the relevant NHS centres. A total of 1,319 women were followed up since birth in 1946 for whom a mammogram at age 50 years was retrieved, and the percentage mammographic density was measured using the computer-assisted threshold method for all 1,161 women. Breast cancer incidence for the whole cohort is being ascertained through the National Health Service Central Register.Statistical analysis : Reduced rank regression analysis, a relatively new approach to dietary pattern analysis, is being used to identify dietary patterns associated with mammographic density [4]. This approach identifies patterns in food intake that are predictive of an intermediate outcome of the disease process, such as mammographic density, and subsequently examines the relationship between the identified dietary patterns and breast cancer risk.Results : Preliminary analyses so far suggest that variations in dietary patterns in adulthood might explain more than 10% of the variation in percentage mammographic density at age 50 years (age 36 years: 13%; age 43 years: 14%), with variations in patterns in childhood explaining slightly less. Further work is being carried out on the characteristics of these dietary patterns and their effects on percentage mammographic density and its two components (that is, absolute areas of dense and nondense tissues) and on breast cancer risk, after adjusting for socioeconomic status, anthropometric variables and reproductive factors.Conclusion : The present study will provide for the first time information on the relationship between dietary patterns across the life course and mammographic density, and will help to clarify the pathways through which diet may affect breast cancer risk.<br /

    Mach's principle: Exact frame-dragging via gravitomagnetism in perturbed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes with K=(±1,0)K = (\pm 1, 0)

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    We show that the dragging of the axis directions of local inertial frames by a weighted average of the energy currents in the universe is exact for all linear perturbations of any Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe with K = (+1, -1, 0) and of Einstein's static closed universe. This includes FRW universes which are arbitrarily close to the Milne Universe, which is empty, and to the de Sitter universe. Hence the postulate formulated by E. Mach about the physical cause for the time-evolution of the axis directions of inertial frames is shown to hold in cosmological General Relativity for linear perturbations. The time-evolution of axis directions of local inertial frames (relative to given local fiducial axes) is given experimentally by the precession angular velocity of gyroscopes, which in turn is given by the operational definition of the gravitomagnetic field. The gravitomagnetic field is caused by cosmological energy currents via the momentum constraint. This equation for cosmological gravitomagnetism is analogous to Ampere's law, but it holds also for time-dependent situtations. In the solution for an open universe the 1/r^2-force of Ampere is replaced by a Yukawa force which is of identical form for FRW backgrounds with K=(1,0).K = (-1, 0). The scale of the exponential cutoff is the H-dot radius, where H is the Hubble rate, and dot is the derivative with respect to cosmic time. Analogous results hold for energy currents in a closed FRW universe, K = +1, and in Einstein's closed static universe.Comment: 23 pages, no figures. Final published version. Additional material in Secs. I.A, I.J, III, V.H. Additional reference