594 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Based Approach to Text Mining and Document Clustering

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    Fuzzy logic deals with degrees of truth. In this paper, we have shown how to apply fuzzy logic in text mining in order to perform document clustering. We took an example of document clustering where the documents had to be clustered into two categories. The method involved cleaning up the text and stemming of words. Then, we chose m number of features which differ significantly in their word frequencies (WF), normalized by document length, between documents belonging to these two clusters. The documents to be clustered were represented as a collection of m normalized WF values. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm was used to cluster these documents into two clusters. After the FCM execution finished, the documents in the two clusters were analysed for the values of their respective m features. It was known that documents belonging to a document type, say X, tend to have higher WF values for some particular features. If the documents belonging to a cluster had higher WF values for those same features, then that cluster was said to represent X. By fuzzy logic, we not only get the cluster name, but also the degree to which a document belongs to a cluster.Comment: 10 pages, 6 tables, 1 figure, review paper, International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) ISSN : 2230 - 9608[Online] ; 2231 - 007X [Print]. Paper can be found at http://airccse.org/journal/ijdkp/current2013.htm

    Deep Learning for Face Recognition: Pride or Prejudiced?

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    Do very high accuracies of deep networks suggest pride of effective AI or are deep networks prejudiced? Do they suffer from in-group biases (own-race-bias and own-age-bias), and mimic the human behavior? Is in-group specific information being encoded sub-consciously by the deep networks? This research attempts to answer these questions and presents an in-depth analysis of `bias' in deep learning based face recognition systems. This is the first work which decodes if and where bias is encoded for face recognition. Taking cues from cognitive studies, we inspect if deep networks are also affected by social in- and out-group effect. Networks are analyzed for own-race and own-age bias, both of which have been well established in human beings. The sub-conscious behavior of face recognition models is examined to understand if they encode race or age specific features for face recognition. Analysis is performed based on 36 experiments conducted on multiple datasets. Four deep learning networks either trained from scratch or pre-trained on over 10M images are used. Variations across class activation maps and feature visualizations provide novel insights into the functioning of deep learning systems, suggesting behavior similar to humans. It is our belief that a better understanding of state-of-the-art deep learning networks would enable researchers to address the given challenge of bias in AI, and develop fairer systems

    Residual Codean Autoencoder for Facial Attribute Analysis

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    Facial attributes can provide rich ancillary information which can be utilized for different applications such as targeted marketing, human computer interaction, and law enforcement. This research focuses on facial attribute prediction using a novel deep learning formulation, termed as R-Codean autoencoder. The paper first presents Cosine similarity based loss function in an autoencoder which is then incorporated into the Euclidean distance based autoencoder to formulate R-Codean. The proposed loss function thus aims to incorporate both magnitude and direction of image vectors during feature learning. Further, inspired by the utility of shortcut connections in deep models to facilitate learning of optimal parameters, without incurring the problem of vanishing gradient, the proposed formulation is extended to incorporate shortcut connections in the architecture. The proposed R-Codean autoencoder is utilized in facial attribute prediction framework which incorporates patch-based weighting mechanism for assigning higher weights to relevant patches for each attribute. The experimental results on publicly available CelebA and LFWA datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach in addressing this challenging problem.Comment: Accepted in Pattern Recognition Letter

    On Detecting GANs and Retouching based Synthetic Alterations

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    Digitally retouching images has become a popular trend, with people posting altered images on social media and even magazines posting flawless facial images of celebrities. Further, with advancements in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), now changing attributes and retouching have become very easy. Such synthetic alterations have adverse effect on face recognition algorithms. While researchers have proposed to detect image tampering, detecting GANs generated images has still not been explored. This paper proposes a supervised deep learning algorithm using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to detect synthetically altered images. The algorithm yields an accuracy of 99.65% on detecting retouching on the ND-IIITD dataset. It outperforms the previous state of the art which reported an accuracy of 87% on the database. For distinguishing between real images and images generated using GANs, the proposed algorithm yields an accuracy of 99.83%.Comment: The 9th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2018

    Neural Networks in Adversarial Setting and Ill-Conditioned Weight Space

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    Recently, Neural networks have seen a huge surge in its adoption due to their ability to provide high accuracy on various tasks. On the other hand, the existence of adversarial examples have raised suspicions regarding the generalization capabilities of neural networks. In this work, we focus on the weight matrix learnt by the neural networks and hypothesize that ill conditioned weight matrix is one of the contributing factors in neural network's susceptibility towards adversarial examples. For ensuring that the learnt weight matrix's condition number remains sufficiently low, we suggest using orthogonal regularizer. We show that this indeed helps in increasing the adversarial accuracy on MNIST and F-MNIST datasets

