60 research outputs found

    Use of high-content imaging to quantify transduction of AAV-PHP viruses in the brain following systemic delivery

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    The engineering of the AAV-PHP capsids was an important development for CNS research and the modulation of gene expression in the brain. They cross the blood brain barrier and transduce brain cells after intravenous systemic delivery, a property dependent on the genotype of Ly6a, the AAV-PHP capsid receptor. It is important to determine the transduction efficiency of a given viral preparation, as well as the comparative tropism for different brain cells; however, manual estimation of adeno-associated viral transduction efficiencies can be biased and time consuming. Therefore, we have used the Opera Phenix high-content screening system, equipped with the Harmony processing and analysis software, to reduce bias and develop an automated approach to determining transduction efficiency in the mouse brain. We used R Studio and ‘gatepoints’ to segment the data captured from coronal brain sections into brain regions of interest. C57BL/6J and CBA/Ca mice were injected with an AAV-PHP.B virus containing a green fluorescent protein reporter with a nuclear localization signal. Coronal sections at 600 μm intervals throughout the entire brain were stained with Hoechst dye, combined with immunofluorescence to NeuN and green fluorescent protein to identify all cell nuclei, neurons and transduced cells, respectively. Automated data analysis was applied to give an estimate of neuronal percentages and transduction efficiencies throughout the entire brain as well as for the cortex, striatum and hippocampus. The data from each coronal section from a given mouse were highly comparable. The percentage of neurons in the C57BL/6J and CBA/Ca brains was approximately 40% and this was higher in the cortex than striatum and hippocampus. The systemic injection of AAV-PHP.B resulted in similar transduction rates across the entire brain for C57BL/6J mice. Approximately 10–15% of all cells were transduced, with neuronal transduction efficiencies ranging from 5% to 15%, estimates that were similar across brain regions, and were in contrast to the much more localized transduction efficiencies achieved through intracerebral injection. We confirmed that the delivery of the AAV-PHP.B viruses to the brain from the vasculature resulted in widespread transduction. Our methodology allows the rapid comparison of transduction rates between brain regions producing comparable data to more time-consuming approaches. The methodology developed here can be applied to the automated quantification of any parameter of interest that can be captured as a fluorescent signal

    Circulating endothelial cell-derived extracellular vesicles mediate the acute phase response and sickness behaviour associated with CNS inflammation.

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    Brain injury elicits a systemic acute-phase response (APR), which is responsible for co-ordinating the peripheral immunological response to injury. To date, the mechanisms responsible for signalling the presence of injury or disease to selectively activate responses in distant organs were unclear. Circulating endogenous extracellular vesicles (EVs) are increased after brain injury and have the potential to carry targeted injury signals around the body. Here, we examined the potential of EVs, isolated from rats after focal inflammatory brain lesions using IL-1β, to activate a systemic APR in recipient naïve rats, as well as the behavioural consequences of EV transfer. Focal brain lesions increased EV release, and, following isolation and transfer, the EVs were sequestered by the liver where they initiated an APR. Transfer of blood-borne EVs from brain-injured animals was also enough to suppress exploratory behaviours in recipient naïve animals. EVs derived from brain endothelial cell cultures treated with IL-1β also activated an APR and altered behaviour in recipient animals. These experiments reveal that inflammation-induced circulating EVs derived from endothelial cells are able to initiate the APR to brain injury and are sufficient to generate the associated sickness behaviours, and are the first demonstration that EVs are capable of modifying behavioural responses

    Development of novel bioassays to detect soluble and aggregated Huntingtin proteins on three technology platforms

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    Huntington’s disease is caused by a CAG / polyglutamine repeat expansion. Mutated CAG repeats undergo somatic instability, resulting in tracts of several hundred CAGs in the brain; and genetic modifiers of Huntington’s disease have indicated that somatic instability is a major driver of age of onset and disease progression. As the CAG repeat expands, the likelihood that exon 1 does not splice to exon 2 increases, resulting in two transcripts that encode full-length huntingtin protein, as well as the highly pathogenic and aggregation-prone exon 1 huntingtin protein. Strategies that target the huntingtin gene or transcripts are a major focus of therapeutic development. It is essential that the levels of all isoforms of huntingtin protein can be tracked, to better understand the molecular pathogenesis, and to assess the impact of huntingtin protein-lowering approaches in preclinical studies and clinical trials. Huntingtin protein bioassays for soluble and aggregated forms of huntingtin protein are in widespread use on the homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence and Meso Scale Discovery platforms, but these do not distinguish between exon 1 huntingtin protein and full-length huntingtin protein. In addition, they are frequently used to quantify huntingtin protein levels in the context of highly expanded polyglutamine tracts, for which appropriate protein standards do not currently exist. Here, we set out to develop novel huntingtin protein bioassays to ensure that all soluble huntingtin protein isoforms could be distinguished. We utilized the zQ175 Huntington’s disease mouse model that has ∼190 CAGs, a CAG repeat size for which protein standards are not available. Initially, 30 combinations of six antibodies were tested on three technology platforms: homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence, amplified luminescent proximity homogeneous assay and Meso Scale Discovery, and a triage strategy was employed to select the best assays. We found that, without a polyglutamine-length-matched standard, the vast majority of soluble mutant huntingtin protein assays cannot be used for quantitative purposes, as the highly expanded polyglutamine tract decreased assay performance. The combination of our novel assays, with those already in existence, provides a tool-kit to track: total soluble mutant huntingtin protein, soluble exon 1 huntingtin protein, soluble mutant huntingtin protein (excluding the exon 1 huntingtin protein) and total soluble full-length huntingtin protein (mutant and wild type). Several novel aggregation assays were also developed that track with disease progression. These selected assays can be used to compare the levels of huntingtin protein isoforms in a wide variety of mouse models of Huntington’s disease and to determine how these change in response to genetic or therapeutic manipulations

    Activated Platelets in Carotid Artery Thrombosis in Mice Can Be Selectively Targeted with a Radiolabeled Single-Chain Antibody

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    BACKGROUND: Activated platelets can be found on the surface of inflamed, rupture-prone and ruptured plaques as well as in intravascular thrombosis. They are key players in thrombosis and atherosclerosis. In this study we describe the construction of a radiolabeled single-chain antibody targeting the LIBS-epitope of activated platelets to selectively depict platelet activation and wall-adherent non-occlusive thrombosis in a mouse model with nuclear imaging using in vitro and ex vivo autoradiography as well as small animal SPECT-CT for in vivo analysis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: LIBS as well as an unspecific control single-chain antibody were labeled with (111)Indium ((111)In) via bifunctional DTPA ( = (111)In-LIBS/(111)In-control). Autoradiography after incubation with (111)In-LIBS on activated platelets in vitro (mean 3866 ± 28 DLU/mm(2), 4010 ± 630 DLU/mm(2) and 4520 ± 293 DLU/mm(2)) produced a significantly higher ligand uptake compared to (111)In-control (2101 ± 76 DLU/mm(2), 1181 ± 96 DLU/mm(2) and 1866 ± 246 DLU/mm(2)) indicating a specific binding to activated platelets; P<0.05. Applying these findings to an ex vivo mouse model of carotid artery thrombosis revealed a significant increase in ligand uptake after injection of (111)In-LIBS in the presence of small thrombi compared to the non-injured side, as confirmed by histology (49630 ± 10650 DLU/mm(2) vs. 17390 ± 7470 DLU/mm(2); P<0.05). These findings could also be reproduced in vivo. SPECT-CT analysis of the injured carotid artery with (111)In-LIBS resulted in a significant increase of the target-to-background ratio compared to (111)In-control (1.99 ± 0.36 vs. 1.1 ± 0.24; P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Nuclear imaging with (111)In-LIBS allows the detection of platelet activation in vitro and ex vivo with high sensitivity. Using SPECT-CT, wall-adherent activated platelets in carotid arteries could be depicted in vivo. These results encourage further studies elucidating the role of activated platelets in plaque pathology and atherosclerosis and might be of interest for further developments towards clinical application

