998 research outputs found

    Penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Persediaan dalam Peningkatan Pendistribusian Barang Dagang pada PT. Chandra Citra Cemerlang

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    Riset untuk melakukan analisis dan melakukan penilaian penerapan SIA persediaan di organisasi, dengan menilai lebih kurang teori yang diungkapkan pakar via pengerjaan dalam organisasi. Lokasi dalam riset ini adalah gudang distributor PT. Chandra Citra Cemerlang. Disini riset menerapkan deskriptif kualitatif. Hendak mendapatkan notifikasi yang diperlukan penulis memakai metode pengumpulan informasi yaitu wawancara, observasi ke lokasi riset, dan dokumentasi. Informasi yang di dapat dalam bentuk struktur organisasi serta uraian jabatan, visi dan misi organisasi, hasil sesi tanya jawab, surat order pembelian, faktur, dan file lainnya yang dibutuhkan. Atas perolehan riset bisa disimpulkan sistem akuntansi persediaan pada PT. Chandra Citra cemerlang sudah baik namun belum seluruhnya sesuai dengan fungsi terkait dan dokumen terkait yang telah dijelaskan pada teori, diantaranya fungsi penjualan yang tidak ada pada teori namun berjalan pada PT. Chandra Citra Cemerlang dan dokumen yang ada pada sistem akuntansi persediaan pada PT. Chandra Citra Cemerlang namun tidak dijelaskan pada teori yakni Tanda Penerimaan Barang, Tanda Permintaan dan Pengeluaran Barang Gudang dan Order Penjualan

    Spatial dynamics and community structure in coral reef fishes (family Labridae).

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    This dissertation represents a comprehensive investigation into the behaviours, social interactions, microhabitat use, and spatial dynamics of six ecologically and morphologically similar Caribbean labrid species. The following species were included: Halichoeres bivittatus, H. garnoti, H. maculipinna, H. poeyi, H. radiatus, and Thalassoma bifasciatum. The first study (Chapter II) examined the relationship between fish size and home range area and found a strong, positive relationship for all species. It was also observed that within their individual home ranges, labrids concentrate their activities in core use areas. The second study (Chapter III) investigated behavioural similarities among these species and their life stages. These labrids showed a high degree of overlap in their behaviours. There was a remarkable similarity in ontogenetic changes in these behaviours among the species. As these labrids grow, they spend more time swimming alone, and less time hovering and searching for food. The third study (Chapter IV) investigated the distribution of behaviours and species interactions within home ranges. Some behaviours were randomly distributed throughout home ranges whereas others were non-randomly distributed. On average, individual fish of all species showed higher frequencies than expected of agonistic interactions with damselfish in the peripheral region of their home ranges. This suggested a large influence of the position of damselfish on labrid spatial arrangements. The fourth study (Chapter V) examined microhabitat use. There was a high degree of variability in microhabitat use among individuals within a species. However, all species showed increasing preference for less topographically complex microhabitats as they grow. The fifth study (Chapter VI) was a manipulative field experiment that demonstrated a mechanistic influence of territorial pomacentrids on space use in one labrid species, H. bivittatus. These individuals relocated their home ranges after beaugregory damselfish, Slegastes leucostictus, were introduced into their core use areas. In the final study (Chapter VII), the effects of environmental factors on labrid assemblage structure were explored. It was found that zonation is a primary factor affecting labrid assemblage structure. On the back reef, several species were negatively associated with adult beaugregory damselfish. Statistical analyses revealed associations between some labrids and microhabitats that were consistent with observations of microhabitat selectivity within individual home ranges.Dept. of Biological Sciences. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2000 .J66. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 62-10, Section: B, page: 4289. Adviser: Peter F. Sale. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2000

    The Wishing Cap

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    With The Wishing Cap, Sherwood promotes God\u27s love over material objects. When a group of children are given the chance to make wishes for anything they want, the story implies that God\u27s love is enough.https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/pamphlet_collection/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Notes and Documents

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    Notes and Documents column for Summer 1980, including a notice about the Edna May Armold Archives Room at the El Reno Carnegie Library, as well as a record of the mining disaster that occurred at Krebs Mine No. 11 in the form of a poem and a list of names of those killed

    Estudio Comparativo en la Calidad Nutricional y Empatique de Galletas de Pulido de Arroz

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    El pulido de arroz se define como un subproducto de aspecto harinoso, suave y fibroso al tacto, constituido por el pericarpio, el tegumento, la aleurona, parte del grano, en polvo o en fragmentos y germen entero y triturado, así como cascarilla. Es rico en proteínas, grasas, y contiene una cantidad apreciable de vitaminas y minerales; sin embargo el uso al que se ha destinado este subproducto es únicamente para el consumo animal. En base a lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es contribuir en la trasformación del pulido de arroz para consumo humano, mediante la elaboración de galletas utilizando el subproducto de arroz pulido. Para el logro del trabajo de investigación, la materia prima se obtuvo de la empresa arrocera Agrocampo Arisanta S.P.R de R.L de C.V. una vez obtenida la materia prima, esta llevo a laboratorio para la preparación de las galletas, realizar los distintos análisis físico-químicos e identificar la vida en anaquel, la cual se valoró cada 15 días durante un periode de cinco meses. Los resultados indican que la porción por galleta debe de ser de 40 gramos, teniendo cada galleta un contenido de fibra de 3.2% y 12.5% de proteína. En relación a la vida en anaquel, se observó que las galletas conservan sus características organolépticas hasta por un tiempo de cinco meses. Estos resultados contribuyen de forma directa a los beneficios a la salud, por lo que sus características permite que se desarrollen alimentos funcionales, tal es el caso de la elaboración de galletas a base de pulido, de consistencia y  sabor agradable al paladar de aquellas personas que gustan de cuidar su dieta   Rice polishing is defined as a by-product with a floury appearance, soft and fibrous to the touch, consisting of the pericarp, the integument, the aleurone, part of the grain, in powder or fragments and whole and ground germ, as well as a husk. It is rich in proteins, and fats, and contains an appreciable amount of vitamins and minerals; however, the use to which this by-product has been destined is solely for animal consumption. Based on the above, the objective of this research work is to contribute to the transformation of polished rice for human consumption, by making biscuits using the polished rice by-product. For the achievement of the research work, the raw material was obtained from the rice company Agrocampo Arisanta S.P.R de R.L de C.V. Once the raw material was obtained, it was taken to the laboratory for the preparation of the cookies, to carry out the different physical-chemical analyzes and to identify the shelf life, which was valued every 15 days during a period of five months. The results indicate that the serving per cookie should be 40 grams, with each cookie having a fiber content of 3.2% and 12.5% ​​protein. In relation to shelf life, it was observed that cookies retain their organoleptic characteristics for up to five months. These results contribute directly to health benefits, so its characteristics allow functional foods to be developed, such is the case of the production of polishing-based biscuits, with a consistency and a palatable taste for those who like to take care of your diet

    Increased Expression of SVCT2 in a New Mouse Model Raises Ascorbic Acid in Tissues and Protects against Paraquat-Induced Oxidative Damage in Lung

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    A new transgenic mouse model for global increases in the Sodium Dependent Vitamin C transporter 2 (SVCT2) has been generated. The SVCT2-Tg mouse shows increased SVCT2 mRNA levels in all organs tested and correspondingly increased ascorbic acid (ASC) levels in all organs except liver. The extent of the increase in transporter mRNA expression differed among mice and among organs. The increased ASC levels did not have any adverse effects on behavior in the SVCT2-Tg mice, which did not differ from wild-type mice on tests of locomotor activity, anxiety, sensorimotor or cognitive ability. High levels of SVCT2 and ASC were found in the kidneys of SVCT2-Tg mice and urinary albumin excretion was lower in these mice than in wild-types. No gross pathological changes were noted in kidneys from SVCT2-Tg mice. SVCT2 immunoreactivity was detected in both SVCT2 and wild-type mice, and a stronger signal was seen in tubules than in glomeruli. Six treatments with Paraquat (3x10 and 3x15 mg/kg i.p.) were used to induce oxidative stress in mice. SVCT2-Tg mice showed a clear attenuation of Paraquat-induced oxidative stress in lung, as measured by F2-isoprostanes. Paraquat also decreased SVCT2 mRNA signal in liver, lung and kidney in SVCT2-Tg mice

    Unveiling The Potential of Culinary Msme’s in Batam Through Precision Training Need Analysis