    On Learning Density Aware Embeddings

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    Deep metric learning algorithms have been utilized to learn discriminative and generalizable models which are effective for classifying unseen classes. In this paper, a novel noise tolerant deep metric learning algorithm is proposed. The proposed method, termed as Density Aware Metric Learning, enforces the model to learn embeddings that are pulled towards the most dense region of the clusters for each class. It is achieved by iteratively shifting the estimate of the center towards the dense region of the cluster thereby leading to faster convergence and higher generalizability. In addition to this, the approach is robust to noisy samples in the training data, often present as outliers. Detailed experiments and analysis on two challenging cross-modal face recognition databases and two popular object recognition databases exhibit the efficacy of the proposed approach. It has superior convergence, requires lesser training time, and yields better accuracies than several popular deep metric learning methods.Comment: Accepted in IEEE CVPR 201

    Supervised COSMOS Autoencoder: Learning Beyond the Euclidean Loss!

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    Autoencoders are unsupervised deep learning models used for learning representations. In literature, autoencoders have shown to perform well on a variety of tasks spread across multiple domains, thereby establishing widespread applicability. Typically, an autoencoder is trained to generate a model that minimizes the reconstruction error between the input and the reconstructed output, computed in terms of the Euclidean distance. While this can be useful for applications related to unsupervised reconstruction, it may not be optimal for classification. In this paper, we propose a novel Supervised COSMOS Autoencoder which utilizes a multi-objective loss function to learn representations that simultaneously encode the (i) "similarity" between the input and reconstructed vectors in terms of their direction, (ii) "distribution" of pixel values of the reconstruction with respect to the input sample, while also incorporating (iii) "discriminability" in the feature learning pipeline. The proposed autoencoder model incorporates a Cosine similarity and Mahalanobis distance based loss function, along with supervision via Mutual Information based loss. Detailed analysis of each component of the proposed model motivates its applicability for feature learning in different classification tasks. The efficacy of Supervised COSMOS autoencoder is demonstrated via extensive experimental evaluations on different image datasets. The proposed model outperforms existing algorithms on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and SVHN databases. It also yields state-of-the-art results on CelebA, LFWA, Adience, and IJB-A databases for attribute prediction and face recognition, respectively

    NENET: An Edge Learnable Network for Link Prediction in Scene Text

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    Text detection in scenes based on deep neural networks have shown promising results. Instead of using word bounding box regression, recent state-of-the-art methods have started focusing on character bounding box and pixel-level prediction. This necessitates the need to link adjacent characters, which we propose in this paper using a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) architecture that allows us to learn both node and edge features as opposed to only the node features under the typical GNN. The main advantage of using GNN for link prediction lies in its ability to connect characters which are spatially separated and have an arbitrary orientation. We show our concept on the well known SynthText dataset, achieving top results as compared to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 9 page

    MagnifyMe: Aiding Cross Resolution Face Recognition via Identity Aware Synthesis

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    Enhancing low resolution images via super-resolution or image synthesis for cross-resolution face recognition has been well studied. Several image processing and machine learning paradigms have been explored for addressing the same. In this research, we propose Synthesis via Deep Sparse Representation algorithm for synthesizing a high resolution face image from a low resolution input image. The proposed algorithm learns multi-level sparse representation for both high and low resolution gallery images, along with an identity aware dictionary and a transformation function between the two representations for face identification scenarios. With low resolution test data as input, the high resolution test image is synthesized using the identity aware dictionary and transformation which is then used for face recognition. The performance of the proposed SDSR algorithm is evaluated on four databases, including one real world dataset. Experimental results and comparison with existing seven algorithms demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm in terms of both face identification and image quality measures

    On Matching Faces with Alterations due to Plastic Surgery and Disguise

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    Plastic surgery and disguise variations are two of the most challenging co-variates of face recognition. The state-of-art deep learning models are not sufficiently successful due to the availability of limited training samples. In this paper, a novel framework is proposed which transfers fundamental visual features learnt from a generic image dataset to supplement a supervised face recognition model. The proposed algorithm combines off-the-shelf supervised classifier and a generic, task independent network which encodes information related to basic visual cues such as color, shape, and texture. Experiments are performed on IIITD plastic surgery face dataset and Disguised Faces in the Wild (DFW) dataset. Results showcase that the proposed algorithm achieves state of the art results on both the datasets. Specifically on the DFW database, the proposed algorithm yields over 87% verification accuracy at 1% false accept rate which is 53.8% better than baseline results computed using VGGFace.Comment: The 9th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2018
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