5 research outputs found

    Features of Functioning and Development of Network Scientific Journals in the Modern Digital Landscape System: Russian and Bulgarian Experience Comparative Analysis

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    The article analyzes the experience of development of electronic scientific journals in Russia and Bulgaria in the context of general trends of digitalization and transformation of the sphere of science management in recent decades and also the implementation of a strategy to increase the competitiveness of science in the global scientific community, which is reflected in the activities of scientific journals. The main problem that draws attention of the authors is how universal digitalization changes the usual view of science, affecting the development of periodicals, and how, on the contrary, the network form of social institutions of science affects its development, what place such journals occupy in the general view of science. The article examines the potential of journals in Russia and Bulgaria to promote the achievements of scientists, increase the credibility of representatives of individual scientific and educational institutions, meet the requirements of scientometrics, reflect the trends of transformation of the global scientific landscape, and fight against “fake” science. The object of the research is a number of journals in the fields of political science, philosophy, history, cultural studies, sociology, psychology, communications and information technologies published in Russia and Bulgaria, which originated as a network or use the network form as one of the main ones in their activities. The main method used in the study is an expert survey. The guide of the expert interview includes 18 questions in Russian and Bulgarian. A total of 12 interviews are conducted with editors-in-chief and members of editorial boards of 9 Russian journals, and 8 interviews with editors-in-chief of Bulgarian journals. The comparative analysis reveals similarities and differences in the goal setting of creating electronic journals, their advantages and disadvantages, the role of scientometrics, the choice of access forms and technological solutions for communication, and development prospects. The role of electronic journals in the digital socialization of scientists – authors, editors, and reviewers, and in the transformation of the usual forms of research activities of modern researchers is shown. The question of the key role of electronic journals in the fundamental change in the global scientific landscape at the same time identifies the problem of the crisis of confidence in e-magazines related to as with tradition, accepted by the scientific community, and with inadequate understanding of goal setting of electronic periodicals and their differences from print publications

    Abstracts of the 20th annual meeting of the association `Heart - Lung` and 2nd „Varna - Augsburg` conference 30-31 may 2014

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    Primary tumours of the heart are rare. Metastases are the most frequent tumours of the heart. Anyway, it is generallyagreed that autopsy prevalence of primary cardiac tumors is 1 out of 2,000 and that of secondary cardiactumors is 1 out of 100 autopsies, with a secondary/primary cardiac tumors ratio of 20:1. Cardiac tumors may occurin any cardiac tissue. They can cause valvular or inflow-outflow tract obstruction, thromboembolism, arrhythmias,or pericardial disorders. Symptoms are very variable and can be the result of either local or systemiceffects. Surgery is successful for benign tumours when adequate resection margins are allowed. A number of imagingmodalities are available for the assessment of cardiac tumours; each has advantages and limitations. Thisreport presents our experience in the treatment of tumors of the hear