466 research outputs found

    Access to and Encoding of VRML State Information

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    In this paper we propose a concept for transparent access of VRML state information. Our approach enhances VRML-browsers to provide additional functionality instead of placing the burden for state access on content developers. The enhanced functionality is realized as an extension to the External Authoring Interface (EAI). Any application which relies on a VRML-browser as 3D presentation engine can use the new EAI functionality to get and set the state of arbitrary VRML content. In order to support diverse applications, the proposed methods not only allow to retrieve the full state of a complete world, but also the state of single objects and state changes. Since the results of state access should be independent of browser implementations, we also specify an encoding for state information. Data in this form is either produced or consumed during state access. For the encoding of state information we use an easy-to-parse and efficient binary encoding

    Consistency in Continuous Distributed Interactive Media

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    In this paper we investigate how consistency can be ensured for continuous distributed interactive media, i.e. distributed media which change their state in reaction to user initiated operations as well as because of the passing of time. Existing approaches to reach consistency in discrete distributed interactive media are briefly outlined and it is shown that these fail in the continuous domain. In order to allow a thorough discussion of the problem, a formal definition of the term consistency in the continuous domain is given. Based on this definition we show that an important trade off relationship exists between the responsiveness of the medium and the appearance of short term inconsistencies. Currently this trade off is not taken into consideration for consistency in the continuous domain, thereby severely limiting the consistency related fidelity for a large number of applications. We show that for those applications the fidelity can be significantly raised by voluntarily decreasing the responsiveness of the medium. This concept is called local lag and it enables the distribution of continuous interactive media which are more vulnerable to short term inconsistencies than e.g. battlefield simulations. We prove that the concept of local lag is valid by describing how local lag was successfully used to ensure consistency in a 3D telecooperation application

    Report Dagstuhl Seminar 10402 - Working Group on Fundamental Limits and Opportunities

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    This working group investigated first steps towards finding a theoretical foundation for inter-vehicle communication. The main outcome is a sketch of a roadmap for future work in this direction

    Notes on the use of RTP for shared workspace applications

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    The Real-time Transport Protocol, RTP, has become the dominant protocol for streaming audio and video in IP-based environments. A number of proposals have been made which attempt to build on this success and apply RTP for shared workspace applications. We discuss the needs of such applications and the features provided by RTP, with an aim to showing why RTP is not appropriate for such uses

    A Survey on TCP-Friendly Congestion Control (extended version)

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    New trends in communication, in particular the deployment of multicast and real-time audio/video streaming applications, are likely to increase the percentage of non-TCP traffic in the Internet. These applications rarely perform congestion control in a TCP-friendly manner, i.e., they do not share the available bandwidth fairly with applications built on TCP, such as web browsers, FTP- or email-clients. The Internet community strongly fears that the current evolution could lead to a congestion collapse and starvation of TCP traffic. For this reason, TCP-friendly protocols are being developed that behave fairly with respect to co-existent TCP flows. In this article, we present a survey of current approaches to TCP-friendliness and discuss their characteristics. Both unicast and multicast congestion control protocols are examined, and an evaluation of the different approaches is presented

    Probabilistic Congestion Control for Non-Adaptable Flows

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    In this paper we present a TCP-friendly congestion control scheme for non-adaptable flows. The main characteristic of these flows is that their data rate is determined by an application and cannot be adapted to the current congestion situation of the network. Typical examples of non-adaptable flows are those produced by networked computer games or live audio and video transmissions where adaption of the quality is not possible (e.g., since it is already at the lowest possible quality). We propose to perform congestion control for non-adaptable flows by suspending them at appropriate times so that the aggregation of multiple non-adaptable flows behaves in a TCP-friendly manner. The decision whether a flow is to be suspended is based on random experiments. In order to allocate probabilities for these experiments, the data rate of the non-adaptable flow is compared to the rate that a TCP flow would achieve under the same conditions. We present a detailed discussion of the proposed scheme and evaluate it through extensive simulations with the network simulator ns-2

    Mobile Ad-hoc-Netzwerke: Kommunikation ohne Infrastruktur

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