23 research outputs found

    New mineralogy of the outer solar system and the high-pressure behaviour of methane

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    This thesis will introduce the study of methane as a mineral. Along with ammonia and water, methane is one of the main planetary-forming materials in the outer solar system. The topic of `new mineralogy of the outer solar system' is outlined and introduced, and previous studies in the area are discussed. This review identities a lack of highpressure structural knowledge on methane when compared to ammonia and water. The significance of this knowledge for the study of the planets Neptune and Uranus is discussed. The crystal structures of methane above 5.2 GPa were, prior to this thesis, unknown. To tackle this long-standing problem an integrated approach of high-pressure diffraction techniques had to be used. The dominance of hydrogen within the structures of methane necessitated the use of neutron diffraction. The difficulties and limitations of highpressure neutron powder diffraction are presented. It will be shown that the complexity of the subsequent structures required the use of single-crystal x-ray diffraction. Using a combination of x-ray and neutron diffraction the structures of methane phase A (5.2 - 10 GPa) and B (10 - 25 GPa) were solved. The structure of phase A, was shown to conform to an indexing from literature [Nakahata 99] of a rhombohedral unit cell with α ≈ 89.3° and a ≈ 8.6 Å. Powder data were insufficient to determine atomic positions for this phase, and a single-crystal xray diffraction study was undertaken. The process of growing samples for this study is described as well as data collection. As a result of these studies the carbon atoms were located within methane phase A, and the density of the structure confined. The heavy atom structure, of phase A, was refined against neutron powder diffraction data, enabling positions of hydrogen atoms to be found. Preliminary powder diffraction studies of methane phase B found that the structure did not conform to the unit cell described within the literature. The phase was instead assigned to a cubic unit cell with a ≈ 11.73 Å. Similarly to the studies of phase A, a single-crystal x-ray diffraction study was undertaken. This was complicated by the presence of a contaminant within the sample area. This contaminant was shown to have no effect on the structural results. From a single-crystal study the heavy atom structure of phase B was found. The thesis charts the attempt, but ultimate failure, to obtain neutron powder diffraction on this phase. Comparisons of phase B with the higher pressure phase HP (25 GPa +) led to the conclusion that there would still be some disorder within the hydrogen atoms of phase B. Other studies have been carried out on the methane phase diagram. A Raman spectroscopy study, in the literature, on the low-temperature and high-pressure region of the phase diagrams (20 K up to 30 GPa) had suggested the existence of 3 additional phases of methane. A low-temperature, high-pressure neutron diffraction experiment was undertaken to try and characterise these phases. It was found that the phase A structure persisted under all conditions (to 20 K and 5 GPa) throwing the original results into question. During the growth of single-crystals for the above studies on phase A and B, a high-temperature solid-solid phase transition was observed. This transition line was mapped out and the phase resulting from it characterised with high-temperature single-crystal x-ray diffraction

    Neutron powder diffraction study on the iron-based nitride superconductor ThFeAsN

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    We report neutron diffraction and transport results on the newly discovered superconducting nitride ThFeAsN with Tc=T_c= 30 K. No magnetic transition, but a weak structural distortion around 160 K, is observed cooling from 300 K to 6 K. Analysis on the resistivity, Hall transport and crystal structure suggests this material behaves as an electron optimally doped pnictide superconductors due to extra electrons from nitrogen deficiency or oxygen occupancy at the nitrogen site, which together with the low arsenic height may enhance the electron itinerancy and reduce the electron correlations, thus suppress the static magnetic order.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by EP

    Use of a miniature diamond-anvil cell in a joint X-ray and neutron high-pressure study on copper sulfate pentahydrate

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    Single-crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction data are usually collected using separate samples. This is a disadvantage when the sample is studied at high pressure because it is very difficult to achieve exactly the same pressure in two separate experiments, especially if the neutron data are collected using Laue methods where precise absolute values of the unit-cell dimensions cannot be measured to check how close the pressures are. In this study, diffraction data have been collected under the same conditions on the same sample of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, using a conventional laboratory diffractometer and source for the X-ray measurements and the Koala single-crystal Laue diffractometer at the ANSTO facility for the neutron measurements. The sample, of dimensions 0.40 × 0.22 × 0.20 mm(3) and held at a pressure of 0.71 GPa, was contained in a miniature Merrill–Bassett diamond-anvil cell. The highly penetrating diffracted neutron beams passing through the metal body of the miniature cell as well as through the diamonds yielded data suitable for structure refinement, and compensated for the low completeness of the X-ray measurements, which was only 24% on account of the triclinic symmetry of the sample and the shading of reciprocal space by the cell. The two data-sets were combined in a single ‘XN’ structure refinement in which all atoms, including H atoms, were refined with anisotropic displacement parameters. The precision of the structural parameters was improved by a factor of up to 50% in the XN refinement compared with refinements using the X-ray or neutron data separately

    Long-Range A-Site Cation Disorder in NaA(MO4)2 (M = Mo, W) Double Scheelite Oxides

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    Synchrotron X-ray and neutron powder diffraction methods have been used to obtain accurate long-range average structures of some double scheelite compounds of the type NaA(BO4)2 (A = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Lu, and Bi; B = Mo, W) at room temperature. Phase pure samples were synthesized using standard solid-state methods. Rietveld refinements using combined synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD) and neutron diffraction (NPD) revealed a random distribution of the Na and A-type cations regardless of the presence of 6s2 lone pairs (such as Bi3+) and the difference in oxidation states and ionic radii between the cations. The NaA(BO4)2 (A = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Lu, and Bi) series displayed linear trends in lattice parameters and AO8 polyhedra volume with the ionic radius of the A-type cation for the lanthanoids, but a deviation from the trend was observed for A = Bi3+. The NaBi(BO4)2 structure has a smaller than expected unit cell volume than based on extrapolation from the corresponding NaLn(BO4)2 series, possibly due to short-range ordering of the 6s2 lone pair electrons

    Accurate H-atom parameters for the two polymorphs of L-histidine at 5, 105 and 295 K

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    The crystal structure of the monoclinic polymorph of the primary amino acid l-histidine has been determined for the first time by single-crystal neutron diffraction, while that of the orthorhombic polymorph has been reinvestigated with an untwinned crystal, improving the experimental precision and accuracy. For each polymorph, neutron diffraction data were collected at 5, 105 and 295 K. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments were also performed at the same temperatures. The two polymorphs, whose crystal packing is interpreted by intermolecular interaction energies calculated using the Pixel method, show differences in the energy and geometry of the hydrogen bond formed along the c direction. Taking advantage of the X-ray diffraction data collected at 5 K, the precision and accuracy of the new Hirshfeld atom refinement method implemented in NoSpherA2 were probed choosing various settings of the functionals and basis sets, together with the use of explicit clusters of molecules and enhanced rigid-body restraints for H atoms. Equivalent atomic coordinates and anisotropic displacement parameters were compared and found to agree well with those obtained from the corresponding neutron structural models

    Does trapped O2 form in the bulk of LiNiO2 during charging?

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    LiNiO2 remains a critical archetypal material for high energy density Li-ion batteries, forming the basis of Ni-rich cathodes in use today. Nevertheless, there are still uncertainties surrounding the charging mechanism at high states of charge and the potential role of oxygen redox. We show that oxidation of O2− across the 4.2 V vs. Li+/Li plateau forms O2 trapped in the particles and is accompanied by the formation of 8% Ni vacancies on the transition metal sites of previously fully dense transition metal layers. Such Ni vacancy formation on charging activates O-redox by generating non-bonding O 2p orbitals and is necessary to form vacancy clusters to accommodate O2 in the particles. Ni accumulates at and near the surface of the particles on charging, forming a Ni-rich shell approximately 5 nm thick; enhanced by loss of O2 from the surface, the resulting shell composition is Ni2.3+1.75O2. The overall Ni oxidation state of the particles measured by XAS in fluorescence yield mode after charging across the plateau to 4.3 V vs. Li+/Li is approximately +3.8; however, taking account of the shell thickness and the shell Ni oxidation state of +2.3, this indicates a Ni oxidation state in the core closer to +4 for compositions beyond the plateau

    New mineralogy of the outer solar system and the high-pressure behaviour of methane

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    This thesis will introduce the study of methane as a mineral. Along with ammonia and water, methane is one of the main planetary-forming materials in the outer solar system. The topic of `new mineralogy of the outer solar system' is outlined and introduced, and previous studies in the area are discussed. This review identities a lack of highpressure structural knowledge on methane when compared to ammonia and water. The significance of this knowledge for the study of the planets Neptune and Uranus is discussed. The crystal structures of methane above 5.2 GPa were, prior to this thesis, unknown. To tackle this long-standing problem an integrated approach of high-pressure diffraction techniques had to be used. The dominance of hydrogen within the structures of methane necessitated the use of neutron diffraction. The difficulties and limitations of highpressure neutron powder diffraction are presented. It will be shown that the complexity of the subsequent structures required the use of single-crystal x-ray diffraction. Using a combination of x-ray and neutron diffraction the structures of methane phase A (5.2 - 10 GPa) and B (10 - 25 GPa) were solved. The structure of phase A, was shown to conform to an indexing from literature [Nakahata 99] of a rhombohedral unit cell with α ≈ 89.3° and a ≈ 8.6 Å. Powder data were insufficient to determine atomic positions for this phase, and a single-crystal xray diffraction study was undertaken. The process of growing samples for this study is described as well as data collection. As a result of these studies the carbon atoms were located within methane phase A, and the density of the structure confined. The heavy atom structure, of phase A, was refined against neutron powder diffraction data, enabling positions of hydrogen atoms to be found. Preliminary powder diffraction studies of methane phase B found that the structure did not conform to the unit cell described within the literature. The phase was instead assigned to a cubic unit cell with a ≈ 11.73 Å. Similarly to the studies of phase A, a single-crystal x-ray diffraction study was undertaken. This was complicated by the presence of a contaminant within the sample area. This contaminant was shown to have no effect on the structural results. From a single-crystal study the heavy atom structure of phase B was found. The thesis charts the attempt, but ultimate failure, to obtain neutron powder diffraction on this phase. Comparisons of phase B with the higher pressure phase HP (25 GPa +) led to the conclusion that there would still be some disorder within the hydrogen atoms of phase B. Other studies have been carried out on the methane phase diagram. A Raman spectroscopy study, in the literature, on the low-temperature and high-pressure region of the phase diagrams (20 K up to 30 GPa) had suggested the existence of 3 additional phases of methane. A low-temperature, high-pressure neutron diffraction experiment was undertaken to try and characterise these phases. It was found that the phase A structure persisted under all conditions (to 20 K and 5 GPa) throwing the original results into question. During the growth of single-crystals for the above studies on phase A and B, a high-temperature solid-solid phase transition was observed. This transition line was mapped out and the phase resulting from it characterised with high-temperature single-crystal x-ray diffraction.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    What you see and what you get : combining near-infrared spectroscopy with powder diffraction

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    Knowledge of the surface composition of planetary bodies comes from a number of sources; such as landers, remote sensing and meteorites. However, the bulk mapping of the composition of planetary surfaces has been undertaken by analysis of reflected sunlight and these data-principally collected in the near-infra-red (IR) region-are notoriously broad and ambiguous. Hence, if laboratory spectra could be tied to physical properties measurements, such as diffraction, this would substantially aid our understanding of processes occurring in these extra-terrestrial environments. This contribution presents the capability of collecting near-IR data at the same time as neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a range of conditions (low temperature, vacuum, and humidity variations) and highlights two examples where this capability could enhance our understanding of planetary surfaces