23 research outputs found

    Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Liver Microwave Ablation Using a Fully Water-Cooled Choke Ring Antenna: First Multicenter Clinical Report

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    Introduction: The safety and efficacy of a microwave ablation (MWA) system for the liver with novel technologies in field control, antenna cooling through the inner part of the choke ring, and dual temperature monitoring were evaluated in this multicenter retrospective study. Material and methods: Ablation characteristics and efficacy were assessed on follow-up imaging (computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging). Safety was evaluated according to CTCAE classification. Results: Eighty-seven liver tumors (65 metastases and 22 hepatocellular carcinomas) measuring 17.8 ± 7.9 mm were treated in 68 patients. Ablation zones measured 35.6 ± 11 mm in longest diameter. The coefficients of variation of the longest and shortest ablation diameters were 30.1% and 26.4%, respectively. The mean sphericity index of the ablation zone was 0.78 ± 0.14. Seventy-one ablations (82%) had a sphericity index above 0.66. At 1 month, all tumors demonstrated complete ablation with margins of 0-5 mm, 5-10 mm, and greater than 10 mm achieved in 22%, 46%, and 31% of tumors, respectively. After a median follow-up of 10 months, local tumor control was achieved in 84.7% of treated tumors after a single ablation and in 86% after one patient received a second ablation. One grade 3 complication (stress ulcer) occurred, but was unrelated to the procedure. Ablation zone size and geometry in this clinical study were in accordance with previously reported in vivo preclinical findings. Conclusion: Promising results were reported for this MWA device. The high spherical index, reproducibility, and predictability of the resulting treatment zones translated to a high percentage of adequate safety margins, providing good local control rate

    Determination of disease severity in COVID-19 patients using deep learning in chest X-ray images

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    PURPOSEChest X-ray plays a key role in diagnosis and management of COVID-19 patients and imaging features associated with clinical elements may assist with the development or validation of automated image analysis tools. We aimed to identify associations between clinical and radiographic features as well as to assess the feasibility of deep learning applied to chest X-rays in the setting of an acute COVID-19 outbreak.METHODSA retrospective study of X-rays, clinical, and laboratory data was performed from 48 SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR positive patients (age 60±17 years, 15 women) between February 22 and March 6, 2020 from a tertiary care hospital in Milan, Italy. Sixty-five chest X-rays were reviewed by two radiologists for alveolar and interstitial opacities and classified by severity on a scale from 0 to 3. Clinical factors (age, symptoms, comorbidities) were investigated for association with opacity severity and also with placement of central line or endotracheal tube. Deep learning models were then trained for two tasks: lung segmentation and opacity detection. Imaging characteristics were compared to clinical datapoints using the unpaired student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney U test. Cohen’s kappa analysis was used to evaluate the concordance of deep learning to conventional radiologist interpretation.RESULTSFifty-six percent of patients presented with alveolar opacities, 73% had interstitial opacities, and 23% had normal X-rays. The presence of alveolar or interstitial opacities was statistically correlated with age (P = 0.008) and comorbidities (P = 0.005). The extent of alveolar or interstitial opacities on baseline X-ray was significantly associated with the presence of endotracheal tube (P = 0.0008 and P = 0.049) or central line (P = 0.003 and P = 0.007). In comparison to human interpretation, the deep learning model achieved a kappa concordance of 0.51 for alveolar opacities and 0.71 for interstitial opacities.CONCLUSIONChest X-ray analysis in an acute COVID-19 outbreak showed that the severity of opacities was associated with advanced age, comorbidities, as well as acuity of care. Artificial intelligence tools based upon deep learning of COVID-19 chest X-rays are feasible in the acute outbreak setting

    Réécrire une PIEA à 200 mains : récit d'une démarche collaborative

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    Réécrire une PIEA à 200 mains : récit d'une démarche collaborative

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    Comprend des références bibliographiquesDisponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Réécrire une PIEA à 200 mains : récit d'une démarche collaborative

    Design of a system for the utilization of remnants and treatment of chipboard waste at Grupo All Service S.A.S.

