124 research outputs found

    Antibodies to Aedes spp. salivary proteins: a systematic review and pooled analysis

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    Aedes spp. mosquitos are responsible for transmitting several viruses that pose significant public health risks, including dengue, Zika, yellow fever, chikungunya, and West Nile viruses. However, quantifying the number of individuals at risk and their exposure to Aedes spp. mosquitos over time is challenging due to various factors. Even accurate estimation of mosquito numbers at the population level may not fully capture the fluctuations in human exposure based on factors that affect biting rates of mosquitoes. Measuring the antibody response of humans to mosquito salivary proteins (MSP) has been proposed as a method to assess human exposure to mosquito bites and predict disease risk. The presence of antibodies to MSP can be quantified using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). While there is known variability in laboratory methods, the consistency of MSP measurements across different research groups has not been quantitatively examined. Variation in laboratory protocols, antigens used, and the human populations sampled all may contribute to differences observed in measured anti-MSP responses. In this study, we conducted a systematic review of the published literature focusing on antibody responses to MSP in humans and other vertebrate hosts. Whenever possible, we extracted individual-level anti-MSP IgG data from these studies and performed a pooled analysis of quantitative outcomes obtained from ELISAs, specifically optical densities (OD). We analyzed the pooled data to quantify variation between studies and identify sample and study characteristics associated with OD scores. Our candidate list of characteristics included the type of antigen used, age of human subjects, mosquito species, population-level mosquito exposure, collection season, Köppen-Geiger climate classification, and OD reporting method. Our findings revealed that the type of antigen, population-level mosquito exposure, and Köppen-Geiger climate classification were significantly associated with ELISA values. Furthermore, we developed a classification algorithm based on OD scores, which successfully distinguished samples from individuals living in areas where a specific mosquito species was present from those where it was not, with a high degree of accuracy. The pooled analysis we conducted provides a harmonized assessment of ELISA testing, which can be utilized to refine the use of antibody responses as markers for mosquito exposure. In conclusion, our study contributes to the understanding of antibody responses to MSP and their utility as indicators of mosquito exposure. By identifying the factors associated with variations in ELISA values, we have provided valuable insights for future research and the refinement of antibody-based assessments of mosquito exposure

    Evidence of chikungunya virus disease in Pakistan since 2015 with patients demonstrating involvement of the central nervous system

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    Several arboviruses are endemic to and co-circulate in Pakistan. In recent years, Pakistan has observed a rise in arboviral infections. A cross-sectional study for arboviral diseases, which included screening for Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), was initiated in 2015 to determine which pathogens were causing disease in patients presenting to health care services. Exposure to CHIKV was verified via detection of viral nucleic acids or virus-specific IgM with virus-specific neutralizing antibodies. Out of 997 enrolled patients presenting with clinical features suggestive of arboviral disease, 102 patients were positive for CHIKV IgM antibodies and 60 patients were positive for CHIKV nucleic acids or neutralizing antibodies. The data presented here show that CHIKV has been circulating in Pakistan since April of 2015. CHIKV infections were detected in study subjects up to the conclusion of our enrollment period in July 2017. Syndromic and clinical data show that arthralgia was associated with CHIKV as was rash, fever greater than 38°C, and lymphopenia. Neurological symptoms were reported in 49% of CHIKV suspect patients and in 46.6% of confirmed infections. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis was diagnosed in 5% of confirmed infection and various manifestation of encephalitis diagnosed in an additional 16.6% of patients with confirmed CHIKV infections. CHIKV-exposed patients were just as likely to present with neurological symptoms and encephalitis as patients with West Nile Virus infections but were 4.57 times more likely to have lymphopenia. This proportion of neurological symptoms may be a complicating factor in countries where WNV and/or JEV co-circulate with CHIKV

