73 research outputs found

    Literacy under and over the desk: oppositions and heterogeneity

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    In this paper I argue that a dominant theme in New Literacy Studies research, the differences between literacy practices inside and outside school, has sometimes involved conflating ‘home literacy’ with private, unregulated ‘vernacular literacy’, and the use of an idealised abstract notion of schooled literacy to represent students’ actual everyday experience in the classroom. Drawing on linguistic ethnographic research in two British primary schools, I use examples of ‘unofficial’ and ‘official’ literacy activities from 10-11 year-olds to show that a wide range of different forms of literacy can be found in the classroom and I argue that the division between ‘vernacular’ and ‘schooled’ is not as clear-cut as is sometimes assumed. My analysis of children’s literacy activities suggests that, on the one hand, unofficial activities orientate towards and index official knowledges and the macro-level institutional order and, on the other hand, official activities are interpenetrated with informal practices and procedures. I also comment on some implications of using the New Literacy Studies ‘events and practices’ conceptual framework for understanding what is going on in classrooms

    Towards a sociocultural understanding of children’s voice

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    While ‘voice’ is frequently invoked in discussions of pupils’ agency and empowerment, less attention has been paid to the dialogic dynamics of children’s voices and the sociocultural features shaping their emergence. Drawing on linguistic ethnographic research involving recent recordings of ten and eleven year-old children’s spoken language experience across the school day, this article examines how pupils’ voices are configured within institutional interactional contexts which render particular kinds of voice more or less hearable, and convey different kinds of value. Analysis shows how children appropriate and reproduce the authoritative voices of education, popular culture and parents in the course of their induction into social practices. At the same time they also express varying degrees of commitment to these voices and orchestrate their own and other people’s voices within accounts and anecdotes, making voice appropriation an uneven, accumulative process shot through with the dynamics of personal and peer-group experience. The examination of children’s dialogue from different contexts across the school day highlights the situated semiotics of voice and the heteroglossic development of children’s speaking consciousness


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    for constructive comments on an earlier version of this paper. I am also grateful for the support of Chris Hall, who for more than a decade now has been a greatly-valued compagnon de route in the analysis of discursive practices of child care and protection on both sides of the Channel. Stef Slembrouck Abstract In this paper, the idea of ethnograpies of hegemony is taken up as a reflexive orientation in research which addresses the complexity of forms of domination in late modern society also by trying to come to terms with the situatednes of interactionally-established interview data. Following a number of methodological remarks on the establishment of a 'native point of view' as well as a number of observations on the data trajectories (tribulations and triangulations) which mark this particular discursive ethnography, the analysis goes on to concentrate on the ways in which case categorisation is 'spoken' through social class in one particular account of child protection. As an exercise in 'classifying the classifiers' (Bourdieu 1992: 242) 2 , the analysis highlights how professional and private talk about social problems is implicated in class-based subjectivities and involves (displaced) representations of class? However, much depends here on what we mean by 'class' when referring to a contemporary context such as the Flemish/Belgian field of child protection. If hegemony then counts as a historicising interpretative move which highlights <a> the interwovenness of domain -and profession-based discourses of social problems with discourses of class and <b> the contextualisation of particular sense-making repertoires, then it is just as much about the situational contingencies under which class and domination becomes speakable in a particular way. This, I suggest, is where ethnography becomes all-important -as an investigative strategy and as an epistemology of dialogic engagement with social theory and contemporary analyses of the late modern world

    A Review of Discourse Analysis in Literacy Research: Equitable Access

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    This review represents research employing discourse analysis conducted by scholars interested in literacy issues in education across the age span—preschool to adult—during the last 10 years. Drawing from more than 300 studies, we discerned that a common theme was understanding how the literacy education of all students can be successfully accomplished. We organized the review into two complementary sections. The first section highlights discourse analytic approaches taken to investigate: Whose literacies count? Which literacies count? The second section explains the contributions the studies made organized according to five questions: What are literate identities, how are they constructed, and by whom? How are disciplinary knowledges, discourses, and identities constructed? How can schools provide students with access to school‐based literacies? What are the shifting roles of literacy teachers and learners within and outside of school? How does discourse analysis research address movement within and across literacy sites and practices in a contemporary, globalized, and increasingly digitally influenced world? تلخيص البحث: تمثل هذه المراجعة الأبحاث التي يوجد فيها تحليل الخطاب الذي قام به الباحثون المهتمون بشؤون تعلم القراءة والكتابة في التعليم عبر الأعمار—من الروضة حتى بالغ سن الرشد—في السنوات العشرة الماضية. لقد حددنا موضوعاً مشتركاً من استجماع أكثر من 300 دراسة وهو الطريقة التي قد يتم فيها تعليم القراءة والكتابة لجميع الطلاب بالنجاح. وقد نظمنا المراجعة في قسمين متكاملين الأول يسلط الضوء على طرق الخطاب التحليلية المأخوذة للتحقيق في: لمن معارف القراءة والكتابة التي نحتاج إلى أخذها بعين الاعتبار؟ وأية معارف من هذه يجب الأخذ في الحسبان؟ والقسم الثاني يشرح مساهمات الدراسات المندرجة تحت الأصناف المبنية على خمسة أسئلة: ما هي هويات معرفة القراءة والكتابة وكيف يتم تشكيلها ومن يشكلها؟ وكيف يتم تشكيل المعارف الدراسية والخطابية والهوية؟ وكيف تستطيع المدارس أن توفر الطلاب بوسيلة للمعارف القائمة في المدرسة؟ ما هي الأدوار المتغيرة لمعلمي القراءة والكتابة وطلابهم داخل المدرسة وخارجها؟ وكيف يعالج التحليل الخطابي الحركات في مواقع القراءة والكتابة وعبرها وكذلك الممارسات التي تتم في عالم معاصر عولمي فيه يزداد التأثير الرقمي؟ 本文旨在阐述过去10年期间,学者致力于不同学龄(由学前以至成人)的读写教育问题研究时所使用的语篇分析方法。作者从300多个研究里整理出一个共通的主题,就是去理解如何使到所有学生的读写教育取得成功。本文献综述是由两个互补的章节组成。第一节重点介绍研究调查所采用的两个语篇分析的处理方法:是谁的读写文化有重要意义?哪些读写文化有重要意义?第二节根据五个问题来阐釋这些研究的贡献:1.有读写文化的人的身份认同,所指的是什么?是怎样建构而成的?由谁所建构而成的?2.各种学科知识、话语及身份认同是如何建构而成的?3.学校如何为学生提供获取校本读写文化知识的门路?4.读写教学教师与学生在校内及校外在角色上有什么转移?5.在当前全球化和日益受数码化影响的世界中,语篇分析研究如何处理流动于各种写文化网站以内及之间的文化信息及各种文化实践的问题? Cet état de la question présente l'analyse du discours dans les recherches des chercheurs qui s'intéressent aux questions de littératie en éducation— du niveau préscolaire à l'adulte — au cours des dix dernières années. En nous basant sur plus de 300 études, une préoccupation commune nous est apparue qui est de comprendre comment l'enseignement de la littératie peut permettre à tous les élèves de réussir. Nous avons organisé l'état de la question en deux parties complémentaires. La première partie s'intéresse au discours des approches analytiques réalisées pour étudier les questions suivantes: prendre en compte les littératies de qui ? prendre en compte quelles littératies? La seconde partie explique ce qu'ont apporté les études effectuées en réponse à cinq questions: que sont les identités lettrées ? comment sont‐elles construites, et par qui ? Comment sont construits les avoirs disciplinaires, les discours, et les identités ? Comment les écoles fournissent‐elles aux élèves un accès aux littératies basées sur l'école ? Quels sont les changements de rôles des professeurs de littératie et des apprenants dans l'école et hors de celle‐ci ? Comment le discours de la recherche analysé prend‐il en compte le mouvement au sein et au travers des sites de littératie et des pratiques dans un monde contemporain globalisé et de plus en plus influencé par l'informatique. В этом обзоре представлены исследования, проведенные на протяжении последних десяти лет с помощью дискурс‐анализа и посвященные проблемам развития грамотности людей разного возраста – от дошкольников до взрослых. Общая тема для более чем трехсот рассмотренных авторами источников: как добиться успеха в становлении грамотности? Обзор состоит из двух взаимодополняющих разделов. В первом описаны подходы к анализу дискурса, которые помогают понять, что принимается за образцы грамотности и кто может им соответствовать. Во втором разделе результаты исследований рассмотрены согласно пяти категориям: Как человек осознает себя в плане грамотности, на чем и кем строится эта идентичность? Как конструируется предметное или дисциплинарное знание, дискурс и идентичность? Как может школа дать учащимся доступ к школьной академической грамотности? В чем состоят и как меняются роли преподавателей грамотности и учащихся в стенах школы и за ее пределами? Как исследования дискурс‐анализа отражают перемещения участников дискурса в реальном и виртуальном пространстве в современном глобализированном мире? Este repaso presenta investigación que ha sido llevada a cabo usando análisis del discurso por estudiosos interesados en cuestiones de alfabetización en la educación a todas las edades—preescolar hasta adulto—en los últimos diez años. Al examinar más de 300 estudios, vimos que un tema común es el de entender cómo lograr exitosamente la educación de competencias de todos los estudiantes. Organizamos el repaso en dos secciones complementarias. Enfocamos la primera en los acercamientos analíticos del discurso que se han usado para investigar: ¿Cuáles competencias cuentan o valen? ¿Las competencias de quiénes cuentan o valen? La segunda sección explica las contribuciones que hicieron los estudios organizadas de acuerdo a cinco temas: ¿Qué son identidades competentes, cómo se construyen, y por quiénes? ¿Cómo se construyen el conocimiento, el discurso y las identidades de las disciplinas? ¿Cómo pueden las escuelas darles acceso a los estudiantes a las competencias basadas en la escuela? ¿Cuáles son los papeles cambiantes de los maestros y los estudiantes de competencias dentro y fuera de la escuela? ¿Cómo plantea la investigación del análisis del discurso el movimiento dentro y a través de los sitios de competencias y prácticas en este mundo contemporáneo, globalizado y digital?Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/88086/1/RRQ.45.1.5.pd

    Childhood in Sociology and Society: The US Perspective

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    The field of childhood studies in the US is comprised of cross-disciplinary researchers who theorize and conduct research on both children and youth. US sociologists who study childhood largely draw on the childhood literature published in English. This article focuses on American sociological contributions, but notes relevant contributions from non-American scholars published in English that have shaped and fueled American research. This article also profiles the institutional support of childhood research in the US, specifically outlining the activities of the ‘Children and Youth’ Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA), and assesses the contributions of this area of study for sociology as well as the implications for an interdisciplinary field.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline