8 research outputs found

    Two examples of the 3 variants of infographics depicting the multidimensional physical activity behavioural recommendations.

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    <p>Green represents a ‘hit’ target, amber a ‘near’ target (within 25%) and red a ‘missed’ target (>25% away). Graphic i) is a simple colour coded wheel format where each segment represents each dimension but has no magnitude; ii) uses a reference target bar to compare a coloured bar scaled to the relative value attained within each dimension; and graphic iii) places the individuals performance for each guideline as a bubble on a sliding scale relative to the target value represented by the central line. The varied nature of physical activity ‘status’ is highlighted by the data from the two participants where A is an individual who has hit their vigorous activity target and is short on the other four dimensions and B is a participant who has a high PAL and considerable moderate intensity activity but is still quite sedentary and has very little vigorous intensity activity.</p

    Demographic characteristics of all participants included in the analyses.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> = Values reported as mean (standard deviation)</p><p><sup>b</sup> = Physical activity dimensions that were presented in the ‘health target’ section of the feedback were as follows: </p><p></p><p></p><p>Physical activity level (PAL) was the average total daily energy expenditure/basal metabolic rate (Kcal/day);</p><p></p><p></p><p>Daily sedentary time was the percentage of a 16 hour waking day (8 hours of sleep was assumed and subtracted from the total sedentary time) spent sedentary (<1.5 METs);</p><p></p><p></p><p>Daily moderate activity was the average number of single minutes of moderate activity (≥3 METs, <6 METs);</p><p></p><p></p><p>Weekly moderate-vigorous bouts included all activity greater than 3 METs sustained for at least a period of 10 minutes;</p><p></p><p></p><p>Weekly vigorous activity combined all the minutes of vigorous activity (>6 METs) accumulated over the monitored week.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Physical activity level (PAL) was the average total daily energy expenditure/basal metabolic rate (Kcal/day);</p><p>Daily sedentary time was the percentage of a 16 hour waking day (8 hours of sleep was assumed and subtracted from the total sedentary time) spent sedentary (<1.5 METs);</p><p>Daily moderate activity was the average number of single minutes of moderate activity (≥3 METs, <6 METs);</p><p>Weekly moderate-vigorous bouts included all activity greater than 3 METs sustained for at least a period of 10 minutes;</p><p>Weekly vigorous activity combined all the minutes of vigorous activity (>6 METs) accumulated over the monitored week.</p><p>Demographic characteristics of all participants included in the analyses.</p

    Component 1: Interpretation of the personalised feedback designs and data.

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    <p>Two higher order themes, represented by the large central circles, included the ability to accurately understand the visual physical activity data (A) and the enhancement of physical activity knowledge (B). The magnitude of the peripheral circles representing the lower order themes supporting the central theme, relate to the proportion of participants within each group identifying with each theme as indicated by the key at the foot of the figure.</p

    Bland-Altman plots for daily energy expenditure.

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    <p>Bland-Altman plots depicting bias and 95% limits of agreement of 24 hr energy expenditure for a range of commercial activity trackers relative to the criterion individually calibrated Actiheart device. Bias represents (predicted expenditure—criterion expenditure). The solid line represents absolute bias, the dashed lines the upper and lower 95% limits of agreement and the dotted line represents perfect agreement.</p

    Percentage error of estimation of laboratory activities.

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    <p>Modified box and whisker plot depicting the percentage error of estimation relative to criterion indirect calorimetry for each activity undertaken. The highlighted ‘All’ data furthest left represents the combination of all the activities and recovery periods considered as a whole block. Recovery data represents the combination of the 5 minute stationary recovery periods after the 10 minute walk, loaded walk, cycle and jog periods. Small circles represent the individual data points, with horizontal bars representing the mean for each activity bordered by the 95% limits of agreement.</p

    Estimated 24 hr energy expenditure from the wearable devices.

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    <p>Data is depicted as mean, with individual data points shown and error bars representing the SD. * Denotes that all consumer devices were significantly different p < 0.01 from the research devices. Each individual device is significantly different p < 0.01 from every other device, except for the comparisons between Microsoft <i>vs</i>. Jawbone, Fitbit <i>vs</i>. Apple and Bodymedia <i>vs</i>. Actiheart.</p