245 research outputs found

    Regularity and approximation analyses of nonlocal variational equality and inequality problems

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    We consider linear and obstacle problems driven by a nonlocal integral operator, for which nonlocal interactions are restricted to a ball of finite radius. These type of operators are used to model anomalous diffusion and, for a special choice of the integral kernels, reduce to the fractional Laplace operator on a bounded domain. By means of a nonlocal vector calculus we recast the problems in a weak form, leading to corresponding nonlocal variational equality and inequality problems. We prove optimal regularity results for both problems, including a higher regularity of the solution and the Lagrange multiplier. Based on the regularity results, we analyze the convergence of finite element approximations for a linear problem and illustrate the theoretical findings by numerical results

    Goal-oriented A Posteriori Error Estimation for Finite Volume Methods

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    A general framework for goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation for finite volume methods is presented. The framework does not rely on recasting finite volume methods as special cases of finite element methods, but instead directly determines error estimators from the discretized finite volume equations. Thus, the framework can be ap- plied to arbitrary finite volume methods. It also provides the proper functional settings to address well-posedness issues for the primal and adjoint problems. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the validity and effectiveness of the a posteriori error estimates and their applicability to adaptive mesh refinement

    Identification of the diffusion parameter in nonlocal steady diffusion problems

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    The problem of identifying the diffusion parameter appearing in a nonlocal steady diffusion equation is considered. The identification problem is formulated as an optimal control problem having a matching functional as the objective of the control and the parameter function as the control variable. The analysis makes use of a nonlocal vector calculus that allows one to define a variational formulation of the nonlocal problem. In a manner analogous to the local partial differential equations counterpart, we demonstrate, for certain kernel functions, the existence of at least one optimal solution in the space of admissible parameters. We introduce a Galerkin finite element discretization of the optimal control problem and derive a priori error estimates for the approximate state and control variables. Using one-dimensional numerical experiments, we illustrate the theoretical results and show that by using nonlocal models it is possible to estimate non-smooth and discontinuous diffusion parameters.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Affine approximation of parametrized kernels and model order reduction for nonlocal and fractional Laplace models

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    We consider parametrized problems driven by spatially nonlocal integral operators with parameter-dependent kernels. In particular, kernels with varying nonlocal interaction radius δ>0\delta > 0 and fractional Laplace kernels, parametrized by the fractional power s∈(0,1)s\in(0,1), are studied. In order to provide an efficient and reliable approximation of the solution for different values of the parameters, we develop the reduced basis method as a parametric model order reduction approach. Major difficulties arise since the kernels are not affine in the parameters, singular, and discontinuous. Moreover, the spatial regularity of the solutions depends on the varying fractional power ss. To address this, we derive regularity and differentiability results with respect to δ\delta and ss, which are of independent interest for other applications such as optimization and parameter identification. We then use these results to construct affine approximations of the kernels by local polynomials. Finally, we certify the method by providing reliable a posteriori error estimators, which account for all approximation errors, and support the theoretical findings by numerical experiments

    Peridynamics and Material Interfaces

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    The convergence of a peridynamic model for solid mechanics inside heterogeneous media in the limit of vanishing nonlocality is analyzed. It is shown that the operator of linear peridynamics for an isotropic heterogeneous medium converges to the corresponding operator of linear elasticity when the material properties are sufficiently regular. On the other hand, when the material properties are discontinuous, i.e., when material interfaces are present, it is shown that the operator of linear peridynamics diverges, in the limit of vanishing nonlocality, at material interfaces. Nonlocal interface conditions, whose local limit implies the classical interface conditions of elasticity, are then developed and discussed. A peridynamics material interface model is introduced which generalizes the classical interface model of elasticity. The model consists of a new peridynamics operator along with nonlocal interface conditions. The new peridynamics interface model converges to the classical interface model of linear elasticity

    Optimal Point Sets for Total Degree Polynomial Interpolation in Moderate Dimensions

