52 research outputs found

    The sensitivity of Euro-Atlantic regimes to model horizontal resolution

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    There is growing evidence that the atmospheric dynamics of the Euro-Atlantic sector during winter is driven in part by the presence of quasi-persistent regimes. However, general circulation models typically struggle to simulate these with, for example, an overly weakly persistent blocking regime. Previous studies have showed that increased horizontal resolution can improve the regime structure of a model but have so far only considered a single model with only one ensemble member at each resolution, leaving open the possibility that this may be either coincidental or model dependent. We show that the improvement in regime structure due to increased resolution is robust across multiple models with multiple ensemble members. However, while the high-resolution models have notably more tightly clustered data, other aspects of the regimes may not necessarily improve and are also subject to a large amount of sampling variability that typically requires at least three ensemble members to surmount

    New Materials and Technologies for Durability and Conservation of Building Heritage

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    The increase in concrete structures’ durability is a milestone to improve the sustainability of buildings and infrastructures. In order to ensure a prolonged service life, it is necessary to detect the deterioration of materials by means of monitoring systems aimed at evaluating not only the penetration of aggressive substances into concrete but also the corrosion of carbon-steel reinforcement. Therefore, proper data collection makes it possible to plan suitable restoration works which can be carried out with traditional or innovative techniques and materials. This work focuses on building heritage and it highlights the most recent findings for the conservation and restoration of reinforced concrete structures and masonry buildings

    Vitamina E e granuloma anulare

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    Many therapeutic options bave heen proposed in the treatment of granuloma annulare, topically and systemically, but sometimes all have serious side effects. In the last 10 years, topical Vitamin E has been used presenting the advantage of no side effects and low cost

    Impiego di Kava e Hypericum in dermatologia

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    More than 1/3 of the skin diseases are induced or influenced by the mental state. Antidepressants and sedatives are, therefore, widely used in dermatology. Today kava and hypericum offer comparable effectiveness to the classical drugs but with less collateral effects. We want, therefore, to evaluate their effectiveness in dermatology

    Sintesi di idrossiapatite mediante microonde.

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    In questo lavoro è stata valutata la possibilità di ottenere idrossiapatite (HA) mediante sintesi a microonde. Per fare questo sono stati presi a riferimento due metodi idrotermali, in autoclave e a pressione ambiente. I prodotti sono stati valutati mediante diffrattometria a Raggi X, microscopia elettronica SEM e microsonda EDAX. I risultati hanno dimostrato che si ottiene HA con le stesse caratteristiche di quella prodotta con i metodi tradizionali in tempi significativamente minori, soltanto 4 o 6 ore