3 research outputs found

    Лабораторное исследование эффективности предобтурационной подготовки корневого канала с применением метода ФАД

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    Long-term outcomes of endodontic treatment of chronic forms of a top periodontitis using FAD method for medicamentous processing root canals are presented in this article. The article presents the study of efficiency of photoactivated disinfection method concerning three species of microorganisms, resistant to traditional endodontic antiseptic processing. Microbiological research has shown high efficacy of FAD method.В статье представлено исследование эффективности метода фотоактивируемой дезинфекции в отношении трех видов микроорганизмов, резистентных к традиционной эндодонтической антисептической обработке. Микробиологическое исследование показало высокую эффективность метода ФАД

    Реверсивное эндопротезирование плечевого сустава после оскольчатого перелома плечевой кости: клинический случай

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    Background. Fractures of the proximal humerus are common injury, especially among older age group patients. For the treatment of most cases, conservative tactics are required, some require surgery: osteosynthesis, arthroplasty. Proximal humerus fractures with extension to the metadiaphyseal and diaphyseal zones uncommon, and treatment of this type of injuries is complex for trauma surgeons. The aim of the study is to demonstrate successful experience of two-stage treatment of the proximal humerus fracture with extension to the diaphysis middle third in an older age group patient. Case presentation. The clinical case presents successful two-stage treatment of the proximal humerus fracture with extension to the middle third of the diaphysis in an older age group patient. The first stage was performed osteosynthesis of the humerus with the PHILOS Long plate, the second stage reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Conclusion. Consistent performing of osteosynthesis and total reverse shoulder arthroplasty allows to achieve satisfactory treatment results with restoration of the injured limb function and relief of pain syndrome.Актуальность. Переломы проксимального отдела плечевой кости распространенная травма, особенно среди пациентов старшей возрастной группы. Для лечения большинства данных повреждений применяется консервативная тактика, однако некоторым пациентам требуется хирургическое лечение: остеосинтез, эндопротезирование. Переломы проксимального отдела плечевой кости с распространением на метадиафизарную и диафизарную зоны встречаются значительно реже, и их лечение представляет сложную задачу для травматологов. Описание случая. Представлен успешный опыт двухэтапного лечения перелома проксимального отдела плечевой кости с распространением до средней трети диафиза у пациентки старшей возрастной группы. Первым этапом выполнен остеосинтез плечевой кости пластиной PHILOS Long, вторым этапом реверсивное эндопротезирование плечевого сустава. Заключение. Последовательное применение остеосинтеза и тотального реверсивного эндопротезирования плечевого сустава позволяет добиться удовлетворительных результатов лечения с восстановлением функции травмированной конечности и купированием болевого синдрома

    Long-term results of medical treatment for lower extremity stress fractures [Отдаленные результаты консервативного лечения стрессовых переломов костей нижних конечностей]

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    Objective: to assess the long-term results of medical treatment for lower extremity stress fractures. Subjects and methods. Fifty-five patients who had received a medical treatment cycle in the European Clinic of Sports Traumatology and Orthopedics (ECSTO) in the period 2010 to 2016 were followed up. The patients' mean age was 37 (range 15-65) years. Among them, there were 36 (65%) females and 19 (35%) males. The long-term results of treatment were assessed using the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) scale (ADL + sport modules) and the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) scales. Results and discussion. Assessing the degree of stress adjustment according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), on visiting, in accordance with the classification proposed by E.A. Arendt et al., revealed grades 2, 3, and 4 injuries in 10 (18%), 14 (26%), and 16 (29%) patients, respectively. The median time from the moment of visiting before assessment according to the orthopedic scales was 3 years (1 to 7 years). The second and third metatarsals underwent stress adjustment in 25 (47%) patients. The cause of stress adjustment was most often running (38%), less often walking (29%), playing sports (18%), fitness (9%), and other types of physical activity (6%). Assessing the scores for the FAAM ADL and FAAM sport subscales showed that the median was 100 [96; 100]% and 100 [91; 100]%, respectively. Estimating the scores for the LEFS scale revealed excellent, good, and satisfactory results in 48 (87%), 6 (11%), and in 1 (2%) patients, respectively. Conclusion. The most common cause of lower extremity stress fractures is running. These changes respond well to medical treatment, which includes injured limb overuse, physiotherapy, and individual ankle-foot orthosis. © 2020 Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved