860 research outputs found

    An Identity Motivated by an Amazing Identity of Ramanujan

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    Ramanujan stated an identity to the effect that if three sequences {an}\{a_n\}, {bn}\{b_n\} and {cn}\{c_n\} are defined by r1(x)=:βˆ‘n=0∞anxnr_1(x)=:\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}a_nx^n, r2(x)=:βˆ‘n=0∞bnxnr_2(x)=:\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}b_nx^n and r3(x)=:βˆ‘n=0∞cnxnr_3(x)=:\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}c_nx^n (here each ri(x)r_i(x) is a certain rational function in xx), then an3+bn3βˆ’cn3=(βˆ’1)n,βˆ€β€‰nβ‰₯0. a_n^3+b_n^3-c_n^3=(-1)^n, \hspace{25pt} \forall \,n \geq 0. Motivated by this amazing identity, we state and prove a more general identity involving eleven sequences, the new identity being "more general" in the sense that equality holds not just for the power 3 (as in Ramanujan's identity), but for each power jj, 1≀j≀51\leq j \leq 5.Comment: 5 page

    Combinatorial Identities Deriving From The NN-th Power Of A 2\Times 2 Matrix

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    In this paper we give a new formula for the nn-th power of a 2Γ—22\times2 matrix. More precisely, we prove the following: Let A=(abcd)A= \left ( \begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix} \right ) be an arbitrary 2Γ—22\times2 matrix, T=a+dT=a+d its trace, D=adβˆ’bcD= ad-bc its determinant and define yn: =βˆ‘i=0⌊n/2βŒ‹(nβˆ’ii)Tnβˆ’2i(βˆ’D)i. y_{n} :\,= \sum_{i=0}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}\binom{n-i}{i}T^{n-2 i}(-D)^{i}. Then, for nβ‰₯1n \geq 1, \begin{equation*} A^{n}=\left ( \begin{matrix} y_{n}-d \,y_{n-1} & b \,y_{n-1} \\ c\, y_{n-1}& y_{n}-a\, y_{n-1} \end{matrix} \right ). \end{equation*} We use this formula together with an existing formula for the nn-th power of a matrix, various matrix identities, formulae for the nn-th power of particular matrices, etc, to derive various combinatorial identities.Comment: 13 page

    Small Prime Powers in the Fibonacci Sequence

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    It is shown that there are no non-trivial fifth-, seventh-, eleventh-, thirteenth- or seventeenth powers in the Fibonacci sequence. For eleventh, thirteenth- and seventeenth powers an alternative (to the usual exhaustive check of products of powers of fundamental units) method is used to overcome the problem of having a large number of independent units and relatively high bounds on their exponents. It is envisaged that the same method can be used to decide the question of the existence of higher small prime powers in the Fibonacci sequence and that the method can be applied to other binary recurrence sequences. The alternative method mentioned may have wider applications.Comment: 22 pages. In the previous version of this paper my use of the GP/PARI command "bnfinit" meant that further work was necessary to show that the systems of units produced were indeed fundamental systems. The necessary further work has been included here (see page 10 of the paper for a more detailed explanation

    General Multi-sum Transformations and Some Implications

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    We give two general transformations that allows certain quite general basic hypergeometric multi-sums of arbitrary depth (sums that involve an arbitrary sequence {g(k)}\{g(k)\}), to be reduced to an infinite qq-product times a single basic hypergeometric sum. Various applications are given, including summation formulae for some qq orthogonal polynomials, and various multi-sums that are expressible as infinite products.Comment: 20 page

    Refinements of Some Partition Inequalities

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    In the present paper we initiate the study of a certain kind of partition inequality, by showing, for example, that if Mβ‰₯5M\geq 5 is an integer and the integers aa and bb are relatively prime to MM and satisfy 1≀a<b<M/21\leq a<b<M/2, and the c(m,n)c(m,n) are defined by 1(sqa,sqMβˆ’a;qM)βˆžβˆ’1(sqb,sqMβˆ’b;qM)∞:=βˆ‘m,nβ‰₯0c(m,n)smqn, \frac{1}{(sq^a,sq^{M-a};q^M)_{\infty}}-\frac{1}{(sq^b,sq^{M-b};q^M)_{\infty}}:=\sum_{m,n\geq 0} c(m,n)s^m q^n, then c(m,Mn)β‰₯0c(m, Mn)\geq 0 for all integers mβ‰₯0,nβ‰₯0m\geq 0, n\geq 0. %If, in addition, MM is even, then c(m,Mn+M/2)β‰₯0c(m, Mn+M/2)\geq 0 for all integers mβ‰₯0,nβ‰₯0m\geq 0, n\geq 0. A similar result is proved for the integers d(m,n)d(m,n) defined by (βˆ’sqa,βˆ’sqMβˆ’a;qM)βˆžβˆ’(βˆ’sqb,βˆ’sqMβˆ’b;qM)∞:=βˆ‘m,nβ‰₯0d(m,n)smqn. (-sq^a,-sq^{M-a};q^M)_{\infty}-(-sq^b,-sq^{M-b};q^M)_{\infty}:=\sum_{m,n\geq 0} d(m,n)s^m q^n. In each case there are obvious interpretations in terms of integer partitions. For example, if p1,5(m,n)p_{1,5}(m,n) (respectively p2,5(m,n)p_{2,5}(m,n)) denotes the number of partitions of nn into exactly mm parts ≑±1(mod  5)\equiv \pm 1 (\mod 5) (respectively ≑±2(mod  5)\equiv \pm 2 (\mod 5)), then for each integer nβ‰₯1n \geq 1, p1,5(m,5n)β‰₯p2,5(m,5n),   1≀m≀5n. p_{1,5}(m,5n)\geq p_{2,5}(m,5n), \,\,\,1 \leq m \leq 5n. Comment: 11 page

