8 research outputs found

    Analytical optical solutions to the nonlinear Zakharov system via logarithmic transformation

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    In the past few years, there has been a growing interest in investigating the search for solitary wave solutions in the realm of nonlinear partial differential equations. This endeavor represents a captivating and challenging area of research. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the nonlinear Zakharov system through a comprehensive analysis that integrates logarithmic transformations and the symbolic structures of exponential functions. The nonlinear Zakharov system holds remarkable importance as a fundamental cornerstone in the field of plasma physics, derived from the profound intellect of esteemed mathematicians and physicists. By examining a diverse range of solution forms including trigonometric, hyperbolic, and rational expressions, this research delves into the complexities of plasma behavior. Notably, the introduction of arbitrarily selected constants imbues these solutions with a multifaceted and dynamic nature. In support of the findings, the article presents several numerical simulations that align with the derived solutions. The utilized methods stand out for being simple, reliable, and capableof creating fresh solutions for nonlinear partial differential equations in the realm of mathematical physics. Other significance of this research lies in its introduction of innovative methodologies previously unexplored in the study of this particular model, thereby broadening the scientific toolkit. Moreover, the versatility of these techniques offers the potential for seamless adaptation in addressing various other nonlinear partial differential equations

    Construction of an Electrical Conductor, Strain Sensor, Electrical Connection and Cycle Switch Using Conductive Graphite Cotton Fabrics

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    Researchers in science and industry are increasingly interested in conductive textiles. In this article, we have successfully prepared conductive textiles by applying a graphite dispersion to cotton fabric using a simple brush-coating-drying method and the solvents of dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl formamide, and a solvent mixture of both. The sheet resistance of the resulting cotton fabrics could be influenced by the type of polar solvent used to prepare the graphite dispersion and the concentration of graphite. In addition, the graphite cotton fabrics showed semiconductive behavior upon studying the resistance at different temperatures. A flexible strain sensor was fabricated using these graphite cotton fabrics for human motion detection. Most importantly, the resulting strain sensor functions even after 100 bending cycles, indicating its excellent reproducibility. In addition, our results have also shown that these graphite cotton fabrics can be used as electrical interconnects in electrical circuits without any visible degradation of the conductive cotton. Finally, a cotton electrical cycle switch was made using the graphite cotton fabrics and worked in the on and off state

    Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructured Rock Wool as a Novel Material for Efficient Water-Splitting Application

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    Rock wool (RW) nanostructures of various sizes and morphologies were prepared using a combination of ball-mill and hydrothermal techniques, followed by an annealing process. Different tools were used to explore the morphologies, structures, chemical compositions and optical characteristics of the samples. The effect of initial particle size on the characteristics and photoelectrochemical performance of RW samples generated hydrothermally was investigated. As the starting particle size of ball-milled natural RW rises, the crystallite size of hydrothermally formed samples drops from 70.1 to 31.7 nm. Starting with larger ball-milled particle sizes, the nanoparticles consolidate and seamlessly combine to form a continuous surface with scattered spherical nanopores. Water splitting was used to generate photoelectrochemical hydrogen using the samples as photocatalysts. The number of hydrogen moles and conversion efficiencies were determined using amperometry and voltammetry experiments. When the monochromatic wavelength of light was increased from 307 to 460 nm for the manufactured RW>0.3 photocatalyst, the photocurrent density values decreased from 0.25 to 0.20 mA/mg. At 307 nm and +1 V, the value of the incoming photon-to-current efficiency was ~9.77%. Due to the stimulation of the H+ ion rate under the temperature impact, the Jph value increased by a factor of 5 when the temperature rose from 40 to 75 °C. As a result of this research, for the first time, a low-cost photoelectrochemical catalytic material is highlighted for effective hydrogen production from water splitting

    A Review on Green Synthesis of TiO2 NPs: Photocatalysis and Antimicrobial Applications

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    Nanotechnology is a fast-expanding area with a wide range of applications in science, engineering, health, pharmacy, and other fields. Nanoparticles (NPs) are frequently prepared via a variety of physical and chemical processes. Simpler, sustainable, and cost-effective green synthesis technologies have recently been developed. The synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) in a green/sustainable manner has gotten a lot of interest in the previous quarter. Bioactive components present in organisms such as plants and bacteria facilitate the bio-reduction and capping processes. The biogenic synthesis of TiO2 NPs, as well as the different synthesis methods and mechanistic perspectives, are discussed in this review. A range of natural reducing agents including proteins, enzymes, phytochemicals, and others, are involved in the synthesis of TiO2 NPs. The physics of antibacterial and photocatalysis applications were also thoroughly discussed. Finally, we provide an overview of current research and future concerns in biologically mediated TiO2 nanostructures-based feasible platforms for industrial applications

    Theoretical Analysis of Optical Properties for Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells with Adding Anti-Reflective Coating Photonic Crystals

