1,979 research outputs found
Distribución de los caracoles comestibles en Andalucía
El objetivo del estudio es la evaluación de la diversidad malacológica existente en Andalucía como base del aprovechamiento de un recurso genético de interés económico, evidenciándose en las poblaciones de caracoles comestibles existentes en Andalucía una distribución que atiende al número de especies, su originalidad taxonómica y su distribución geográfica. Se observa para la región una gran diversidad de taxones con elevada singularidad, debido a la existencia de un número importante de endemismos y poblaciones relictas (Otala lactea murcica, Otala punctata, Theba pisana arietina, Theba subdentata helicella, Cepaea nemoralis, Iberus gualtierianus gualtierianus, Iberus gualtierianus alonensis, Iberus gualtierianus guiraoanus, etc.
Tsallis' q index and Mori's q phase transitions at edge of chaos
We uncover the basis for the validity of the Tsallis statistics at the onset
of chaos in logistic maps. The dynamics within the critical attractor is found
to consist of an infinite family of Mori's -phase transitions of rapidly
decreasing strength, each associated to a discontinuity in Feigenbaum's
trajectory scaling function . The value of at each transition
corresponds to the same special value for the entropic index , such that the
resultant sets of -Lyapunov coefficients are equal to the Tsallis rates of
entropy evolution.Comment: Significantly enlarged version, additional figures and references. To
be published in Physical Review
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Scaling and dynamics of turbulence over sparseA canopies
Turbulent flows within and over sparse canopies are investigated using direct
numerical simulations. We focus on the effect of the canopy on the background
turbulence, the part of the flow that remains once the element-induced flow is
filtered out. In channel flows, the distribution of the total stress is linear
with height. Over smooth walls, the total stress is only the `fluid stress'
, the sum of the viscous and the Reynolds shear stresses. In canopies,
in turn, there is an additional contribution from the canopy drag, which can
dominate within. We find that, for sparse canopies, the ratio of the viscous
and the Reynolds shear stresses in at each height is similar to that
over smooth-walls, even within the canopy. From this, a height-dependent
scaling based on is proposed. Using this scaling, the background
turbulence within the canopy shows similarities with turbulence over smooth
walls. This suggests that the background turbulence scales with ,
rather than with the conventional scaling based on the total stress. This
effect is essentially captured when the canopy is substituted by a drag force
that acts on the mean velocity profile alone, aiming to produce the correct
, without the discrete presence of the canopy elements acting directly
on the fluctuations. The proposed mean-only forcing is shown to produce better
estimates for the turbulent fluctuations compared to a conventional,
homogeneous-drag model. The present results thus suggest that a sparse canopy
acts on the background turbulence primarily through the change it induces on
the mean velocity profile, which in turn sets the scale for turbulence, rather
than through a direct interaction of the canopy elements with the fluctuations.
The effect of the element-induced flow, however, requires the representation of
the individual canopy elements.Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust
European Research Counci
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Spectral Analysis of the Slip-Length Model for Turbulence over Textured Superhydrophobic Surfaces.
