93 research outputs found

    Results of the Simulation and Assimilation of Doppler Wind Lidar Observations in Preparation for European Space Agency's Aeolus Mission

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    With the launch of the European Space Agency's Aeolus Mission in 2013, direct spaceborne measurements of vertical wind profiles are imminent via Doppler wind lidar technology. Part of the preparedness for such missions is the development of the proper data assimilation methodology for handling such observations. Since no heritage measurements exist in space, the Joint Observing System Simulation Experiment (Joint OSSE) framework has been utilized to generate a realistic proxy dataset as a precursor to flight. These data are being used for the development of the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) data assimilation system utilized at a number of centers through the United States including the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA/NWS/NCEP) as an activity through the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation. An update of this ongoing effort will be presented, including the methodology of proxy data generation, the limitations of the proxy data, the handling of line-of-sight wind measurements within the GSI, and the impact on both analyses and forecasts with the addition of the new data type

    Effective Use Of Scatterometer Winds In Current and Future GMAO Reanalysis

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    Scatterometer-derived near-surface ocean vector wind retrievals provide global measurements complementary to the sparse conventional observing system which primarily consists of ships and buoys over water surfaces. The RapidScat instrument was flown on the International Space Station as a quick and low cost replacement of QuikScat and as a continuation of the NASA scatterometry data record. A unique characteristic of RapidScat was that it flew in a non-sun synchronous orbit at an inclination of 51.6 degrees. This orbit allowed for the collocation of measurements with other scatterometers as well as an ability to sample diurnal signals. In the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis, the scatterometry record began with the ESA European Remote Sensing (ERS) scatterometer on 5 Aug 1991 and continued through today with the EUMETSAT Metop Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT). RapidScat, however, was not used in the MERRA-2 system as development had been completed prior to the beginning of its data record. In this presentation, the RapidScat ocean vector winds will be compared to MERRA-2, both in terms of the analysis fields and in the context of its global observing system, to assess the viability of using the data in future reanalysis systems developed by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

    CRTM Support to GMAO: Validation and Coefficient Generation

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    Radiative transfer (RT) models play a very critical role in assimilating satellite radiances into NWP models. Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) developed by Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation is widely used in the U.S. as the forward operator for the assimilation of microwave and infrared satellite radiances. This work shows an snapshot of the GMAO radiative transfer modeling activities to advance the assimilation of satellite radiances as well as to facilitate the GMAO activities on Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE)


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    According to conventional wisdom, low prices favor skip-row planting patterns while high prices favor solid planted cotton. Production costs have been trending upward for many years. Current high production costs have redefined the point at which a low price becomes a high price relative to skip-row versus solid planting pattern decisions. Growers considering a shift from solid to skip-row cotton must be able to produce high yields, more than 90% of the solid yield on a land acre basis.cotton, no-till yields, returns, Production Economics,

    Investigating the Utility of Hyperspectral Sounders in the 9.6 m Band to Improve Ozone Analyses

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    Currently, hyperspectral sounder brightness temperatures assimilated in the Goddard Earth Observing System - Atmospheric Data Assimilation System (GEOS-ADAS) are limited to assimilating temperature and moisture. The ozone sensitive 9.6 micron region is sensed by several hyperspectral sounders including AIRS (Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder), IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer), and CrIS (Cross-track Infrared Sounder). Direct assimilation of brightness temperatures in the 9.6 micron region have been used previously to improve ozone analyses. This has recently been achieved by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) (Dragani and McNally, 2013; Eresmaa et al., 2017), and while every system presents its challenges, it should be possible to take advantage of this spectral region using the GEOS-ADAS. For this study, channels were selected from available operational subsets evaluating information content, and minimizing inter-channel correlation. Additionally, information such as channel selections made by other studies, and vertical sensitivities of ozone and temperature were considered in developing the study. The analyses produced show improvements verified against ozonesondes taken from SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes), and WOUDC (World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Center). The addition of ozone channels does degrade forecast skill in the Tropics, on the border of statistical significance. Overall, the addition of these channels in some form could improve ozone analyses in the GEOS-ADAS

    NASA's GMAO Atmospheric Motion Vectors Simulator: Description and Application to the MISTiC Winds Concept

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    An atmospheric wind vectors (AMVs) simulator was developed by NASA's GMAO to simulate observations from future satellite constellation concepts. The synthetic AMVs can then be used in OSSEs to estimate and quantify the potential added value of new observations to the present Earth observing system and, ultimately, the expected impact on the current weather forecasting skill. The GMAO AMV simulator is a tunable and flexible computer code that is able to simulate AMVs expected to be derived from different instruments and satellite orbit configurations. As a case study and example of the usefulness of this tool, the GMAO AMV simulator was used to simulate AMVs envisioned to be provided by the MISTiC Winds, a NASA mission concept consisting of a constellation of satellites equipped with infrared spectral midwave spectrometers, expected to provide high spatial and temporal resolution temperature and humidity soundings of the troposphere that can be used to derive AMVs from the tracking of clouds and water vapor features. The GMAO AMV simulator identifies trackable clouds and water vapor features in the G5NR and employs a probabilistic function to draw a subset of the identified trackable features. Before the simulator is applied to the MISTiC Winds concept, the simulator was calibrated to yield realistic observations counts and spatial distributions and validated considering as a proxy instrument to the MISTiC Winds the Himawari-8 Advanced Imager (AHI). The simulated AHI AMVs showed a close match with the real AHI AMVs in terms of observation counts and spatial distributions, showing that the GMAO AMVs simulator synthesizes AMVs observations with enough quality and realism to produce a response from the DAS equivalent to the one produced with real observations. When applied to the MISTiC Winds scanning points, it can be expected that the MISTiC Winds will be able to collect approximately 60,000 wind observations every 6 hours, if considering a constellation composed of 12 satellites (4 orbital planes). In addition, one of the main expected impacts of the MISTiC Winds concept is the ability to derive water vapor feature tracking AMVs below 500-400 hPa, an unique feature among the water vapor AMVs derived from the current Earth observing system

    NASA's GMAO Atmospheric Motion Vectors Simulator: Description and Application to the MISTiC Winds Concept

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    An atmospheric wind vectors (AMVs) simulator was developed by NASA's GMAO to simulate observations from future satellite constellation concepts. The synthetic AMVs can then be used in OSSEs to estimate and quantify the potential added value of new observations to the present Earth observing system and, ultimately, the expected impact on the current weather forecasting skill. The GMAO AMV simulator is a tunable and flexible computer code that is able to simulate AMVs expected to be derived from different instruments and satellite orbit configurations. As a case study and example of the usefulness of this tool, the GMAO AMV simulator was used to simulate AMVs envisioned to be provided by the MISTiC Winds, a NASA mission concept consisting of a constellation of satellites equipped with infrared spectral midwave spectrometers, expected to provide high spatial and temporal resolution temperature and humidity soundings of the troposphere that can be used to derive AMVs from the tracking of clouds and water vapor features. The GMAO AMV simulator identifies trackable clouds and water vapor features in the G5NR and employs a probabilistic function to draw a subset of the identified trackable features. Before the simulator is applied to the MISTiC Winds concept, the simulator was calibrated to yield realistic observations counts and spatial distributions and validated considering as a proxy instrument to the MISTiC Winds the Himawari-8 Advanced Imager (AHI). The simulated AHI AMVs showed a close match with the real AHI AMVs in terms of observation counts and spatial distributions, showing that the GMAO AMVs simulator synthesizes AMVs observations with enough quality and realism to produce a response from the DAS equivalent to the one produced with real observations. When applied to the MISTiC Winds scanning points, it can be expected that the MISTiC Winds will be able to collect approximately 60,000 wind observations every 6 hours, if considering a constellation composed of 12 satellites (4 orbital planes). In addition, one of the main expected impacts of the MISTiC Winds concept is the ability to derive water vapor feature tracking AMVs below 500-400 hPa, an unique feature among the water vapor AMVs derived from the current Earth observing system

    The Simulation and Assimilation of Doppler Wind Lidar Observations in Support of Future Instruments

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    With the launch of the European Space Agency's Atmospheric Dynamics Mission (ADM-Aeolus) in 2011 and the call for the 3D-Winds mission in National Research Council's decadal survey, direct spaceborne measurements of vertical wind profiles are imminent via Doppler wind lidar technology. Part of the preparedness for such missions is the development of the proper data assimilation methodology for handling such observations. Since no heritage measurements exist in space, the Joint Observing System Simulation Experiment (Joint OSSE) framework is being utilized to generate a realistic proxy dataset as a precursor to flight. These data are being used for the development of the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) data assimilation system utilized at a number of centers through the United States including the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA/NWS/NCEP). This effort will be presented, including the methodology of proxy data generation, the handling of line-of-sight wind measurements within the GSI, and the impact on both analyses and forecasts with the addition of the new data type

    An Adjoint-Based Forecast Impact from Assimilating MISR Winds into the GEOS-5 Data Assimilation and Forecasting System

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    This study examines the benefit of assimilating cloud motion vector (CMV) wind observations obtained from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) within a Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA2) configuration of the Goddard Earth Observing System-5 (GEOS-5) model Data Assimilation System (DAS). Available in near real time (NRT) and with a record dating back to 1999, MISR CMVs boast pole-to-pole coverage and geometric height assignment that is complementary to the suite of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) included in the MERRA2 standard. Experiments spanning September-October-November of 2014 and March-April-May of 2015 estimated relative MISR CMV impact on the 24-hour forecast error reduction with an adjoint based forecast sensitivity method. MISR CMV were more consistently beneficial and provided twice as large a mean forecast benefit when larger uncertainties were assigned to the less accurate component of the CMV oriented along the MISR satellite ground track, as opposed to when equal uncertainties were assigned to the eastward and northward components as in previous studies. Assimilating only the cross-track component provided 60 of the benefit of both components. When optimally assimilated, MISR CMV proved broadly beneficial throughout the Earth, with greatest benefit evident at high latitudes where there is a confluence of more frequent CMV coverage and gaps in coverage from other MERRA2 wind observations. Globally, MISR represented 1.6% of the total forecast benefit, whereas regionally that percentage was as large as 3.7%

    Assimilating GCOM-W1 AMSR2 and TRMM TMI Radiance Data in GEOS Analysis and Reanalysis

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    The Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) observed the Earth in lower latitudes between 1997 - 2015. Its conical-scan radiometer has nine channels and measured microwave radiances between 10 and 89 GHz. These data provide information on atmospheric temperature, humidity, clouds, precipitation, as well as sea surface temperature. Radiance data from other microwave radiometers such as Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) and Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) onboard various Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites are assimilated in clear-sky conditions in the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) and its version 2 (MERRA-2) data sets at the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The GMAO's Hybrid 4D-EnVar-based Atmospheric Data Assimilation System (ADAS) is enhanced with an all-sky microwave radiance data assimilation capability in the real-time GEOS-Forward Processing (FP) system. Currently, the FP system assimilates Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) microwave imager (GMI) radiance data utilizing this all-sky capability, and is being extended to use more all-sky data from other microwave radiometers. In this presentation, we will focus on impacts of all-sky TMI radiance data on GEOS analyses of atmospheric moisture, precipitation and other fields, and discuss their applications for future GEOS reanalyses
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