1 research outputs found
Auditor铆a de gesti贸n a los procesos de contrataci贸n p煤blica del Gobierno Aut贸nomo Descentralizado Municipal Intercultural Comunitario del cant贸n El Tambo provincia de Ca帽ar, periodo 2018
En el presente trabajo de investigaci贸n se realiz贸 una auditor铆a de gesti贸n a los procesos de
contrataci贸n p煤blica del Gobierno Aut贸nomo Descentralizado Intercultural Comunitario del
cant贸n El Tambo provincia del Ca帽ar en el per铆odo enero a diciembre del 2018, con la finalidad
de examinar los procesos de compra de bienes o servicios para mejorar la eficiencia, eficacia y
efectividad utilizando la normativa legal vigente aplicable a la contrataci贸n, se evalu贸 el control
interno mediante cuestionarios basados en el COSO I y se aplic贸 indicadores de gesti贸n para
medir el grado de cumplimiento de las metas y objetivos planteados por la entidad, tambi茅n se
utiliz贸 el m茅todo deductivo efectuando una revisi贸n a cada proceso de compra ya que parte
mediante el an谩lisis del problema a nivel mundial, Latinoam茅rica, pa铆s, y particular en la
instituci贸n donde se ejecut贸 la investigaci贸n, adem谩s se aplic贸 el enfoque de investigaci贸n
cualitativo ya que utilizando las t茅cnicas de auditor铆a se recopil贸 informaci贸n de los procesos de
compra que ha efectuado la entidad y se determin贸 los problemas potenciales. Una vez ejecutada
la auditor铆a se verific贸 que la entidad incumpli贸 la Ley Org谩nica del Sistema Nacional de
Contrataci贸n P煤blica y su reglamento, adem谩s no se aplica indicadores de gesti贸n, y se ha
detectado errores en la elaboraci贸n de documentos precontractuales. Por lo tanto, se recomienda
elaborar un manual de procedimientos para la contrataci贸n p煤blica y aplicar apropiadamente la
normativa legal para evitar sanciones y reducir el nivel de procesos desiertos.In this research work, a management audit was carried out on the public procurement processes
of the Decentralized Intercultural Community Autonomous Government of the canton of El
Tambo, province of Ca帽ar, in the period January to December 2018, in order to examine the
processes for purchasing goods or services to improve efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness using
the current legal regulations applicable to contracting. Internal control was evaluated using
questionnaries based on COSO I, and management indicators were applied to measure the degree
of compliance with the goals and objectives set by the entity, The deductive method was also
used, carrying out a review of each purchasing process since it starts with an analysis of the
problem at a global level, Latin America, country, and particularly at the institution where the
research was carried out. In addition, the qualitative research approach was applied since, using
the audit techniques, information was collected on the purchasing processes carried out by the
entity and potential problems were identified. Once the audit was carried out, it was verified that
the entity did not comply with the Organic Law of the National Public Procurement System and
its regulations. Therefore, it is recommended that a manual of procedures for public contracting
be prepared and that the legal regulations be properly applied to avoid sanctions and reduce the
level of deserted processes