15 research outputs found

    On Bayesian analysis and computation for functions with monotonicity and curvature restrictions

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    Our goal is inference for shape-restricted functions. Our functional form consists of finite linear combinations of basis functions. Prior elicitation is difficult due to the irregular shape of the parameter space. We show how to elicit priors that are flexible, theoretically consistent, and proper. We demonstrate that uniform priors over coefficients imply priors over economically relevant quantities that are quite informative and give an example of a non-uniform prior that addresses this issue. We introduce simulation methods that meet challenges posed by the shape of the parameter space. We analyze data from a consumer demand experiment. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Random Consumer Demand

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    Prior distributions for random choice structures

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    We study various axioms of discrete probabilistic choice, measuring how restrictive they are, both alone and in the presence of other axioms, given a specific class of prior distributions over a complete collection of finite choice probabilities. We do this by using Monte Carlo simulation to compute, for a range of prior distributions, probabilities that various simple and compound axioms hold. For example, the probability of the triangle inequality is usually many orders of magnitude higher than the probability of random utility. While neither the triangle inequality nor weak stochastic transitivity imply the other, the conditional probability that one holds given the other holds is greater than the marginal probability, for all priors in the class we consider. The reciprocal of the prior probability that an axiom holds is an upper bound on the Bayes factor in favor of a restricted model, in which the axiom holds, against an unrestricted model. The relatively high prior probability of the triangle inequality limits the degree of support that data from a single decision maker can provide in its favor. The much lower probability of random utility implies that the Bayes factor in favor of it can be much higher, for suitable data. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Bayesian inference on time-varying proportions

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    Time-varying proportions arise frequently in economics. Market shares show the relative importance of firms in a market. Labor economists divide populations into different labor market segments. Expenditure shares describe how consumers and firms allocate total expenditure to various categories. We introduce a state space model where unobserved states are Gaussian and observations are conditionally Dirichlet. Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques allow inference for unknown parameters and states. We draw states as a block using a multivariate Gaussian proposal distribution based on a quadratic approximation of the log conditional density of states given parameters and data. Repeated draws from the proposal distribution are particularly efficient. We illustrate using automobile production data

    Analysis of Exchange Rates via Multivariate Bayesian Factor Stochastic Volatility Models

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    Contraction consistent stochastic choice correspondence

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    Stochastic choice correspondence, Contraction consistency, Regularity, Chernoff’s condition, Weak axiom of revealed preference, Weak axiom of stochastic revealed preference, Complete domain, Incomplete domain, D11, D71,