1 research outputs found
Ageing gender-specific "Biomarkers of Homeostasis", to protect ourselves against the diseases of the old age
- Author
- A Mantovani
- A Salminen
- AH Schuurs
- AM Berghella
- AM Berghella
- Anna Maria Berghella
- B Halliwell
- C Franceschi
- C Franceschi
- C Franceschi
- Carlo D’Innocenzo
- CC Whitacre
- CJ Grossman
- CR Balistreri
- D Bray
- D Gius
- D Lio
- D Mustacich
- D Trichopoulos
- DF Terry
- DJ Cua
- DP Jones
- DR Spitz
- E Bettelli
- E Ortona
- EC Nowak
- Enzo Secinaro
- ES Cannizzo
- F Licastro
- F Pietrantonio
- Ferdinando Garofalo
- FG Osoriov
- Francesca Gizzi
- G Candore
- G Candore
- G Powis
- Giacomo Laglia
- Giuseppe Marulli
- H Bruunsgaard
- H Muta
- I Contasta
- I Contasta
- Ida Contasta
- J Altschmied
- J Campisi
- J Zhu
- JC Cannon
- JH Lee
- JJ Song
- JM Greer
- JM Hansen
- K Becker
- K Hirota
- K Hirota
- KA Janes
- KA Janes
- KS Krabbe
- L Du
- LY Liu
- M Capri
- M De Martinis
- M McCarthy
- M Oukka
- Marco Bartolomucci
- Mario Barone
- Mario Gizzi
- Marisa Valeri
- Mauro Friscioni
- MC Velarde
- MV Blagosklonny
- N Kavathia
- N Rohleder
- O Miyaishi
- P Kidd
- P Pellegrini
- P Pellegrini
- P Pellegrini
- P Sansoni
- Patrizia Pellegrini
- PE Barker
- PG Hargreaves
- PM Ridker
- PP McDonald
- R Buffenstein
- R Schmidt
- RA De Pinho
- RL Sprott
- S Vasto
- S Vasto
- S Vasto
- S Viganò
- SI Grivennikov
- T Del Beato
- T Kevin Howcroft
- T Korn
- T Korn
- T Yoshida
- Tiziana Del Beato
- U Schwertassek
- V De Guire
- VN Anisimov
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study