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    This research aims to design an effective and targeted training program to uncover the skill and knowledge needs of Culinary SMEs in Batam City. The study adopts a qualitative descriptive research approach, with Culinary SMEs in Batam City serving as the informants. The research was conducted from August to November 2023, involving Bizhub Polibatam, Faculty Members, and Project Based Learning students from Department of Business Management. The research findings will be utilized as a reference by Bizhub Polibatam in developing relevant training programs to enhance the competitiveness of Culinary SMEs in Batam, thereby contributing positively to local economic growth. The pressing training needs identified for Culinary SMEs in Batam include Marketing and Digitalization Training, as well as Financial Management, preferably conducted in-person through seminars or workshops with a duration of 1-3 days.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang program pelatihan yang efektif dan tepat sasaran untuk menggali kebutuhan keterampilan dan pengetahuan dari UMKM di Kota Batam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, Informan dalam penelitian adalah UMKM Kuliner di Kota Batam. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-November 2023 dengan melibatkan Bizhub Polibatam, Dosen dan mahasiswa PBL Jurusan Manajemen Bisnis. Hasil dari penelitian akan digunakan sebagai acuan bagi Bizhub Polibatam dalam merancang program pelatihan yang relevan untuk meningkatkan daya saing UMKM Kuliner di Kota Batam sehingga mampu kontribusi positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal. Adapun kebutuhan pelatihan yang mendesak bagi UMKM Kuliner di Batam saat ini adalah Pelatihan Pemasaran dan Digitalisasi serta Pengelolaan Keuangan yang sebaiknya diselenggarakan secara luring dalam bentuk seminar ataupun workshop dengan durasi pelaksanaan 1-3 hari. &nbsp

    Formación universitaria de agroecólogos mayas. Un enfoque intercultural

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    El programa de ingeniería en agroecología en la Universidad Intercultural Maya de Quintana Roo, asumió que “el modelo educativo intercultural y su adecuada articulación con la pedagogía y arreglo institucional, son factores determinantes de éxito”. En el periodo examinado, de 2007 a 2015, cerca del 100% de los estudiantes fueron de origen Maya; entre 2007 a 2010 alrededor del 85% de ellos fueron los primeros en sus familias o comunidades en buscar un título universitario. Otros indicadores son: retención mayor al 80%, titulación del 100% y más del 90% de egresados obtuvieron un empleo en alrededor de seis meses después de su graduación. El programa alcan- zó el nivel más alto de calidad, a nivel nacional, en 2013 mediante la evaluación de los Comités Interinstitucionales de Evaluación de la Educación Superior en México. Estos datos adquieren mayor relevancia debido a que la evaluación de nuestros estudiantes, al ingresar a la UIMQRoo, estuvo por debajo de la media nacional. Entre los elementos del modelo están: la figura de abue- lo tutor para cada estudiante y sabios locales formalmente incorporados como profesores; un taller de desarrollo humano como parte de la formación básica, integración del nivel profesional asociado con licenciatura y el trabajo continuo con la comunidad; todos ellos articulados con una pedagogía que descansó en investigación acción participativa enfatizando la inducción sobre la deducción

    Next Steps from a School Gardening Partnership Conference (AGES: Academic Gardening to Enrich our Students): Expanding the Impact of School Gardens Through Higher Education, K-12 School and Community Coalitions

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    Research suggests that there are many benefits of school gardens for students, teachers and community. Not only can they help children eat more fruits and vegetables and be more physically active, they can help to create learning opportunities and increase teacher satisfaction. In Worcester, Massachusetts, a city with high poverty and food insecurity rates, a broad community coalition formed to brainstorm novel implementation models to improve the use and sustainability of school gardens. The group decided to foster new collaborations among higher education, K-12 schools and community organizations. The innovative idea was that higher education could meet their need for real-world application of various curricula, such as education, business, urban agriculture, marketing, horticulture, sustainable development, and engineering, through the implementation of school gardens. The resulting conference called AGES (Academic Gardening to Enrich our Students) united school teachers, professors, administration and community partners. The sessions featured information on: 1) successful models of higher education-K12 school garden partnerships, 2) building school gardening into the curriculum (psychosocial skills, STEM, environmental sciences, project-based learning, nutrition, healthy lifestyles), 3) research evidence on the benefits of school gardens, 4) strategies for building community through gardening, and 5) garden planning and maintenance. US Representative Jim McGovern was the keynote speaker, highlighting the importance of this collaborative work

    Quantifier scope in sentence prosody? : A view from production

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    Logical scope interpretation and sentence prosody exhibit intricate, yet scarcely studied interrelations across a variety of languages and constructions. Despite these observable interrelations, it is not clear whether quantifier scope by itself is able to directly affect prosodic form. Information structure is a key potential confounding factor, as it appears to richly interact both with scope interpretation and with prosodic form. To address this complication, the current study investigates, based on data from Hungarian, whether quantifier scope is expressed prosodically if information structure is kept in check. A production experiment is presented that investigates grammatically scope ambiguous doubly quantified sentences with varied focus structures, while lacking a syntactically marked topic or focus. In contrast to the information structural manipulation, which is manifest in the analysis of the acoustic data, the results reveal no prosodic effect of quantifier scope, nor the interaction of scope with information structure. This finding casts doubt on the notion that logical scope can receive direct prosodic expression, and it indirectly corroborates the restrictive view instead that scope interpretation is encoded in prosody only in cases in which it is a free rider on information structure