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20 research outputs found
Relationship between torus mandibularis and number of present teeth
Alvesalo L
Eggen S.
+6 more
Hylander WL.
Johnson CC
Lasker GW.
Mayhall JT.
Mayhall JT.
Ossenberg NS.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Variation in torus mandibularis prevalence in Norway A statistical analysis using logistic regression
Alvesalo L
Austin JE
+15 more
Eggen S
Eggen S
Falconer DS
Falconer DS
Freeman DH
Heloe B
Johnson CC
Levesque RP
Mayhall JT
Mayhall JT
Mayhall JT
Ogrim ME
Ossenberg NS
Qvigstad J
Qvigstad J
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Quantitative measurement of maxillary second molar wear using Korean virtual dental models
Bishop K
Brosky ME
+19 more
DeLong R
Fiorenza L
Hinton RJ
Kaidonis JA
Kaidonis JA
Kaifu Y
Lee SP
Leinfelder KF
Magne P
Mayhall JT
Pigno MA
Santini A
Smith BG
Smith BG
T. Murphy
Tomenchuk J
Watson JT
Publication venue
'The Korean Academy Of Oral Anatomy'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Variation in torus palatinus prevalence in Norway
Andersen PS. Gronland
Austin JE
+14 more
Bang HO
Centrella M
Eggen S.
Freeman DH
Haugen LK.
Kari M
King DR
Kinsella JE.
Korner O.
Mayhall JT.
Miller SC
Ossenberg NS.
Qvigstad J.
Qvigstad J.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Non Syndromic Generalised Taurodontism in Primary and Permanent teeth -A Case Report
Bafna Y Kambalimath HV, Khandelwal V, Nayak P.
Gedik R Cimen M.
+5 more
Jafarzadeh H Azarpazhooh A, Mayhall JT.
Manjunatha B. S., and Kovvuru. Suresh Kumar
Nagaveni NB Radhika NB.
Panigrahi A Panigrahi RG, K T S, Bhuyan R, Bhuyan SK.
Tiku A Damle SG, Nadkarni UM, Kalaskar RR.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A Comparison of Dental Caries Experience in Native American and Caucasian Children in Oklahoma
Bang G
Brunelle JA
+22 more
Centers for Disease Control
Curzon ME
Curzon ME
Disney JA
Eklund SA
Fasano RJ
Graves RC
Graves RC
Graves RC
Jones DB
Mayhall JT.
Myers GS
Reibich T
Shaw L
Ship II.
Stamm JW
Titley KC
US Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service
US Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service
US Public Health Service National Institute of Dental Research
US Public Health Service National Institute of Dental Research
World Health Organization
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Ethnic dental analysis of shovel and Carabelli's traits in a Chinese population
Carlsen O.
Dahlberg AA.
+38 more
Dahlberg AA.
Dahlberg AA.
Dahlberg AA.
Doran GA.
Frisch JE.
Garn SM
Goose DH
Goose DH.
Hilson S.
Hosmer DW
Huang ST
Keene HJ.
Kraus BS.
Lambardi AV.
Liu KL.
Manabe Y.
Mayhall JT
Mizoguchi Y.
Mizoguchi Y.
Moorrees CFA
Moorrees CFA.
Motayam A.
SAS Institute Inc. SAS/STAT User's Guide.
Saunders SR
Schuman EL
Scott GR
Scott GR.
Scott GR.
Scott Gr.
Scott GR.
Seipel CM.
Sung WH.
Terra M.
Townsend GC
Townsend GC
Turner CG
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Ventriculostomy-related infections in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients—a retrospective study of incidence, etiology, and antimicrobial therapy
A Kecojevic
B Druel
+41 more
B Pfausler
B Stegmayr
Britt-Marie Eriksson
C Sun
CG Mayhall
CM Fisher
D Dasic
DM Wolk
Elisabeth Ronne-Engström
EM Brown
G Lorino
G Sundbärg
G Teasdale
Gabriel Westman
JJ Farrell
JK Ohrström
Johan Widén
JP Blount
JT Banks
JW Hop
K Becker
KE Lyke
LP Maskin
M Schultz
NS Bhatia
P Forgacs
Per Enblad
PJ Aucoin
PJ Klimo
RP Schade
S Muttaiyah
S Sontakke
SL Leib
TG Luerssen
U Bogdahn
V Zarrouk
WJ Hader
WS Poon
Y Arabi
Y Maeda
Z Cinibulak
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Availability of Cariogenic Foods in Primary School Canteens of Abha City, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Abdulrahman OM Hamed RT, Abdelmonem SH, Hamza AT.
Akpata ES Al Shammary AR, Saeed HI.
+15 more
Al-Khateeb TL Al-Marsafi AI, O'Mullane DM.
Al-Malik MI Rehbini YA.
Al-Sekait MA Al-Nasser AN.
Al-Shammary AR Guil EE, El-Buckly M.
Bang G Kristoffersen T.
Bell AC Swinburn BA.
Dietz W Gortmaker S.
Infirri JS Barmes DE.
Maqbool G.
Mayhall JT.
O'Connor T Yang S, Nicklas T.
Popkin BM Horton S, Soowon K, Mahal A, Shuigao J.
Steyn NP Myburgh NG, Nel JH.
Togoo RA.
Wyne AH Al-Ghorabi BM, Al-Asiri YA, Khan. NB.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
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Les exostoses orales : bilan de deux siècles de recherches
A Al-Mobieerek
A Castro-Sierra
+163 more
A Garcia-Garcia
A Hrdlička
A Jainkittivong
A Jainkittivong
A Ruprecht
A Ruprecht
A Sangwan
A. Léonard
AC Berry
AC Berry
AD Padbury Jr
AE Curran
AJP Broek Van Den
AK Nunes-Furtado
AM Tuzuner
AO Inhuwo
AW Gould
B Mendelson
B Tamba
B Vidic
BF Schaumann
BJ Sellevold
CA Czsusack
CC Johnson
CCL Wyatt
CFA Moorrees
CH Ellerston
CJ Witkop Jr
CL Chew
CM Halffman
CM Halffman
CO Ogunsulu
D Barker
D Holtzclaw
D Kerpdon
DC Larato
DJ Theodorou
DJ Wasson
DR King
DR Sawyer
DS Shah
DS Topazian
DZ Antoniades
E Yildiz
EA Hooton
EA Pechenkina
EB Nery
EL MacInnis
F Weidenreich
FA Al-Quran
FA Network
FJ Otero-Cagide
G Axellson
G Axelsson
G Barbujani
G Hauser
G Sinisterra
GD Singh
GD Singh
GE Kennedy
GM Horning
GW Lasker
H Ram
H Sasaki
H Yoshida
H Zhou
HF Al-Bayati
HO Goodman
HV Vallois
I Bruce
I Glickman
J Hiss
J Hjerstedt
J Skrzat
J Yamashita
J. Bruzek
JE Bouquot
JK Woo
JL Belsky
JM Bernaba
JO Agbaje
JP Beena
JP Lee
JR Blakemore
JS Kwon
JT Mayhall
JT Mayhall
JT Mayhall
K Sathya
K Yonetsu
KB Frazier
KE Sonnier
L Alvesalo
L Alvesalo
L Alvesalo
LA Muntianu
LB Cagirankaya
LC Richards
LK Haugen
M Araki
M Bernal Balaez
M Cox
M Gorsky
M Gorsky
M Moss
M Moss
M Moss
M Moss
M Suzuki
MD Morrisson
MM Corsini
MR Drennan
MY Yoshinaka
MY Yoshinaka
N Agrawal
N Wovern
NS Ossenberg
O Castro Reino
O Koray
OM Pearson
OO Dosumu
P Bhusari
P Brasili
P. Bayle
P. Murail
PE Reichart
PR Henrique
RC Sutter
RCM Hennekam
RG Nair
RG Scott
S Eggen
S Eggen
S Eggen
S Eggen
S Eroglu
S Kolas
S Rai
S Richter
S Sergi
SC Miller
SD Ganz
SE Sharabi
SI Chaudhry
SK Simunkovic
SS Qazi
T Hosoi
T Kawai
T Komari
V Galera
VE Krahl
VK Hiremath
W Apinhashmit
WC Daniels
WL Kellock
Y Choi
Y Hashim
Y Igarashi
Y Kaifu
Y Sisman
Y Sisman
Y Takasugi
YH Seah
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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