3 research outputs found

    Causal Consistent Databases

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    Many consistency criteria have been considered in databases and the causal consistency is one of them. The causal consistency model has gained much attention in recent years because it provides ordering of relative operations. The causal consistency requires that all writes, which are potentially causally related, must be seen in the same order by all processes. The causal consistency is a weaker criteria than the sequential consistency, because there exists an execution, which is causally consistent but not sequentially consistent, however all executions satisfying the sequential consistency are also causally consistent. Furthermore, the causal consistency supports non-blocking operations; i.e. processes may complete read or write operations without waiting for global computation. Therefore, the causal consistency overcomes the primary limit of stronger criteria: communication latency. Additionally, several application semantics are precisely captured by the causal consistency, e.g. collaborative tools. In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art of causal consistent databases, discuss the features, functionalities and applications of the causal consistency model, and systematically compare it with other consistency models. We also discuss the implementation of causal consistency databases and identify limitations of the causal consistency model

    Eventual Consistent Databases: State of the Art

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    One of the challenges of cloud programming is to achieve the right balance between the availability and consistency in a distributed database. Cloud computing environments, particularly cloud databases, are rapidly increasing in importance, acceptance and usage in major applications, which need the partition-tolerance and availability for scalability purposes, but sacrifice the consistency side (CAP theorem). In these environments, the data accessed by users is stored in a highly available storage system, thus the use of paradigms such as eventual consistency became more widespread. In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art database systems using eventual consistency from both industry and research. Based on this review, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of eventual consistency, and identify the future research challenges on the databases using eventual consistency