    Identifying Low pH Active and Lactate-Utilizing Taxa within Oral Microbiome Communities from Healthy Children Using Stable Isotope Probing Techniques

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Many human microbial infectious diseases including dental caries are polymicrobial in nature. How these complex multi-species communities evolve from a healthy to a diseased state is not well understood. Although many health- or disease-associated oral bacteria have been characterized <em>in vitro</em>, their physiology within the complex oral microbiome is difficult to determine with current approaches. In addition, about half of these species remain uncultivated to date with little known besides their 16S rRNA sequence. Lacking culture-based physiological analyses, the functional roles of uncultivated species will remain enigmatic despite their apparent disease correlation. To start addressing these knowledge gaps, we applied a combination of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) with RNA and DNA based Stable Isotope Probing (SIP) to oral plaque communities from healthy children for <em>in vitro</em> temporal monitoring of metabolites and identification of metabolically active and inactive bacterial species.</p> <h3>Methodology/Principal Findings</h3><p>Supragingival plaque samples from caries-free children incubated with <sup>13</sup>C-substrates under imposed healthy (buffered, pH 7) and diseased states (pH 5.5 and pH 4.5) produced lactate as the dominant organic acid from glucose metabolism. Rapid lactate utilization upon glucose depletion was observed under pH 7 conditions. SIP analyses revealed a number of genera containing cultured and uncultivated taxa with metabolic capabilities at pH 5.5. The diversity of active species decreased significantly at pH 4.5 and was dominated by <em>Lactobacillus</em> and <em>Propionibacterium</em> species, both of which have been previously found within carious lesions from children.</p> <h3>Conclusions/Significance</h3><p>Our approach allowed for identification of species that metabolize carbohydrates under different pH conditions and supports the importance of Lactobacilli and Propionibacterium in the development of childhood caries. Identification of species within healthy subjects that are active at low pH can lead to a better understanding of oral caries onset and generate appropriate targets for preventative measures in the early stages.</p> </div

    The 100 most cited articles investigating the radiological staging of oesophageal and junctional cancer: a bibliometric analysis

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    Objectives Accurate staging of oesophageal cancer (OC) is vital. Bibliometric analysis highlights key topics and publications that have shaped understanding of a subject. The 100 most cited articles investigating radiological staging of OC are identified. Methods The Thomas Reuters Web of Science database with search terms including “CT, PET, EUS, oesophageal and gastro-oesophageal junction cancer” was used to identify all English language, full-script articles. The 100 most cited articles were further analysed by topic, journal, author, year and institution. Results A total of 5,500 eligible papers were returned. The most cited paper was Flamen et al. (n = 306), investigating the utility of positron emission tomography (PET) for the staging of patients with potentially operable OC. The most common research topic was accuracy of staging investigations (n = 63). The article with the highest citation rate (38.00), defined as the number of citations divided by the number of complete years published, was Tixier et al. investigating PET texture analysis to predict treatment response to neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy, cited 114 times since publication in 2011. Conclusion This bibliometric analysis has identified key publications regarded as important in radiological OC staging. Articles with the highest citation rates all investigated PET imaging, suggesting this modality could be the focus of future research

    Critical science plan for the Daniel K. Inouye solar telescope (DKIST)

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    The National Science Foundation’s Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) will revolutionize our ability to measure, understand, and model the basic physical processes that control the structure and dynamics of the Sun and its atmosphere. The first-light DKIST images, released publicly on 29 January 2020, only hint at the extraordinary capabilities that will accompany full commissioning of the five facility instruments. With this Critical Science Plan (CSP) we attempt to anticipate some of what those capabilities will enable, providing a snapshot of some of the scientific pursuits that the DKIST hopes to engage as start-of-operations nears. The work builds on the combined contributions of the DKIST Science Working Group (SWG) and CSP Community members, who generously shared their experiences, plans, knowledge, and dreams. Discussion is primarily focused on those issues to which DKIST will uniquely contribute