    General WP-Bailey Chains

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    Motivated by a recent paper of Liu and Ma, we describe a number of general WP-Bailey chains. We show that many of the existing WP-Bailey chains (or branches of the WP-Bailey tree), including chains found by Andrews, Warnaar and Liu and Ma, arise as special cases of these general WP-Bailey chains. We exhibit three new branches of the WP-Bailey tree, branches which also follow as special cases of these general WP-Bailey chains. Finally, we describe a number of new transformation formulae for basic hypergeometric series which arise as consequences of these new WP-Bailey chains.Comment: 20 page

    A Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher-type formula for (r,s)(r,s)-regular partitions

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    Let pr,s(n)p_{r,s}(n) denote the number of partitions of a positive integer nn into parts containing no multiples of rr or ss, where r>1r>1 and s>1s>1 are square-free, relatively prime integers. We use classical methods to derive a Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher-type infinite series for pr,s(n)p_{r,s}(n).Comment: 19 page

    Some Implications of the WP-Bailey Tree

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    We consider a special case of a WP-Bailey chain of George Andrews, and use it to derive a number of curious transformations of basic hypergeometric series. We also derive two new WP-Bailey pairs, and use them to derive some additional new transformations for basic hypergeometric series. Finally, we briefly consider the implications of WP-Bailey pairs\\ (Ξ±n(a,k)(\alpha_n(a,k), Ξ²n(a,k))\beta_n(a,k)), in which Ξ±n(a,k)\alpha_n(a,k) is independent of kk, for generalizations of identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type.Comment: 17 page

    A Theorem on Divergence in the General Sense for Continued Fractions

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    If the odd and even parts of a continued fraction converge to different values, the continued fraction may or may not converge in the general sense. We prove a theorem which settles the question of general convergence for a wide class of such continued fractions. We apply this theorem to two general classes of qq continued fraction to show, that if G(q)G(q) is one of these continued fractions and ∣q∣>1|q|>1, then either G(q)G(q) converges or does not converge in the general sense. We also show that if the odd and even parts of the continued fraction Kn=1∞an/1K_{n=1}^{\infty}a_{n}/1 converge to different values, then lim⁑nβ†’βˆžβˆ£an∣=∞\lim_{n \to \infty}|a_{n}| = \infty.Comment: 11 page

    Some properties of the distribution of the numbers of points on elliptic curves over a finite prime field

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    Let pβ‰₯5p \geq 5 be a prime and for a,b∈Fpa, b \in \mathbb{F}_{p}, let Ea,bE_{a,b} denote the elliptic curve over Fp\mathbb{F}_{p} with equation y2=x3+a x+by^2=x^3+a\,x + b. As usual define the trace of Frobenius ap, a, ba_{p,\,a,\,b} by \begin{equation*} \#E_{a,b}(\mathbb{F}_{p}) = p+1 -a_{p,\,a,\,b}. \end{equation*} We use elementary facts about exponential sums and known results about binary quadratic forms over finite fields to evaluate the sums βˆ‘t∈Fpap, t, b\sum_{t\in\mathbb{F}_{p}} a_{p,\, t,\, b}, βˆ‘t∈Fpap, a, t\sum _{t \in \mathbb{F}_{p}} a_{p,\,a,\, t}, βˆ‘t=0pβˆ’1ap, t, b2 \sum_{t=0}^{p-1}a_{p,\,t,\,b}^{2}, βˆ‘t=0pβˆ’1ap, a, t2 \sum_{t=0}^{p-1}a_{p,\,a,\,t}^{2} and βˆ‘t=0pβˆ’1ap, t, b3 \sum_{t=0}^{p-1}a_{p,\,t,\,b}^{3} for primes pp in various congruence classes. As an example of our results, we prove the following: Let p≑5p \equiv 5 ((mod 6)) be prime and let b∈Fpβˆ—b \in \mathbb{F}_{p}^{*}. Then \begin{equation*} \sum_{t=0}^{p-1}a_{p,\,t,\,b}^{3}= -p\left((p-2)\left(\frac{-2}{p}\right) +2p\right)\left(\frac{b}{p}\right). \end{equation*}Comment: 16 page
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