4 research outputs found

    Kjønn og etnisitets innvirkning på sykepleierstudenters utdanningsmotivasjon og karriereforventninger. Karriereforventninger i sykepleie: Kjønn og etnisitet som føringer for rekruttering, frafall og tilknytning

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    Sammendrag: Masteroppgaven består av to deler; en artikkel og en refleksjonsoppgave. Hensikt: Artikkelen undersøker betydningen kjønn og etnisitet har for sykepleierstudenters utdanningsmotivasjon og karriereforventninger. Refleksjonsoppgaven benytter studieresultatene for å reflektere over betydningen av kjønn og etnisitet for valg, forventninger, og forløp i sykepleieres karriere. Bakgrunn: Kjønn og etnisitet kan ha betydning for hvor sykepleiere arbeider. Sykepleie har tradisjonelt vært et kvinneyrke, og mannlige sykepleiere arbeider ofte i andre stillinger. Sykepleiere med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn arbeider ofte i eldreomsorg. Metode: Artikkelen analyserer svar fra 504 sykepleierstudenter i første studieår, fra et panel i StudData, samlet i 2012 ved Senter for profesjonsstudier, OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet. Lineære regresjoner ble gjennomført over indekser og variabler. Refleksjonsoppgaven benytter forståelser av sosial kontroll og kjønnssegregering i arbeidsmarkedet, samt forståelser av etnisk kapital og diskriminerende ansettelsespraksis for å reflektere over kjønn og etnisitets betydning for sykepleieres utdannings- og yrkesvalg. Resultat: Artikkel: Med bakgrunn i deres kjønn og etnisitet, oppgir respondentene forskjellig utdanningsmotivasjon, og forskjellige karriereforventninger. Dette har tilsynelatende sammenheng med betydningen av kjønn og etnisitet i sykepleieres yrkesliv. Refleksjonsoppgaven: Sosiale strukturer bidrar trolig til et kjønnsdelt og et etnisk delt arbeidsmarked i sykepleie. Mannlige sykepleiere orienterer seg ofte mot mannstradisjonelle arbeidsoppgaver, slik som ledelse og psykiatri. Kvinner arbeider også i slike stillinger, men oftere i stillinger mer preget av omsorg og pleie. Sykepleiere med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn kan oppleve barrierer til arbeidsmarkedet, og orienterer seg ofte mot stillinger med større tilgjengelighet, for eksempel i eldreomsorgen. Konklusjon:Studiens resultater, og de teoretiske forståelsene som presenteres, vektlegger samspillet mellom sosiale strukturer og mangfoldet i sykepleie. Funnene bidrar med innsikt som kan fokusere og fremme en bredere rekruttering til sykepleie, og tilrettelegge for sykepleieres karrieremuligheter uavhengig av deres kjønn og etnisitet

    Gender and ethnicity's influence on first-year nursing students' educational motivation and career expectations: A cross-sectional study.

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    Aim Given the apparent link between gender and ethnicity, and the diversity and career opportunities in nursing, this study examined gender and ethnicity's influence on first-year nursing students' educational motivation and career expectations. Design Cross-sectional. Methods Through bootstrapped linear regressions, we analysed data on 504 Norwegian first-year nursing students' self-reported educational motivation and career expectations, from the StudData survey at the Centre for the Study of Professions (SPS) at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). Results The sample consisted of 67 (13%) male and 437 (87%) female nursing students. Female students were more motivated compared to male students by professional interest and to pursue a specialization, less likely to assume leadership positions in the future, and more likely to prioritize family and pursue positions in the traditional nursing field. In total, 425 (84%) respondents stated a Norwegian background. Respondents who stated that both of their parents were born in a country other than Norway made up the 79 (16%) students of immigrant background. Those with immigrant backgrounds were more motivated than other students by income, status and flexible working hours and less likely to pursue a specialization or future employment in the nursing fiel

    Health Equity in Clinical Research Informatics

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    <p>A literature review of research published in 2021 on clinical informatics and challenges one should be aware of to prevent inequality in health has recently been published. The literature review used the scoping review method described in the Joanna Briggs Institute Manual. The review process consisted of five stages: 1) development of objectives and research questions, 2) literature search, 3) literature screening and selection based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, 4) data extraction, and 5) accumulating and reporting results. The literature search identified 478 articles on the topic published in 2021, of the identified articles, 8 articles met the inclusion criteria. All included articles focused on solutions that used artificial intelligence (AI). The articles addressed health equity in clinical research informatics, either through exposure of inequality in AI-based solutions or by using AI as a tool to promote health equity in healthcare delivery. One of the findings was that biases in the rules or algorithms of the AI-based solutions led to challenges in ensuring equal health services. Another finding was that AI can uncover inequality in traditional treatment and demonstrate effective complements and alternatives that promote equal health. Overall, the literature review concludes that clinical research informatics with implications for patients still faces challenges of an ethical nature and clinical value. However, used prudently-for the right purpose in the right context-clinical research informatics could bring powerful tools in advancing health equity in patient care.</p&gt

    The experiences, needs and barriers of people with impairments related to usability and accessibility of digital health solutions, levels of involvement in the design process and strategies for participatory and universal design: a scoping review

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    Objective Globally, the number of digital health solutions is increasing, but they are not always designed with access and utilisation for people with impairments in mind. Development efforts have often not included the voice and requirements of people with impairments, who make up 15% of the world’s population, despite the fact that this can help ensure broad access and utilisation. Little attention to and limited inclusion of people with impairments in the development of digital health solutions results in continued and reinforced inequalities in health services provision for people with impairments. This review investigates the needs and barriers of people with impairments related to use of digital health solutions and strategies to foster user participation, access and utilisation of digital health solutions. Methods This scoping review, based on the Joanna Briggs Institute Manual, had five phases: 1) identification of aim and research questions, 2) literature search in five databases (April/May 2020), 3) literature screening based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, 4) data extraction, and (5) reporting results. Results The literature search resulted in 5968 sources, of which 25 met our inclusion criteria. People with impairments appreciate digital health solutions that are designed to meet their specific impairment-related challenges. The reported needs and barriers related to technological design varied depending on the individuals’ challenges. The literature reported different types of participatory co-design strategies to foster access and utilisation of digital health solutions. Conclusion This scoping review support needs for increased awareness among developers to design solutions that meet people’s needs, contexts and states of health. By applying universal design as a strategy and including people with different types of impairments, starting in the idea creation phase of digital health solutions and throughout the development, developers can design solutions with better accessibility. Digital health solutions that are accessible and usable have a tremendous opportunity to foster health equity and achieve health promotion, prevention and self-care. This in turn can contribute to closing the gap between different population groups, reduce disparities and get the most from available healthcare services