We assess the applicability of slip-length models to represent textured superhydrophobic surfaces. From the results of direct numerical simulations, and by considering the slip length from a spectral perspective, we discriminate between the apparent boundary conditions experienced by different lengthscales in the overlying turbulent flow. In particular, we focus on the slip lengths experienced by lengthscales relevant to the near wall turbulent dynamics. Our results indicate that the apparent failure of homogeneous slip-length models is not the direct effect of the texture size becoming comparable to the size of eddies in the flow. The texture-induced signal scatters to the entire wavenumber space, affecting the perceived slip length across all lengthscales, even those much larger than the texture. We propose that the failure is caused by the intensity of the texture-induced flow, rather than its wavelength, becoming comparable to the background turbulence
Turbulent flows over dense filament canopies
Turbulent flows over dense canopies of rigid filaments of small size are
investigated for different element heights and spacings using DNS. The flow can
be decomposed into the element-coherent, dispersive flow, the
Kelvin--Helmholtz-like rollers typically reported over dense canopies, and the
background, incoherent turbulence. The canopies studied have spacings --, which essentially preclude the background turbulence from penetrating
within. The dispersive velocity fluctuations are also mainly determined by the
spacing, and are small deep within the canopy, where the footprint of the
Kelvin--Helmholtz-like rollers dominates. Their typical streamwise wavelength
is determined by the mixing length, which is essentially the sum of its height
above and below the canopy tips. For the present dense canopies, the former
remains roughly the same in wall-units, and the latter, which scales with the
drag length, depends linearly on the spacing. This is the result of the drag
being essentially viscous and governed by the planar layout of the canopy. In
shallow canopies, the proximity of the canopy floor inhibits the formation of
Kelvin--Helmholtz-like rollers, with essentially no signature for
height-to-spacing ratios , and no further inhibition beyond . Very small spacings also inhibit the rollers, due to their
obstruction by the canopy elements. The obstruction decreases with increasing
spacing and the signature of the instability intensifies, even if for canopies
sparser than those studied here the instability eventually breaks down. Simple
models based on linear stability can capture some of the above effects.Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust
EPSRC Tier-2 grant EP/P020259/
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PPAR gamma pro12Ala polymorphism and type 2 diabetes: a study in a spanish cohort
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a disease whose occurrence is increasing prevalent in westernized civilizations and is responsible for the proliferation in the morbidity and total mortality of patients with cardiovascular diseases, worldwide. However, the complexity in the treatment and prevention of T2D arises from the intricacy of the many physical and biological factors involved in its etiology. Impaired pathways for insulin signaling have been implicated as one the many factors in the development of T2D Individual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) have previously exhibited associations with alterations of lipid profiles, fat tissue and T2D and displayed complications derived from high levels of glucose. However, PPARgamma has not yet been associated with the development or developmental pathways of T2D. We performed an observational study a Spanish cohort in order to better understand the association between the SNP PPARgamma polymorphism Pro12Ala in our patients and the incidence of T2D and other cardiovascular complications. We study did not find a statistically significant relationship between the Pro12Ala and T2D development in our cohort, future observations will help us to know the association with vascular disease in patients with T2D
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Analysis of anisotropically permeable surfaces for turbulent drag reduction
The present work proposes the use of anisotropically permeable substrates as a means to reduce
turbulent skin friction. We conduct an a priori analysis to assess the potential of these surfaces,
based on the effect of small-scale surface manipulations on near-wall turbulence. The analysis, valid
for small permeability, predicts a monotonic decrease in friction as the streamwise permeability
increases. Empirical results suggest that the drag-reducing mechanism is however bound to fail
beyond a certain permeability. We investigate the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz-like rollers at
the surface as a potential mechanism for this failure. These rollers, which are a typical feature of
turbulent flows over permeable walls, are known to increase drag, and their appearance to limit the
drag-reducing effect. We propose a model, based on linear stability analysis, which predicts the
onset of these rollers for sufficiently large permeability, and allows us to bound the maximum drag
reduction that these surfaces can achieve
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Pressure fluctuations and interfacial robustness in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces
