8 research outputs found

    Carbon translocation from glacial and terrestrial to aqueous systems – characteristics and processing of dissolved organic matter in the endorheic Tibetan Lake Nam Co watershed

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) comprises sensitive alpine environments such as grassland biomes. Climatic changes and intensifying land use threaten these ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to understand the response of ecosystems to changing biotic and abiotic factors. The translocation of dissolved organic matter from glacial and terrestrial to aqueous systems is an important aspect of this response, specifically when characterizing changing conditions of freshwater resources and sensitive limnic ecosystems on the TP. Via changes in its chemical composition, characteristics, transformation and processing of DOM can be tracked. Three catchments of the Nam Co watershed of the TP (Niyaqu, Qugaqie and Zhagu) and the lake were investigated to understand how site specific terrestrial processes and seasonality affect the composition of DOM and alteration of organic compounds in streams and the lake of this endorheic basin. Four hypotheses were tested: H1 The natural diversity in the Nam Co watershed controls site specific effects on DOM composition. H2 Seasonal effects on DOM composition are driven by warm and moist summers influenced from the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and cold and dry winters. H3/ H4a Site specific effects on DOM diminish by means of biological decomposition and photooxidation of DOM during the stream path / in the lake. Alongside H4b organic matter of the Nam Co Lake is independent from catchment influences, given by an autochthonous source of DOM. A multi-parameter approach was applied, consitsing of water chemistry parameters (pH, electric conductivity, cations and anions, dissolved inorganic carbon), concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), DOM characteristics (chromophoric DOM, fluorescence DOM and ÎŽ13C of DOM) and DOM ultra-high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). Sampling was conducted for three seasons, freshet in 2018, the phase of the ISM in 2019 and post-ISM baseflow in 2019. Alongside a watershed-wide plant cover estimate was composed, to explore the link between differences in DOM characteristics and degree of green plant cover. Sampling covers stream water, as well as endmember samples such as: glacial effluents, water of springs and water from an alpine wetland. The lake was covered by sampling the brackish zone and the lake pelagial and the lake surface. The composition of DOM differed between the three endmember groups and between stream samples of catchments. Glaciers showed a dual DOM source, indicating a glacial microbiome and compounds derived from burned fossil fuels. Springs differed based on their geographic location. Upland waters showed limited inputs of alpine pastures: lowland springs displayed influences of yak faeces with microbial reworked DOM, indicated by less negative ÎŽ13C and nitrogen. Wetlands were distinguished by more eutrophic conditions by highest concentrations in DOC and high amounts in N-heteroatoms. Streams were site specific with input sources derived from glaciers, wetlands, groundwater, intense animal husbandry and a plant-derived phenolic signature from alpine pastures aligned to the degree of plant cover. Seasonality affected DOM characteristics in stream water. During freshet, DOM was plant-derived, as was during baseflow conditions. A flush of dissolved organic carbon, accompanied by a compositional shift towards more microbial derived DOM was observed during the ISM season. Processing of DOM in streams was limited to the biolabile fraction of DOM of the glacial biome. Transformation of DOM was overruled by the constant input of plant derived phenolic DOM compounds from alpine pastures. Consequentially, the brackish intermixing zone showed the inflow of terrestrial DOM into the lake. In contrast, lake water exhibited distinct DOM characteristics, by lowest amounts in aromatic molecular compounds and DOM rich in 13C. This suggested intense processing of phenolic, terrestrial derived DOM by photooxidation, as well as a seasonally stable autochthonous DOM source derived from algae and microorganisms in lake water. In conclusion, DOM characteristics are largely influenced by local endmembers such as glaciers, springs and wetlands. Seasonality shows that shifts in the onset, and changes in the intensity of the ISM can largely modify DOM composition. Processing of DOM took place mainly in the lake. The study revealed that DOM is suited to function as a monitoring agent in this lake watershed. Hence, DOM is a helpful tool to understand changes in ecosystems, and forthcoming, to safeguard sensitive ecosystems of the TP.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)/International Research Training Group (GRK 2309/1)/317513741/E

