23 research outputs found

    Bioreactors, scaffolds and microcarriers and in vitro meat production—current obstacles and potential solutions

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    In vitro meat production presents a potential viable alternative for meat consumption, which could provide the consumer with a product indistinguishable from the original, with very similar nutritional and culinary values. Indeed, the alternative products currently accessible often lack comparable nutritional value or culinary attributes to their animal-derived counterparts. This creates challenges for their global acceptance, particularly in countries where meat consumption holds cultural significance. However, while cultured meat research has been progressing rapidly in recent years, some significant obstacles still need to be overcome before its possible commercialization. Hence, this review summarizes the most current knowledge regarding the history of cultured meat, the currently used cell sources and methods used for the purpose of in vitro meat production, with particular focus on the role of bioreactors, scaffolds and microcarriers in overcoming the current obstacles. The authors put the potential microcarrier and scaffold-based solutions in a context, discussing the ways in which they can impact the way forward for the technology, including the use of considering the potential practical and societal barriers to implementing it as a viable food source worldwide

    Variability in gelatinase expression in the walls of vessels used as aortocoronary conduits may impact long-term graft patency

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    Background: An imbalance between the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), particularly gelatinases, and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) is considered as one of the mechanisms leading to aortocoronary graft failure. Aims: We aimed to assess the variability in gelatinase expression in the walls of aortocoronary conduits and to evaluate its impact on coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) outcomes. Methods: The study included 101 consecutive patients (61 men and 40 women) who underwent CABG. An immunohisto­chemical analysis of MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 expression was performed on the cross-sections of the internal thoracic artery (ITA), radial artery (RA), and saphenous vein (SV). The histological findings were compared between patients with SV graft disease (SVGD[+] group) and those without occlusions in the SV (SVGD[–] group). Results: The median MMP and TIMP expression was the weakest in the ITA wall. MMP expression was comparable between the RA and SV cross-sections, whereas TIMP expression was stronger in the RA than in the SV wall (p < 0.05). In most SV segments, but not in the arteries, immunostaining intensity for MMP was comparable to or stronger than for TIMPs. In the veins harvested from the SVGD(+) group, MMP-2 and MMP-9 tissue expression was more pronounced than in the SVGD(–) group. TIMP levels were comparable between groups. Conclusions: Imbalance in the metalloproteinase-to-inhibitor tissue expression in the vessel wall might predispose to graft failure. A stronger expression of TIMPs than MMPs in the arterial grafts might explain favourable long-term outcomes

    Avian Satellite Cell Plasticity

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    Adult myogenesis is dependent on a population of precursor cells, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina of the muscle fiber. These satellite cells, usually present in a quiescent state, become activated in response to mechanical muscle strain, differentiating and fusing to add new nuclei to enlarging muscles. As their myogenic lineage commitment is induced on demand, muscle satellite cells exhibit a certain amount of plasticity, possibly being able to be directed to differentiate into non-myogenic fates. In this study, myosatellite cells were isolated from chicken muscle samples, characterized in vitro and introduced into developing blastoderms. They were further investigated using fluorescence microscopy, immunohistochemistry and PCR, to determine their location in embryos after three and eighteen days. The results of the in vitro analysis confirmed that the cells obtained from the Pectoralis thoracicus are highly myogenic, based on the expression of Pax7, Myogenin, MyoD, Desmin and the myotube assay. Furthermore, the investigation of satellite cells within the embryo showed their migration to the regions of Pectoralis thoracicus, heart, liver, gizzard, proventriculus, intestine and brain. Overall, the results of the study proved the high myogenicity of chicken Pectoralis thoracicus cell isolates, as well as provided new information about their migration pathways following introduction into the blastocyst. The presence of the introduced LacZ or eGFP transgenes across the embryo, even 20 days after myosatellite cell injection, further supports the notion that satellite cells exhibit significant plasticity, potentially transdifferentiating into non-muscle lineages

    Endothelial Dysfunction in Pregnancy Complications

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    The endothelium, which constitutes the inner layer of blood vessels and lymphatic structures, plays an important role in various physiological functions. Alterations in structure, integrity and function of the endothelial layer during pregnancy have been associated with numerous gestational complications, including clinically significant disorders, such as preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, and diabetes. While numerous experimental studies have focused on establishing the role of endothelial dysfunction in pathophysiology of these gestational complications, their mechanisms remain unknown. Numerous biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction have been proposed, together with the mechanisms by which they relate to individual gestational complications. However, more studies are required to determine clinically relevant markers specific to a gestational complication of interest, as currently most of them present a significant overlap. Although the independent diagnostic value of such markers remains to be insufficient for implementation in standard clinical practice at the moment, inclusion of certain markers in predictive multifactorial models can improve their prognostic value. The future of the research in this field lies in the fine tuning of the clinical markers to be used, as well as identifying possible therapeutic techniques to prevent or reverse endothelial damage

