28 research outputs found

    Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Current Considerations and Expectations

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    In the recent era, no congenital heart defect has undergone a more dramatic change in diagnostic approach, management, and outcomes than hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). During this time, survival to the age of 5 years (including Fontan) has ranged from 50% to 69%, but current expectations are that 70% of newborns born today with HLHS may reach adulthood. Although the 3-stage treatment approach to HLHS is now well founded, there is significant variation among centers. In this white paper, we present the current state of the art in our understanding and treatment of HLHS during the stages of care: 1) pre-Stage I: fetal and neonatal assessment and management; 2) Stage I: perioperative care, interstage monitoring, and management strategies; 3) Stage II: surgeries; 4) Stage III: Fontan surgery; and 5) long-term follow-up. Issues surrounding the genetics of HLHS, developmental outcomes, and quality of life are addressed in addition to the many other considerations for caring for this group of complex patients

    Vitalit\ue0 della cultura classica nel dialogo con il contemporaneo (a proposito della mostra di F. Vezzoli \u201cMuseo Museion\u201d)

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    Il contributo \ue8 incentrato sul tema dell'attualizzazione dell'arte e della cultura classica realizzata nella mostra di Francesco Vezzoli intitolata "Museo Museion", esposta presso il Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea di Bolzano. Essa offre l'esempio di una originale rilettura e di un vitale dialogo tra passato e presente, particolarmente adatto ad incuriosire e coinvolgere le nuove generazioni, nel confronto - talvolta bonariamente ironico - fra armonia classica ed emotivit\ue0 moderna