    Complex dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the roof of the world – Tibetan DOM molecular characteristics indicate sources, land use effects, and processing along the fluvial–limnic continuum

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is the world's largest and highest plateau, comprising the earth's biggest alpine pasture system. It is sensitive to the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic pressure. Carbon cycling on the TP is influenced by glaciation and degradation of the pasture ecosystem. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) connects carbon reservoirs, following the hydrological continuum from glaciers and headwaters to lakes. Due to its complexity, DOM cycling along the aquatic continuum and the impact of land use and climate change on DOM characteristics are still not well understood. Here, we study solid phase extracted (SPE) DOM molecular characteristics using ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) along the TP hydrological continuum from glaciers, groundwater springs, and wetlands, including pastures and alpine steppes, to the endorheic Lake Nam Co. Our study revealed that the SPE-DOM composition was largely influenced by local sources of glaciers, wetlands, and groundwater springs as well as pasture degradation. Glacial meltwater SPE-DOM contained more saturated compounds suggesting microbial sources together with aromatic compounds probably derived from aeolian deposition. In comparison, wetland and stream SPE-DOM were characterised by a higher percentage of highly unsaturated and aromatic molecular formulae. These were likely derived from inputs of vascular plants and soils. Groundwater spring SPE-DOM from degraded pastures differed from intact pasture samples. In degraded systems a strongly oxidised signature with the lowest counts of P heteroatoms, a lower ratio, and a higher aromaticity of SPE-DOM together with a high degradation index suggested a strong transformation of SPE-DOM. SPE-DOM of the endorheic lake was richer in unsaturated molecular formulae compared to the tributaries. This suggests algae and microbial sources and production in the lake. The SPE-DOM rich in aromatic and highly unsaturated formulae visible in the brackish zone of the lake shore contrasted sharply with that of the lake. Aromatic molecular formulae were strongly depleted in the lake deep water suggesting photooxidation of riverine SPE-DOM. This indicates that alpine SPE-DOM signatures are shaped by small-scale catchment properties, land degradation, and the influence of glaciers and wetlands. The close link of alpine SPE-DOM composition to landscape properties is indicative of a strong susceptibility of DOM characteristics to climatic and land use changes in High Asia

    Winter Daytime Warming and Shift in Summer Monsoon Increase Plant Cover and Net CO2 Uptake in a Central Tibetan Alpine Steppe Ecosystem

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    Over the past decades, human-induced climate change has led to a widespread wetting and warming of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), affecting both ecosystems and the carbon cycling therein. Whether the previously observed climate changes stimulate carbon uptake via enhanced photosynthesis or carbon loss via enhanced soil respiration remains unclear. Here we present 14 years of observations of carbon fluxes, meteorological variables and remotely sensed plant cover estimations from a central Tibetan alpine steppe ecosystem at Nam Co, the third largest lake on the TP. Using modified Mann-Kendall trend tests, we found a significant increasing daily net carbon uptake of 0.5 g C m−2 decade−1, which can be explained by a widespread greening at the southern shore of lake Nam Co. The Plateau-wide changes in temperature and precipitation are locally expressed as an increasing diurnal temperature range during winter, higher water availability during spring, higher cloud cover during early summer and less water availability during late summer. While these changes differ over the course of the year, they tend to stimulate plant growth more than microbial respiration, leading to an increased carbon uptake during all seasons. This study indicates that during the 14 years study period, a higher amplitude in winter temperatures and an earlier summer monsoon promote carbon uptake in a central Tibetan alpine steppe ecosystem