    Causes and consequences of flat-slab subduction in southern Peru

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    Flat or near-horizontal subduction of oceanic lithosphere has been an important tectonic process both currently and in the geologic past. Subduction of the aseismic Nazca Ridge beneath South America has been associated with the onset of flat subduction and the termination of arc volcanism in Peru, making it an ideal place to study flat-slab subduction. Recently acquired seismic recordings for 144 broadband seismic stations in Peru permit us to image the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) of the subducted oceanic Nazca plate, Nazca Ridge, and the overlying continental Moho of the South American crust in detail through the calculation of receiver functions. We find that the subducted over-thickened ridge crust is likely significantly eclogitized ∼350 km from the trench, requiring that the inboard continuation of the flat slab be supported by mechanisms other than low-density crustal material. This continuation coincides with a low-velocity anomaly identified in prior tomography studies of the region immediately below the flat slab, and this anomaly may provide some support for the flat slab. The subduction of the Nazca Ridge has displaced most, if not the entire South American lithospheric mantle beneath the high Andes as well as up to 10 km of the lowermost continental crust. The lack of deep upper-plate seismicity suggests that the Andean crust has remained warm during flat subduction and is deforming ductilely around the subducted ridge. This deformation shows significant coupling between the subducting Nazca oceanic plate and overriding South American continental plate up to ∼500 km from the trench. These results provide important modern constraints for interpreting the geological consequences of past and present flat-slab subduction locations globally

    Characterization of the equine 2\u27-5\u27 oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (OAS1) and ribonuclease L (RNASEL) innate immunity genes

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    BACKGROUND: The mammalian OAS/RNASEL pathway plays an important role in antiviral host defense. A premature stop-codon within the murine Oas1b gene results in the increased susceptibility of mice to a number of flaviviruses, including West Nile virus (WNV). Mutations in either the OAS1 or RNASEL genes may also modulate the outcome of WNV-induced disease or other viral infections in horses. Polymorphisms in the human OAS gene cluster have been previously utilized for case-control analysis of virus-induced disease in humans. No polymorphisms have yet been identified in either the equine OAS1 or RNASEL genes for use in similar case-control studies. RESULTS: Genomic sequence for equine OAS1 was obtained from a contig assembly generated from a shotgun subclone library of CHORI-241 BAC 100I10. Specific amplification of regions of the OAS1 gene from 13 horses of various breeds identified 33 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and two microsatellites. RNASEL cDNA sequences were determined for 8 mammals and utilized in a phylogenetic analysis. The chromosomal location of the RNASEL gene was assigned by FISH to ECA5p17-p16 using two selected CHORI-241 BAC clones. The horse genomic RNASEL sequence was assembled. Specific amplification of regions of the RNASEL gene from 13 horses identified 31 SNPs. CONCLUSION: In this report, two dinucleotide microsatellites and 64 single nucleotide polymorphisms within the equine OAS1 and RNASEL genes were identified. These polymorphisms are the first to be reported for these genes and will facilitate future case-control studies of horse susceptibility to infectious diseases

    Characterization of the equine 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (OAS1) and ribonuclease L (RNASEL) innate immunity genes

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    Background The mammalian OAS/RNASEL pathway plays an important role in antiviral host defense. A premature stop-codon within the murine Oas1b gene results in the increased susceptibility of mice to a number of flaviviruses, including West Nile virus (WNV). Mutations in either the OAS1 or RNASEL genes may also modulate the outcome of WNV-induced disease or other viral infections in horses. Polymorphisms in the human OAS gene cluster have been previously utilized for case-control analysis of virus-induced disease in humans. No polymorphisms have yet been identified in either the equine OAS1 or RNASEL genes for use in similar case-control studies. Results Genomic sequence for equine OAS1 was obtained from a contig assembly generated from a shotgun subclone library of CHORI-241 BAC 100I10. Specific amplification of regions of the OAS1 gene from 13 horses of various breeds identified 33 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and two microsatellites. RNASEL cDNA sequences were determined for 8 mammals and utilized in a phylogenetic analysis. The chromosomal location of the RNASEL gene was assigned by FISH to ECA5p17-p16 using two selected CHORI-241 BAC clones. The horse genomic RNASEL sequence was assembled. Specific amplification of regions of the RNASEL gene from 13 horses identified 31 SNPs. Conclusion In this report, two dinucleotide microsatellites and 64 single nucleotide polymorphisms within the equine OAS1 and RNASEL genes were identified. These polymorphisms are the first to be reported for these genes and will facilitate future case-control studies of horse susceptibility to infectious diseases

    Comparison of clinical presentation and out-comes of chikungunya and dengue virus infections in patients with acute undifferentiated febrile illness from the Sindh region of Pakistan