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    This paper is concerned with Lagrange interpolation by total degree polynomials in moderate dimensions. In particular, we are interested in characterising the optimal choice of points for the interpolation problem, where we define the optimal interpolation points as those which minimise the Lebesgue constant. We give a novel algorithm for numerically computing the location of the optimal points, which is independent of the shape of the domain and does not require computations with Vandermonde matrices. We perform a numerical study of the growth of the minimal Lebesgue constant with respect to the degree of the polynomials and the dimension, and report the lowest values known as yet of the Lebesgue constant in the unit cube and the unit ball in up to 10 dimensions

    An efficient algorithm for simulating ensembles of parameterized flow problems

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    Many applications of computational fluid dynamics require multiple simulations of a flow under different input conditions. In this paper, a numerical algorithm is developed to efficiently determine a set of such simulations in which the individually independent members of the set are subject to different viscosity coefficients, initial conditions, and/or body forces. The proposed scheme applied to the flow ensemble leads to need to solve a single linear system with multiple right-hand sides, and thus is computationally more efficient than solving for all the simulations separately. We show that the scheme is nonlinearly and long-term stable under certain conditions on the time-step size and a parameter deviation ratio. Rigorous numerical error estimate shows the scheme is of first-order accuracy in time and optimally accurate in space. Several numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the theoretical results.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    A second-order time-stepping scheme for simulating ensembles of parameterized flow problems

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    We consider settings for which one needs to perform multiple flow simulations based on the Navier-Stokes equations, each having different values for the physical parameters and/or different initial condition data, boundary conditions data, and/or forcing functions. For such settings, we propose a second-order time accurate ensemble-based method that to simulate the whole set of solutions, requires, at each time step, the solution of only a single linear system with multiple right-hand-side vectors. Rigorous analyses are given proving the conditional stability and error estimates for the proposed algorithm. Numerical experiments are provided that illustrate the analyses.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0935

    A Generalized Nonlocal Calculus with Application to the Peridynamics Model for Solid Mechanics

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    A nonlocal vector calculus was introduced in [2] that has proved useful for the analysis of the peridynamics model of nonlocal mechanics and nonlocal diffusion models. A generalization is developed that provides a more general setting for the nonlocal vector calculus that is independent of particular nonlocal models. It is shown that general nonlocal calculus operators are integral operators with specific integral kernels. General nonlocal calculus properties are developed, including nonlocal integration by parts formula and Green's identities. The nonlocal vector calculus introduced in [2] is shown to be recoverable from the general formulation as a special example. This special nonlocal vector calculus is used to reformulate the peridynamics equation of motion in terms of the nonlocal gradient operator and its adjoint. A new example of nonlocal vector calculus operators is introduced, which shows the potential use of the general formulation for general nonlocal models

    Sharp convergence rates of time discretization for stochastic time-fractional PDEs subject to additive space-time white noise

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    The stochastic time-fractional equation βˆ‚tΟˆβˆ’Ξ”βˆ‚t1βˆ’Ξ±Οˆ=f+WΛ™\partial_t \psi -\Delta\partial_t^{1-\alpha} \psi = f + \dot W with space-time white noise WΛ™\dot W is discretized in time by a backward-Euler convolution quadrature for which the sharp-order error estimate Eβˆ₯ψ(β‹…,tn)βˆ’Οˆnβˆ₯L2(O)2=O(Ο„1βˆ’Ξ±d/2) {\mathbb E}\|\psi(\cdot,t_n)-\psi_n\|_{L^2(\mathcal{O})}^2=O(\tau^{1-\alpha d/2}) is established for α∈(0,2/d)\alpha\in(0,2/d), where dd denotes the spatial dimension, ψn\psi_n the approximate solution at the nthn^{\rm th} time step, and E\mathbb{E} the expectation operator. In particular, the result indicates optimal convergence rates of numerical solutions for both stochastic subdiffusion and diffusion-wave problems in one spatial dimension. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the theoretical analysis
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