145 research outputs found

    Impact of adiponectin gene polymorphisms on plasma lipoprotein and adiponectin concentrations of viscerally obese men

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    The aim of this study was first to examine the relationships between adiponectin gene (Apm1) polymorphisms and anthropometric indices as well as plasma adiponectin and lipoprotein/lipid levels, and then to investigate whether the presence of visceral obesity or insulin resistance may modulate the impact of these polymorphisms on metabolic risk variables. Molecular screening of the Apm1 gene was achieved, and a sample of 270 unrelated men recruited from the greater Quebec City area and selected to cover a wide range of body fatness values was genotyped. Sequencing of the Apm1 gene revealed two previously reported polymorphisms (c.45T>G and c.276G>T) as well as two newly identified genetic variations (−13752delT and −13702G>C). Carriers of the c.276T allele had higher LDL-cholesterol and lower HDL-triglyceride concentrations than did 276G/G homozygotes (P = 0.02 and P = 0.01, respectively). Carriers of the c.45G allele exhibited higher plasma adiponectin concentrations than did 45T/T homozygotes (P = 0.04). After dividing each genotype group into subgroups for visceral AT, homozygotes for the normal allele at position −13752delT, carriers of the c.45G allele, and carriers of the c.276T allele had similar total apolipoprotein B (apoB) concentrations, whether they were viscerally obese or not. These results suggest that some Apm1 gene polymorphisms influence plasma adiponectin concentrations and lipoprotein/lipid levels. In addition, the impact of these polymorphisms is modulated by the presence of visceral obesity

    The Transcriptome of Human Epicardial, Mediastinal and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissues in Men with Coronary Artery Disease

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    The biological functions of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) remain largely unknown. However, the proximity of EAT to the coronary arteries suggests a role in the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease (CAD). The objectives of this study were to identify genes differentially regulated among three adipose tissues, namely EAT, mediastinal (MAT) and subcutaneous (SAT) and to study their possible relationships with the development of cardiovascular diseases.Samples were collected from subjects undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgeries. Gene expression was evaluated in the three adipose depots of six men using the Illumina® HumanWG-6 v3.0 expression BeadChips. Twenty-three and 73 genes were differentially up-regulated in EAT compared to MAT and SAT, respectively. Ninety-four genes were down-regulated in EAT compared to SAT. However, none were significantly down-regulated in EAT compared to MAT. More specifically, the expression of the adenosine A1 receptor (ADORA1), involved in myocardial ischemia, was significantly up-regulated in EAT. Levels of the prostaglandin D2 synthase (PTGDS) gene, recently associated with the progression of atherosclerosis, were significantly different in the three pairwise comparisons (EAT>MAT>SAT). The results of ADORA1 and PTGDS were confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR in 25 independent subjects.Overall, the transcriptional profiles of EAT and MAT were similar compared to the SAT. Despite this similarity, two genes involved in cardiovascular diseases, ADORA1 and PTGDS, were differentially up-regulated in EAT. These results provide insights about the biology of EAT and its potential implication in CAD

    Nocturnin Expression Is Induced by Fasting in the White Adipose Tissue of Restricted Fed Mice

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    The relationship between circadian clocks and metabolism is intimate and complex and a number of recent studies have begun to reveal previously unknown effects of food and its temporal availability on the clock and the rhythmic transcriptome of peripheral tissues. Nocturnin, a circadian deadenylase, is expressed rhythmically in a wide variety of tissues, but we report here that Nocturnin expression is arrhythmic in epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT) of mice housed in 12∶12 LD with ad libitum access to food. However, Nocturnin expression becomes rhythmic in eWAT of mice placed on restricted feeding. We show here that Nocturnin's rhythmic expression pattern is not dependent upon feeding, nor is it acutely induced by feeding in the liver or eWAT of ad libitum fed mice. However, Nocturnin is acutely induced by the absence of the expected meal in eWAT of restricted fed mice. A rise in cAMP levels also induces Nocturnin expression, suggesting that Nocturnin's induction in eWAT by fasting is likely mediated through the same pathways that activate lipolysis. Therefore, this suggests that Nocturnin plays a role in linking nutrient sensing by the circadian clock to lipid mobilization in the adipocytes

    Identification et caracterisation des recepteurs beta-adrenergiques de l'adipocyte humain

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    CNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc

    L'auto-intellection de Dieu chez Maître Eckhart

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    La présente étude s emploie à reconstruire et à analyser la conception eckhartienne de l auto-intellection de Dieu, afin de mettre en évidence les divers enjeux de cette question, et par suite de mesurer l importance exacte qu elle revêt dans l'œuvre et la pensée du Maître rhénan surtout quant à son effort spéculatif pour accuser la réalité métaphysique de l Intellect divin et rendre compte de son opérativité. L ensemble de cette recherche se fonde sur un extrait du Sermon allemand 80, qui expose avec force et concision la richesse de l intellectualité de Dieu à travers l étendue de son acte d auto-intellection, et propose ainsi une vue synoptique d un traitement systématique de la question. Dans cette perspective, il s agit en outre de montrer la cohérence systématique de la métaphysique eckhartienne du flux caractéristique de l école albertinienne , qui correspond à une logique de l actualité et de la productivité de l Intellect divin, en établissant alors le lien causal et progressif entre : 1. la définition de Dieu comme intellectus per essentiam (un leitmotiv de la pensée spéculative d Eckhart), 2. l acte pur d auto-intellection qui traduit son intelligere, 3. la procession des Personnes in divinis comme déploiement formel de cet acte (bullitio), et 4. l émanation des créatures comme mouvement proversif de l Intellect divin s intelligeant lui-même, et exerçant de la sorte sa causalité créatrice (ebullitio). Cette étude permet dès lors de dégager une triple considération de l acte d auto-intellection de Dieu comme Pensée substantielle et subsistante, comme Pensée trinitaire et bouillonnante, et enfin comme Pensée créatrice et débordanteThe present study is devoted to the reconstruction and the analysis of the Eckhartian conception of God s self-knowledge, so as to emphasize the diverse stakes of this question, and to measure the exact importance which it hold in the work and the thought of Rhenish Master especially concerning his speculative effort to describe the metaphysical reality of the divine Intellect and to report its operativity. The whole of this research bases on an extract of the German Sermon 80, which explains with strength and conciseness the wealth of God s intellectuality trough the area of his act of self-knowledge, and so propose a synoptic view of a systematic treatment about this topic. Furthermore, the question is whether to show the systematic coherence of the Eckhartian metaphysics of flow characteristic of the Albertian school , which corresponds to one logic of the actuality and the productivity of the divine Intellect, establishing then the causal and progressive link between: 1. The definition of God as intellectus per essentiam (a leitmotiv of Eckhart s speculative thought, 2. The pure act of self-knowledge, which translates God s intelligere, 3. The procession of the Persons in divinis as formal deployment of this act (bullitio), and 4. The emanation of creatures as exteriorized movement of the divine Intellect knowing itself, and so exercising its creative causality (ebullitio). This study allows consequently to draw a triple consideration of the act of God's self-knowledge as substantial and subsisting Thought, as Trinitarian and boiling, and finally as creative and overboilingMETZ-SCD (574632105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Human fat cell beta-adrenergic receptors: beta-agonist-dependent lipolytic responses and characterization of beta-adrenergic binding sites on human fat cell membranes with highly selective beta1-antagonists

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    Beta-adrenergic receptors were characterized in human fat cell membranes using 125I-labeled cyanopindolol (125I-labeled CYP) and highly selective beta 1-antagonists. The iodinated radioligand bound saturably and specifically to a single class of high affinity binding sites. The number of binding sites determined with 125I-labeled CYP closely agreed with that determined with two other tritiated radioligands: [3H]dihydroalprenolol and [3H]CGP-12,177. Since 125I-labeled CYP does not discriminate between beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors, the densities of the two receptor subtypes were determined from the competition curves of 125I-labeled CYP by highly selective beta 1-antagonists (bisoprolol, ICI-89,406, CGP-20,712A, and LK-204,545). Moreover, in order to enable correlation with binding data, the regulation of adenylate cyclase activity and of lipolysis was tested with various beta-agonist and antagonist compounds. The results obtained on fat cell membranes from abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue demonstrated the following. 1) 125I-labeled CYP represents a valuable tool for the quantification and the delineation of beta-receptor subtypes. 2) The presence of sodium ions in binding buffers causes a modification of the affinity of beta-sites for some beta-antagonists. 3) The human fat cell beta adrenergic receptor population defined by nonselective radioligands is composed of two subtypes that can be interpreted in terms of classic beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptor subtypes as assessed by competition studies with highly selective antagonists; beta 2-sites are predominant (60-70% of 125I-labeled CYP sites) in the adipocytes of slightly overweight women. 4) Results support the idea that beta 1- as well as beta 2-adrenergic receptors are coupled with adenylate cyclase and involved in the induction of lipolysis. 5) The results focus on the interest in some beta 2-agonist drugs (zinterol, clenbuterol) as partial inductors of lipolysis, with the lipolytic efficacies of these compounds being well correlated with their efficacies at 125I-labeled CYP sites