18 research outputs found

    Living Authentically in a World of Injustice (Part 3 of 3, Original Title Unavailable)

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    1993/01/22. Shares about the pain, poverty, and injustice in today\u27s world; challenges Christians to be honest and authentic in their walk with God. Missionary, Youth With a Mission international ministries

    Being a Good, Loving Neighbor for Christ (Part 2 of 3, Original Title Unavailable)

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    1993/01/21. Shares the importance of living Christ\u27s love over dry conceptual understanding as embodied in the story of the Good Samaritan as essential for the Christian life and witness. Missionary, Youth With a Mission international ministries

    What is God\u27s mission?

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    ...So the question this morning for us, I believe, is not whether God\u27s mission to this planet is for the church but whether the church is for God\u27s mission. You see, it\u27s not so much about missions. I don\u27t like to talk about missions anymore because people have weird ideas about missions and most of us think that mission belongs to a fanatical few. So let me speak to you this morning about God\u27s mission. Not missions for us, but what is God\u27s mission? I thought our speaker yesterday morning in the chapel service captured it beautifully. God is on a mission

    Matthew 4:18-

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    Loving the World to Christ (Part 1 of 3, Original Title Unavailable)

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    1993/01/20. Talks about what God is doing in the Middle East and the need to love, pray for, and witness to Muslims. Missionary, Youth With a Mission international ministries


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    ...She said, you have a problem. I want to tell you what she said, because it marks my life was one of those moments when the Spirit of God did something in me that changed me. Here\u27s what she said. She said, you have a problem. Your problem is you\u27re more impressed with sin than you are with God. I had allowed my heart to become pressed with wickedness and perversion and evil to a place where it dominated my spirit more than the beauty and the kindness and the purity and the greatness of our God


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    Now, the most amazing thing is that God has chosen to put his glory in the church before he puts it in the earth. Jesus said to his disciples, let me just tell you I\u27m going to tell you three things about God\u27s glory. Very simple. What it is, where it is, and why it is what it is. If I can go back and just summarize it\u27s, his character, his glory is the essence of who he is. That\u27s what I discovered. It\u27s many things in the Bible. The Bible says that his glory has to do with his name. His glory has to do with his mighty acts. It has to do with his creation. But the core of it above all things, his glory is who he is, that\u27s the glory of a person is their character. And God\u27s character is goodness and kindness and compassion and purity. Amen. That\u27s who he is. Jesus said to his disciples, the glory that the Father has given to me, I have given to you

    Missionary\u27s job

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    ...I want to say this in the right way, but I hate religion. I love Jesus, but I believe the greatest enemy of people coming home is religion. And it is so easy to get religious

    Attitude as a cross cultural missionary

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    Great commission

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    ...One of the reasons why there are still unreached people groups in the world is because Christians are not willing to pay the price to reach them. It is not my view that they\u27re unreached because it\u27s God\u27s will that they\u27re unreached. It\u27s my view that they\u27re unreached because nobody has been willing to go to them and preach the gospel to them. Paul said in Romans chapter 10, how shall they hear without a preacher? Amen. S