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    Grupo All Service es una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de mobiliario de hogar y oficina con más de 10 años de experiencia en el mercado. Durante este tiempo la empresa ha generado grandes cantidades de desechos de tableros aglomerados, sin poder encontrar una alternativa viable económica y ambientalmente para la disminución o reutilización de estos. Por lo tanto, este proyecto tuvo como objetivo diseñar un sistema que permitiera controlar y aprovechar los retales y residuos de tableros aglomerados de la empresa, buscando una disminución de costos de compra de tableros y mejores prácticas ambientales. Para su desarrollo, se clasificó y valorizó el stock de retales de tablero aglomerado de la empresa. Esto dio como resultado que la compañía tiene en su bodega, material con un valor de 17.705.541COP,enuntotalde508retales.EsteregistrosealmacenoˊenunabasededatosysecreoˊunaherramientadevisualizacioˊnmedianteelsoftwarePython,quepermitecontrolarlosy,ademaˊs,facilitalaidentificacioˊnindividualdecadaretalparasuutilizacioˊnennuevosmuebles.Porotraparte,sedisen~oˊunprocesodefabricacioˊndetablerosaglomeradosabasedelosresiduosdetableros.EsteprocesofuedescritocondetalleyposteriormentesimuladoenelsoftwareArena,obteniendodeeste,resultadosquepermitieroncalcularelcostodeproduccioˊndelostableros.Asıˊsehizoposibledeterminarlaviabilidaddelaimplementacioˊndelprocesoalcompararloscostosdeproducirydecomprarlostableros.Seconcluyoˊquefabricaruntableroaglomeradoes55,817.705.541 COP, en un total de 508 retales. Este registro se almacenó en una base de datos y se creó una herramienta de visualización mediante el software Python, que permite controlarlos y, además, facilita la identificación individual de cada retal para su utilización en nuevos muebles. Por otra parte, se diseñó un proceso de fabricación de tableros aglomerados a base de los residuos de tableros. Este proceso fue descrito con detalle y posteriormente simulado en el software Arena, obteniendo de este, resultados que permitieron calcular el costo de producción de los tableros. Así se hizo posible determinar la viabilidad de la implementación del proceso al comparar los costos de producir y de comprar los tableros. Se concluyó que fabricar un tablero aglomerado es 55,8% más económico que comprarlo a un distribuidor y, además, que el volumen de producción resultante del proceso supera en gran número las necesidades mensuales de la empresa en cuanto a cantidad de tableros aglomerados. Por último, se diseñó un plan de gestión ambiental con el fin de disminuir el impacto ambiental del proceso diseñado y mejorar la percepción que tienen los clientes de la compañía.Grupo All Service is a company dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of home and office furniture with more than 10 years of experience in the market. During this time the company has generated large amounts of chipboard waste, without being able to find an economically and environmentally viable alternative for the reduction or reuse of these wastes. Therefore, this project aimed to design a system that would control and take advantage of the company's chipboard remnants and residues, seeking a reduction in board purchase costs and better environmental practices. For its development, the inventory of chipboard remnants present in the company was classified and valued. As a result, the company has in stock materials with a value of 17,705,541 COP, in a total of 508 remnants. The record of the remnants was stored in a database then, using Python software, a visualization tool was created that allows control over them and facilitates the individual identification of each remnant for use in new furniture. On the other hand, a chipboard manufacturing process based on the board waste was designed. This process was described in detail and later simulated in the Arena® software, obtaining results that made it possible to calculate the production cost of the boards. In this way, it was possible to determine the viability of implementing the process by comparing the cost of producing vs. the cost of buying the chipboard. It was concluded that manufacturing a chipboard is 55.8% cheaper than buying it from a distributor. In addition, the production volume resulting from the process allows Grupo All Service not only to satisfy its monthly needs in terms of the purchase of boards, but it would also have the capacity to engage in the commercialization of chipboard. Finally, an environmental management plan was designed to reduce the environmental impact of the chipboard manufacturing process and improve customer perception of the company

    Luminescence dating of ceramic building materials: application to the study of early medieval churches in north-western France and south-eastern England

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    International audienceThis study focuses on early medieval buildings in England and in France, specifically on those displaying the presence of brick in their masonry. The purpose was to determine whether medieval builders reused Roman salvaged building materials or if the bricks used were contemporary to the building under construction. Thus luminescence dating was applied to bricks sampled from 11 standing Anglo-Saxon or Carolingian churches. The luminescence dates show that the two types of practice were in use in both countries. Where contemporary brickmaking appears to be the case, the study also provided a more precise chronology of the buildings