    The glacial–terrestrial–fluvial pathway: A multiparametrical analysis of spatiotemporal dissolved organic matter variation in three catchments of Lake Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is a sensitive alpine environment of global importance, being Asia's water tower, featuring vast ice masses and comprising the world's largest alpine grasslands. Intensified land-use and pronounced global climate change have put pressure on the environment of the TP. We studied the tempo-spatial variability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to better understand the fluxes of nutrients and energy from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems in the TP. We used a multiparametrical approach, based on inorganic water chemistry, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics (chromophoric DOM, fluorescence DOM and ÎŽ13C of DOM) in stream samples of three catchments of the Nam Co watershed and the lake itself. Satellite based plant cover estimates were used to link biogeochemical data to the structure and degradation of vegetation zones in the catchments. Catchment streams showed site-specific DOM signatures inherited from glaciers, wetlands, groundwater, and Kobresia pygmaea pastures. By comparing stream and lake samples, we found DOM processing and unification by loss of chromophoric DOM signatures and a change towards an autochthonous source of lake DOM. DOM diversity was largest in the headwaters of the catchments and heavily modified in terminal aquatic systems. Seasonality was characterized by a minor influence of freshet and by a very strong impact of the Indian summer monsoon on DOM composition, with more microbial DOM sources. The DOM of Lake Nam Co differed chemically from stream water samples, indicating the lake to be a quasi-marine environment in regards to the degree of chemical modification and sources of DOM. DOM proved to be a powerful marker to elucidate consequences of land use and climatic change on biogeochemical processes in High Asian alpine ecosystems

    Soil science challenges—An interdisciplinary overview of current and future topics

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    This editorial was written by early career scientists in soil science and gives an overview of the articles published in the special issue “Soil Science Challenges—An Interdisciplinary Overview of Current and Future Topics” on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. A broad range of articles addressing soil carbon dynamics from the microscale to landscape scale, multi-dimensional modeling, improved land management practices, nutrient cycles, soil hydrology, plastic in soils, and interdisciplinarity of soil science is covered in this issue

    Delineation of a Quaternary Aquifer Using Integrated Hydrogeological and Geophysical Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity on the Tibetan Plateau, China

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    Groundwater is the most unexplored element of the hydrologic cycle on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) due to harsh climate conditions. This study aims at delineating and characterizing the unexplored Zhanongtang–Ganmanong aquifer, situated in the Zhagu subcatchment of the Nam Co catchment, south-central TP. Multiple hydrogeophysical and lithological in situ field and laboratory methods are applied: depth-to-water-table measurements, grain size analysis, hydraulic empirical and field methods to estimate hydraulic conductivity (K), and analysis of electrical resistivity tomography profiles. Integration of these methods revealed the existence of a Quaternary hydrostratigraphic unit that was found to be unconsolidated, laterally heterogeneous and homogeneous over depth. The results revealed consistent K ranges of three K zones, which is in accordance with local lithology. The K ranges are applicable to other locations within the Nam Co catchment with similar lithology as in the study area without further field experiments. Permafrost was found to be absent in the study area ranging from 4730 m a.s.l. to 5200 m a.s.l. altitude. These results provide insight into the hydrogeological conditions of the TP and are useful for conceptual and numerical groundwater flow modeling to predict future changes of water fluxes and water budgets caused by climatic change, especially in remote areas

    Delineation of a Quaternary Aquifer Using Integrated Hydrogeological and Geophysical Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity on the Tibetan Plateau, China

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    Groundwater is the most unexplored element of the hydrologic cycle on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) due to harsh climate conditions. This study aims at delineating and characterizing the unexplored Zhanongtang–Ganmanong aquifer, situated in the Zhagu subcatchment of the Nam Co catchment, south-central TP. Multiple hydrogeophysical and lithological in situ field and laboratory methods are applied: depth-to-water-table measurements, grain size analysis, hydraulic empirical and field methods to estimate hydraulic conductivity (K), and analysis of electrical resistivity tomography profiles. Integration of these methods revealed the existence of a Quaternary hydrostratigraphic unit that was found to be unconsolidated, laterally heterogeneous and homogeneous over depth. The results revealed consistent K ranges of three K zones, which is in accordance with local lithology. The K ranges are applicable to other locations within the Nam Co catchment with similar lithology as in the study area without further field experiments. Permafrost was found to be absent in the study area ranging from 4730 m a.s.l. to 5200 m a.s.l. altitude. These results provide insight into the hydrogeological conditions of the TP and are useful for conceptual and numerical groundwater flow modeling to predict future changes of water fluxes and water budgets caused by climatic change, especially in remote areas