167 research outputs found

    Binary Induced Neutron-Star Compression, Heating, and Collapse

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    We analyze several aspects of the recently noted neutron star collapse instability in close binary systems. We utilize (3+1) dimensional and spherical numerical general relativistic hydrodynamics to study the origin, evolution, and parametric sensitivity of this instability. We derive the modified conditions of hydrostatic equilibrium for the stars in the curved space of quasi-static orbits. We examine the sensitivity of the instability to the neutron star mass and equation of state. We also estimate limits to the possible interior heating and associated neutrino luminosity which could be generated as the stars gradually compress prior to collapse. We show that the radiative loss in neutrinos from this heating could exceed the power radiated in gravity waves for several hours prior to collapse. The possibility that the radiation neutrinos could produce gamma-ray (or other electromagnetic) burst phenomena is also discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Femtolensing and Picolensing by Axion Miniclusters

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    Non-linear effects in the evolution of the axion field in the early Universe may lead to the formation of gravitationally bound clumps of axions, known as ``miniclusters.'' Minicluster masses and radii should be in the range Mmc∌10−12M⊙M_{\rm mc}\sim10^{-12} M_\odot and Rmc∌1010R_{\rm mc} \sim 10^{10}cm, and in plausible early-Universe scenarios a significant fraction of the mass density of the Universe may be in the form of axion miniclusters. If such axion miniclusters exist, they would have the physical properties required to be detected by ``femtolensing.''Comment: 7 pages plus 2 figures (Fig.1 avalible upon request), LaTe

    A Fresh Look at Axions and SN 1987A

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    We re-examine the very stringent limits on the axion mass based on the strength and duration of the neutrino signal from SN 1987A, in the light of new measurements of the axial-vector coupling strength of nucleons, possible suppression of axion emission due to many-body effects, and additional emission processes involving pions. The suppression of axion emission due to nucleon spin fluctuations induced by many-body effects degrades previous limits by a factor of about 2. Emission processes involving thermal pions can strengthen the limits by a factor of 3-4 within a perturbative treatment that neglects saturation of nucleon spin fluctuations. Inclusion of saturation effects, however, tends to make the limits less dependent on pion abundances. The resulting axion mass limit also depends on the precise couplings of the axion and ranges from 0.5x10**(-3) eV to 6x10**(-3) eV.Comment: 32 latex pages, 13 postscript figures included, uses revtex.sty, submitted to Physical Review

    Hyper-Accreting Black Holes and Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    A variety of current models for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) suggest a common engine - a black hole of several solar masses accreting matter from a disk at a rate 0.01 to 10 solar masses per second. Using a numerical model for relativistic disk accretion, we have studied steady-state accretion at these high rates. Inside a radius ~ 10**8 cm, for accretion rates greater than about 0.01 solar masses per second, a global state of balanced power comes to exist between neutrino losses, chiefly pair capture on nucleons, and dissipation. Energy emitted in neutrinos is less, and in the case of low accretion rates, very much less, than the maximum efficiency factor for black hole accretion (0.057 for no rotation; 0.42 for extreme Kerr rotation) times Mdot c**2. The efficiency for producing a pair fireball along the rotational axis by neutrino annihilation is calculated and found to be highly variable and very sensitive to the accretion rate. For some of the higher accretion rates studied, it can be several per cent or more; for accretion rates less than 0.05 solar masses per second, it is essentially zero. The efficiency of the Blandford-Znajek mechanism in extracting rotational energy from the black hole is also estimated. In light of these results, the viability of various gamma-ray burst models is discussed and the sensitivity of the results to disk viscosity, black hole rotation rate, and black hole mass explored. A diverse range of GRB energies seems unavoidable and neutrino annihilation in hyper-accreting black hole systems can explain bursts up to 10**52 erg. Larger energies may be inferred for beaming systems.Comment: 46 pages, includes 9 figures, LaTeX (uses aaspp4.sty), accepted by The Astrophysical Journal. Additional solutions in Tables and Figs. 4 and 5, minor revisions to text, references adde

    Validation of the Dutch version of the Multidimensional Adolescent Functioning Scale (MAFS)

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    Background: The Multidimensional Adolescent Functioning Scale (MAFS) is a 23-item, self-report questionnaire assessing psychosocial functioning in adolescents aged 12-17 years. It captures three domains of functioning: \u27general functioning\u27, \u27family-related functioning\u27, and \u27peer-related functioning\u27. The original English version has good psychometric properties. The aim of the current paper was to translate the MAFS to Dutch and to investigate the psychometric properties of this translation. Methods: After translation, the Dutch MAFS was assessed in 397 adolescents aged 12-17 years, assessed at schools. Internal consistency, factor structure and correlations with other questionnaires assessing functioning, psychopathology and well-being were investigated. Results: A hierarchical/bifactor model with a general factor that loads on all items (MAFS-general) and three group factors, loading respectively on the GF, FF and PF items, was found to describe the data best. Internal consistency of the MAFS total score (α = 0.87) was good and of the subscales (α = 0.74-0.80) acceptable. Comparable alphas were found in males and females. Correlations between MAFS subscales ranged from 0.33 to 0.43, indicating sufficient differentiation. The MAFS general factor score and group factor scores showed positive correlations with other measures of good functioning and well-being, and negative correlations with measures of psychopathology, supporting convergent and divergent validity. Conclusions: The Dutch translation of the MAFS has adequate psychometric properties to assess three domains of functioning in adolescents from the general population aged 12-17 years. The MAFS is freely accessible in the Appendix and easy to administe

    Nucleon Spin Fluctuations and the Supernova Emission of Neutrinos and Axions

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    In the hot and dense medium of a supernova (SN) core, the nucleon spins fluctuate so fast that the axial-vector neutrino opacity and the axion emissivity are expected to be significantly modified. Axions with m_a\alt10^{-2}\,{\rm eV} are not excluded by SN~1987A. A substantial transfer of energy in neutrino-nucleon (ÎœN\nu N) collisions is enabled which may alter the spectra of SN neutrinos relative to calculations where energy-conserving ÎœN\nu N collisions had been assumed near the neutrinosphere.Comment: 8 pages. REVTeX. 2 postscript figures, can be included with epsf. Small modifications of the text, a new "Note Added", and three new references. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    New Supernova Constraints on Sterile Neutrino Production

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    We consider the possibility that a light sterile-neutrino species ÎœS\nu_S can be produced by Îœe\nu_e scattering during the cooling of a proto-neutron star. If we parameterize the sterile neutrino production cross-section by a parameter AA as σ(ÎœeX→ΜSX)=Aσ(ÎœeX→ΜeX)\sigma (\nu_e X\rightarrow \nu_S X) = A \sigma(\nu_e X\rightarrow \nu_e X), where XX is an electron, neutron or proton, we show that AA is constrained by limits to the conversion of Îœe\nu_e to ÎœS\nu_S in the region between the sterile-neutrino trapping region and the electron-neutrino trapping region. This consideration excludes values of AA in the range between 10^{-4} \la A \la 10^{-1}.Comment: 12 pages; Late

    Toward Improving Safety in Neurosurgery with an Active Handheld Instrument

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    Microsurgical procedures, such as petroclival meningioma resection, require careful surgical actions in order to remove tumor tissue, while avoiding brain and vessel damaging. Such procedures are currently performed under microscope magnification. Robotic tools are emerging in order to filter surgeons’ unintended movements and prevent tools from entering forbidden regions such as vascular structures. The present work investigates the use of a handheld robotic tool (Micron) to automate vessel avoidance in microsurgery. In particular, we focused on vessel segmentation, implementing a deep-learning-based segmentation strategy in microscopy images, and its integration with a feature-based passive 3D reconstruction algorithm to obtain accurate and robust vessel position. We then implemented a virtual-fixture-based strategy to control the handheld robotic tool and perform vessel avoidance. Clay vascular phantoms, lying on a background obtained from microscopy images recorded during petroclival meningioma surgery, were used for testing the segmentation and control algorithms. When testing the segmentation algorithm on 100 different phantom images, a median Dice similarity coefficient equal to 0.96 was achieved. A set of 25 Micron trials of 80 s in duration, each involving the interaction of Micron with a different vascular phantom, were recorded, with a safety distance equal to 2 mm, which was comparable to the median vessel diameter. Micron’s tip entered the forbidden region 24% of the time when the control algorithm was active. However, the median penetration depth was 16.9 ÎŒm, which was two orders of magnitude lower than median vessel diameter. Results suggest the system can assist surgeons in performing safe vessel avoidance during neurosurgical procedures

    Constraints on Variant Axion Models

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    A particular class of variant axion models with two higgs doublets and a singlet is studied. In these models the axion couples either to the uu-quark or tt-quark or both, but not to bb, cc, ss, or dd. When the axion couples to only one quark the models possess the desirable feature of having no domain wall problem, which makes them viable candidates for a cosmological axion string scenario. We calculate the axion couplings to leptons, photons and nucleons, and the astrophysical constraints on the axion decay constant vav_a are investigated and compared to the DFSZ axion model. We find that the most restrictive lower bound on vav_a, that from SN1987a, is lowered by up to a factor of about 30, depending on the model and also the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the higgs doublets. For scenarios with axionic strings, the allowed window for vav_a in the uu quark model can be more than two orders of magnitude. For inflationary scenarios, the cosmological upper bound on va/Nv_a/N, where NN is the QCD anomaly factor, is unaffected: however, the variant models have NN either 3 or 6 times smaller than the DFSZ model.Comment: 21pp RevTeX, 1 eps fig, uses graphics style, typo corrected, and corrected file sent this time. To appear in Physical Review

    Pulsar kicks from neutrino oscillations

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    Neutrino oscillations can explain the observed motion of pulsars. We show that two different models of neutrino emission from a cooling neutron star are in good quantitative agreement and predict the same order of magnitude for the pulsar kick velocity, consistent with the data.Comment: revtex; 4 page