    COVID-19 Pandemic Is a Call to Search for Alternative Protein Sources as Food and Feed: A Review of Possibilities

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health challenge with substantial adverse effects on the world economy. It is beyond any doubt that it is, again, a call-to-action to minimize the risk of future zoonoses caused by emerging human pathogens. The primary response to contain zoonotic diseases is to call for more strict regulations on wildlife trade and hunting. This is because the origins of coronaviruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), SARS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), as well as other viral pathogens (e.g., Ebola, HIV) are traceable to wild animals. Although COVID-19 is not related to livestock animals, the pandemic increased general attention given to zoonotic viral infections—the risk of which can also be associated with livestock. Therefore, this paper discusses the potential transformation of industrial livestock farming and the production of animal products, particularly meat, to decrease the risks for transmission of novel human pathogens. Plant-based diets have a number of advantages, but it is unrealistic to consider them as the only solution offered to the problem. Therefore, a search for alternative protein sources in insect-based foods and cultured meat, important technologies enabling safer meat production. Although both of these strategies offer a number of potential advantages, they are also subject to the number of challenges that are discussed in this paper. Importantly, insect-based foods and cultured meat can provide additional benefits in the context of ecological footprint, an aspect important in light of predicted climate changes. Furthermore, cultured meat can be regarded as ethically superior and supports better food security. There is a need to further support the implementation and expansion of all three approaches discussed in this paper, plant-based diets, insect-based foods, and cultured meat, to decrease the epidemiological risks and ensure a sustainable future. Furthermore, cultured meat also offers a number of additional benefits in the context of environmental impact, ethical issues, and food security

    The Role of the Adipokines in the Most Common Gestational Complications

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    Adipocytokines are hormonally active molecules that are believed to play a key role in the regulation of crucial biological processes in the human body. Numerous experimental studies established significant alterations in the adipokine secretion patterns throughout pregnancy. The exact etiology of various gestational complications, such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and fetal growth abnormalities, needs to be fully elucidated. The discovery of adipokines raised questions about their potential contribution to the molecular pathophysiology of those diseases. Multiple studies analyzed their local mRNA expression and circulating protein levels. However, most studies report conflicting results. Several adipokines such as leptin, resistin, irisin, apelin, chemerin, and omentin were proposed as potential novel early markers of heterogeneous gestational complications. The inclusion of the adipokines in the standard predictive multifactorial models could improve their prognostic values. Nonetheless, their independent diagnostic value is mostly insufficient to be implemented into standard clinical practice. Routine assessments of adipokine levels during pregnancy are not recommended in the management of both normal and complicated pregnancies. Based on the animal models (e.g., apelin and its receptors in the rodent preeclampsia models), future implementation of adipokines and their receptors as new therapeutic targets appears promising but requires further validation in humans

    Expression Profile of New Gene Markers Involved in Differentiation of Canine Adipose-Derived Stem Cells into Chondrocytes

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    The interest in stem cell research continuously increased over the last decades, becoming one of the most important trends in the 21st century medicine. Stem cell-based therapies have a potential to become a solution for a range of currently untreatable diseases, such as spinal cord injuries, type I diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis. Hence, this study, based on canine material, aims to investigate the molecular basis of adipose-derived stem cell (ASC) differentiation into chondrocytes, to serve as a transcriptomic reference for further research aiming to introduce ASC into treatment of bone and cartilage related diseases, such as osteoarthritis in veterinary medicine. Adipose tissue samples were harvested from a canine specimen subjected to a routine ovariohysterecromy procedure at an associated veterinary clinic. The material was treated for ASC isolation and chondrogenic differentiation. RNA samples were isolated at day 1 of culture, day 30 of culture in unsupplemented culture media, and day 30 of culture in chondrogenic differentiation media. The resulting RNA was analyzed using RNAseq assays, with the results validated by RT-qPCR. Between differentiated chondrocytes, early and late cultures, most up- and down-regulated genes in each comparison were selected for further analysis., there are several genes (e.g., MMP12, MPEG1, CHI3L1, and CD36) that could be identified as new markers of chondrogenesis and the influence of long-term culture conditions on ASCs. The results of the study prove the usefulness of the in vitro culture model, providing further molecular insight into the processes associated with ASC culture and differentiation. Furthermore, the knowledge obtained could be used as a molecular reference for future in vivo and clinical studies