Superhydrophobic surfaces can entrap gas pockets within their grooves when submerged in water. Such a mixed-phase boundary is shown to result in an effective slip velocity on the surface, and has promising potential for drag reduction and energy-saving in hydrodynamic applications. The target flow regime, in most such applications, is a turbulent flow. Previous analyses of this problem involved direct numerical simulations of turbulence with the superhydrophobic surface modelled as a flat boundary, but with a heterogeneous mix of slip and no-slip boundary conditions corresponding to the surface texture. Analysis of the kinematic data from these simulations has helped to establish the magnitude of drag reduction for various texture topologies. The present work is the first investigation that, alongside a kinematic investigation, addresses the robustness of superhydrophobic surfaces by studying the load fields obtain from data from direct numerical simulations (DNS). The key questions at the focus of this work are: does a superhydrophobic surface induce a different pressure field compared to a flat surface? If so, how does this difference scale with system parameters, and when does it become significant that it can deform the air–water interface and potentially rapture the entrapped gas pockets? To this end, we have performed DNS of turbulent channel flows subject to superhydrophobic surfaces over a wide range of texture sizes spanning values from to when expressed in terms of viscous units. The pressure statistics at the wall are decomposed into two contributions: one coherent, caused by the stagnation of slipping flow hitting solid posts, and one time-dependent, caused by overlying turbulence. The results show that the larger texture size intensifies the contribution of stagnation pressure, while the contribution from turbulence is essentially insensitive to . The two-dimensional stagnation pressure distribution at the wall and the pressure statistics in the wall-normal direction are found to be self-similar for different . The scaling of the induced pressure and the consequent deformations of the air–water interface are analysed. Based on our results, an upper bound on the texture wavelength is quantified that limits the range of robust operation of superhydrophobic surfaces when exposed to high-speed flows. Our results indicate that when the system parameters are expressed in terms of viscous units, the main parameters controlling the problem are and a Weber number based on inner dimensions; We obtain good collapse when all our results are expressed in wall units, independently of the Reynolds number.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant 3002451214. The authors greatly appreciate the Kwanjeong Educational Foundation for the funding support for Jongmin Seo.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Cambridge University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2015.57
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Imposing virtual origins on the velocity components in direct numerical simulations
The relative wall-normal displacement of the origin perceived by different components of near-wall turbulence is known to produce a change in drag. This effect is produced for instance by drag-reducing surfaces of small texture size like riblets and superhydrophobic surfaces. To facilitate the research on how these displacements alter near-wall turbulence, this paper studies different strategies to model such displacement effect through manipulated boundary conditions. Previous research has considered the effect of offsetting the virtual origins perceived by the tangential components of the velocity from the reference, boundary plane, where the wall-normal velocity was set to zero. These virtual origins are typically characterised by slip-length coefficients in Robin, slip-like boundary conditions. In this paper, we extend this idea and explore several techniques to define and implement virtual origins for all three velocity components on direct numerical simulations (DNSs) of channel flows, with special emphasis on the wall-normal velocity. The aim of this work is to provide a suitable foundation to extend the existing understanding on how these virtual origins affect the near-wall turbulence, and ultimately aid in the formulation of simplified models that capture the effect of complex surfaces on the overlying flow and on drag, without the need to resolve fully the turbulence and the surface texture. From the techniques tested, Robin boundary conditions for all three velocities are found to be the most satisfactory method to impose virtual origins, relating the velocity components to their respective wall-normal gradients linearly. Our results suggest that the effect of virtual origins on the flow, and hence the change in drag that they produce, can be reduced to an offset between the virtual origin perceived by the mean flow and that perceived by the overlying turbulence, and that turbulence remains otherwise smooth-wall-like, as proposed by Luchini (1996). The origin for turbulence, however, would not be set by the spanwise virtual origin alone, but by a combination of the spanwise and wall-normal origins. These observations suggest the need for an extension of Luchini’s virtual-origin theory to predict the change in drag, accounting for the wall-normal transpiration when its effect is not negligible
Turbulent drag reduction by anisotropic permeable substrates-analysis and direct numerical simulations
We explore the ability of anisotropic permeable substrates to reduce
turbulent skin-friction, studying the influence that these substrates have on
the overlying turbulence. For this, we perform DNSs of channel flows bounded by
permeable substrates. The results confirm theoretical predictions, and the
resulting drag curves are similar to those of riblets. For small
permeabilities, the drag reduction is proportional to the difference between
the streamwise and spanwise permeabilities. This linear regime breaks down for
a critical value of the wall-normal permeability, beyond which the performance
begins to degrade. We observe that the degradation is associated with the
appearance of spanwise-coherent structures, attributed to a
Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instability of the mean flow. This feature is common to a
variety of obstructed flows, and linear stability analysis can be used to
predict it. For large permeabilities, these structures become prevalent in the
flow, outweighing the drag-reducing effect of slip and eventually leading to an
increase of drag. For the substrate configurations considered, the largest drag
reduction observed is at a friction Reynolds number
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