13 research outputs found

    Home-Based Rehabilitation: Enabling Frequent and Effective Training

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    Rehabilitation studies have recently demonstrated that the amount of time spent training is one of the most important factors in one’s ability to regain motor control. The methods employed need to be effective, but individuals need to spend significant amounts of time retraining. One of the most effective ways to enable more training time is for rehabilitation to occur in one’s home so individuals have adequate access to it and there is no cost associated with traveling to the clinic. There are several challenges that need to be overcome to make home rehabilitation more common; for example adapting the methods from the clinical setting to the home setting, ensuring safety, and providing motivation. This chapter outlines existing technologies for upper and lower limb rehabilitation and how they could be adapted for use in one’s home. Although many types of disabilities would benefit from home-based rehabilitation, this discussion will focus on traumatic brain injuries, specifically stroke related. Many of the methods that could be used at home for stroke would also have application for helping in other circumstances


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