    Expression Profile of New Marker Genes Involved in Differentiation of Canine Adipose-Derived Stem Cells into Osteoblasts

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    Next-generation sequencing (RNAseq) analysis of gene expression changes during the long-term in vitro culture and osteogenic differentiation of ASCs remains to be important, as the analysis provides important clues toward employing stem cells as a therapeutic intervention. In this study, the cells were isolated from adipose tissue obtained during routine surgical procedures and subjected to 14-day in vitro culture and differentiation. The mRNA transcript levels were evaluated using the Illumina platform, resulting in the detection of 19,856 gene transcripts. The most differentially expressed genes (fold change >|2|, adjusted p value < 0.05), between day 1, day 14 and differentiated cell cultures were extracted and subjected to bioinformatical analysis based on the R programming language. The results of this study provide molecular insight into the processes that occur during long-term in vitro culture and osteogenic differentiation of ASCs, allowing the re-evaluation of the roles of some genes in MSC progression towards a range of lineages. The results improve the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms associated with long-term in vitro culture and differentiation of ASCs, as well as providing a point of reference for potential in vivo and clinical studies regarding these cells’ application in regenerative medicine

    In Vitro Cultures of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: An Overview of Methods, Molecular Analyses, and Clinical Applications

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    Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) exhibiting mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) characteristics, have been extensively studied in recent years. Because they have been shown to differentiate into lineages such as osteogenic, chondrogenic, neurogenic or myogenic, the focus of most of the current research concerns either their potential to replace bone marrow as a readily available and abundant source of MSCs, or to employ them in regenerative and reconstructive medicine. There is close to consensus regarding the methodology used for ASC isolation and culture, whereas a number of molecular analyses implicates them in potential therapies of a number of pathologies. When it comes to clinical application, there is a range of examples of animal trials and clinical studies employing ASCs, further emphasizing the advancement of studies leading to their more widespread use. Nevertheless, in vitro studies will most likely continue to play a significant role in ASC studies, both providing the molecular knowledge of their ex vivo properties and possibly serving as an important step in purification and application of those cells in a clinical setting. Therefore, it is important to consider current methods of ASC isolation, culture, and processing. Furthermore, molecular analyses and cell surface properties of ASCs are essential for animal studies, clinical studies, and therapeutic applications of the MSC properties

    Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells Isolated during an IVF Procedure Exhibit Differential Expression of Genes Regulating Cell Division and Mitotic Spindle Formation

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    Granulosa cells (GCs) are a population of somatic cells whose role after ovulation is progesterone production. GCs were collected from patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation during an in vitro fertilization procedure, and they were maintained for 1, 7, 15, and 30 days of in vitro primary culture before collection for further gene expression analysis. A study of genes involved in the biological processes of interest was carried out using expression microarrays. To validate the obtained results, Reverse Transcription quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) was performed. The direction of changes in the expression of the selected genes was confirmed in most of the examples. Six ontological groups (“cell cycle arrest”, “cell cycle process”, “mitotic spindle organization”, “mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint”, “mitotic spindle assembly”, and “mitotic spindle checkpoint”) were analyzed in this study. The results of the microarrays obtained by us allowed us to identify two groups of genes whose expressions were the most upregulated (FAM64A, ANLN, TOP2A, CTGF, CEP55, BIRC5, PRC1, DLGAP5, GAS6, and NDRG1) and the most downregulated (EREG, PID1, INHA, RHOU, CXCL8, SEPT6, EPGN, RDX, WNT5A, and EZH2) during the culture. The cellular ultrastructure showed the presence of structures characteristic of mitotic cell division: a centrosome surrounded by a pericentric matrix, a microtubule system, and a mitotic spindle connected to chromosomes. The main goal of the study was to identify the genes involved in mitotic division and to identify the cellular ultrastructure of GCs in a long-term in vitro culture. All of the genes in these groups were subjected to downstream analysis, and their function and relation to the ovarian environment are discussed. The obtained results suggest that long-term in vitro cultivation of GCs may lead to their differentiation toward another cell type, including cells with cancer-like characteristics