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    In the current study, we aim to limit the power dissipation in amorphous silicon solar cells by enhancing the cell absorbance at different incident angles. The current improvement is justified by adding the single-period of ternary 1D photonic crystal with texturing on the top surface, which acts as an anti-reflecting coating. The texturing shape gives the photons at least two chances to localize inside the active area of the cell. Therefore, it increases the absorbance of the cell. Moreover, we add binary one-dimensional photonic crystals with the features of a photonic band gap, which acts as a back mirror to return the photons that were transmitted inside the cell’s active region. The considered structure is demonstrated by the well-defined finite element method (FEM) by using COMSOL multiphysics

    Theoretical Analysis of Optical Properties for Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells with Adding Anti-Reflective Coating Photonic Crystals

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    In the current study, we aim to limit the power dissipation in amorphous silicon solar cells by enhancing the cell absorbance at different incident angles. The current improvement is justified by adding the single-period of ternary 1D photonic crystal with texturing on the top surface, which acts as an anti-reflecting coating. The texturing shape gives the photons at least two chances to localize inside the active area of the cell. Therefore, it increases the absorbance of the cell. Moreover, we add binary one-dimensional photonic crystals with the features of a photonic band gap, which acts as a back mirror to return the photons that were transmitted inside the cell’s active region. The considered structure is demonstrated by the well-defined finite element method (FEM) by using COMSOL multiphysics

    Computation of SWCNT/MWCNT-doped thermo-magnetic nano-blood boundary layer flow with non-Darcy, chemical reaction, viscous heating and Joule dissipation effects

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    CNTs have been shown to exhibit exceptional electrical and thermal conductivities, chemical and mechanical stability and physiochemical reliability in wide-ranging applications covering biomedicine, energy and aerospace. Motivated by emerging applications in nano-drug delivery in medicine and radiative ablation therapy, a steady-state mathematical model is established for magnetohydrodynamic boundary-layer transport of chemically reactive carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-doped electrically conducting blood along a porous stretching wall of a blood vessel. Multiple and single walls CNTs are considered using the model developed by Xue (2005). Heat generation, radiative flux, wall mass (concentration) slip, viscous heating and Joule magnetic dissipation are incorporated. Chemical reaction effects are addressed utilizing homogenous first-order model. The Darcy-Forchheimer drag force model is utilized for bulk matrix and inertial drag effects in the porous medium. Radiative heat-transport is studied considering Rosseland's diffusion model. The governing partial differential conservation equations for mass, momentum, energy and species are formulated in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system with allied wall and free-stream boundary conditions. Via scaling transformations, a nonlinear boundary value 2 problem is derived. Numerical computations are achieved through bvp4c scheme. The impact of selected parameters on dimensionless quantities (velocity, temperature, concentration, skin friction, local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers) are computed and elaborated through tables and graphs. A good correlation of the numerical solutions with earlier simpler models from the literature is included. The simulations show that with augmentation in Hartmann magnetic number and Forchheimer inertial drag number, significant damping in the nano-doped blood flow is produced for both SWCNTs and MWCNTs. Temperature is elevated with increment in dissipation effect i. e. Eckert number. Higher values of mass (solutal) slip parameter induce a depletion in the concentration. Nusselt number i. e. heat transfer rate to the blood vessel wall is improved with greater values of solid volume fraction for both CNTs. The present model is relevant to radiative ablation therapy combined with nano-medical treatments in blood vessels wherein constant mechanical loading via blood pressure and flow can elevate internal stresses (circumferential wall stress and endothelial shear stress) and induce morphological alterations in blood vessel wall (stretching) and the endothelium in conjunction with biochemical reactions

    Design and Characterization of Zeolite/Serpentine Nanocomposite Photocatalyst for Solar Hydrogen Generation

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    In this work, a low-cost, high-yield hydrothermal treatment was used to produce nanozeolite (Zeo), nanoserpentine (Serp), and Zeo/Serp nanocomposites with weight ratios of 1:1 and 2:1. At 250 °C for six hours, the hydrothermal treatment was conducted. Various methods are used to explore the morphologies, structures, compositions, and optical characteristics of the generated nanostructures. The morphological study revealed structures made of nanofibers, nanorods, and hybrid nanofibril/nanorods. The structural study showed clinoptilolite monoclinic zeolite and antigorite monoclinic serpentine with traces of talcum mineral and carbonates. As a novel photoelectrochemical catalyst, the performance of the Zeo/Serp (2:1) composite was evaluated for solar hydrogen generation from water splitting relative to its constituents. At −1 V, the Zeo/Serp (2:1) composite produced a maximum current density of 8.44 mA/g versus 7.01, 6.74, and 6.6 mA/g for hydrothermally treated Zeo/Serp (1:1), Zeo, and Serp, respectively. The Zeo/Serp (2:1) photocatalysts had a solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency (STH) of 6.5% and an estimated hydrogen output rate of 14.43 mmole/h.g. Consequently, the current research paved the way for low-cost photoelectrochemical catalytic material for efficient solar hydrogen production by water splitting