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    Background: Arboviruses are a cause of acute febrile illness and outbreaks worldwide. Recent outbreaks of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in dengue endemic areas have alarmed clinicians as unique clinical features differentiating CHIKV from Dengue virus (DENV) are limited. This has complicated diagnostic efforts especially in resource limited countries where lab testing is not easily available. Therefore, it is essential to analyse and compare clinical features of laboratory confirmed cases to assist clinicians in suspecting possible CHIKV infection at time of clinical presentation.Methodology: A prospective point prevalence study was conducted, with the hypothesis that not all patients presenting with clinical suspicion of dengue infections at local hospitals are suffering from dengue and that other arboviruses such as Chikungunya, West Nile viruses, Japanese Encephalitis virus and Zika virus are co-circulating in the Sindh region of Pakistan. Out-patients and hospitalized (in-patients) of selected district hospitals in different parts of Sindh province of Pakistan were recruited. Patients with presumptive dengue like illness (Syndromic diagnosis) by the treating physicians were enrolled between 2015 and 2017. Current study is a subset of larger study mentioned above. Here-in we compared laboratory confirmed cases of CHIKV and DENV to assess clinical features and laboratory findings that may help differentiate CHIKV from DENV infection at the time of clinical presentation.Results: Ninety-eight (n = 98) cases tested positive for CHIKV, by IgM and PCR and these were selected for comparative analysis with DENV confirmed cases (n = 171). On multivariable analysis, presence of musculoskeletal [OR = 2.5 (95% CI:1.6-4.0)] and neurological symptoms [OR = 4.4 (95% CI:1.9-10.2)], and thrombocytosis [OR = 2.2 (95% CI:1.1-4.0)] were associated with CHIKV infection, while atypical lymphocytes [OR = 8.3 (95% CI:4.2-16.7)] and thrombocytopenia [OR = 8.1 (95% CI:1.7-38.8)] were associated with DENV cases at time of presentation. These findings may help clinicians in differentiating CHIKV from DENV infection.Conclusion: CHIKV is an important cause of illness amongst patients presenting with acute febrile illness in Sindh region of Pakistan. Arthralgia and encephalitis at time of presentation among patients with dengue-like illness should prompt suspicion of CHIKV infection, and laboratory confirmation must be sought

    \u3cem\u3eOAS1\u3c/em\u3e Polymorphisms Are Associated with Susceptibility to West Nile Encephalitis in Horses

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    West Nile virus, first identified within the United States in 1999, has since spread across the continental states and infected birds, humans and domestic animals, resulting in numerous deaths. Previous studies in mice identified the Oas1b gene, a member of the OAS/RNASEL innate immune system, as a determining factor for resistance to West Nile virus (WNV) infection. A recent case-control association study described mutations of human OAS1 associated with clinical susceptibility to WNV infection. Similar studies in horses, a particularly susceptible species, have been lacking, in part, because of the difficulty in collecting populations sufficiently homogenous in their infection and disease states. The equine OAS gene cluster most closely resembles the human cluster, with single copies of OAS1, OAS3 and OAS2 in the same orientation. With naturally occurring susceptible and resistant sub-populations to lethal West Nile encephalitis, we undertook a case-control association study to investigate whether, similar to humans (OAS1) and mice (Oas1b), equine OAS1 plays a role in resistance to severe WNV infection. We identified naturally occurring single nucleotide mutations in equine (Equus caballus) OAS1 and RNASEL genes and, using Fisher\u27s Exact test, we provide evidence that mutations in equine OAS1 contribute to host susceptibility. Virtually all of the associated OAS1 polymorphisms were located within the interferon-inducible promoter, suggesting that differences in OAS1 gene expression may determine the host\u27s ability to resist clinical manifestations associated with WNV infection

    Human west nile virus disease outbreak in Pakistan, 2015–2016

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    Like most of the world, Pakistan has seen an increase in mosquito-transmitted diseases in recent years. The magnitude and distribution of these diseases are poorly understood as Pakistan does not have a nation-wide system for reporting disease. A cross-sectional study to determine which flaviviruses were causing of arboviral disease in Pakistan was instituted. West Nile virus (WNV) is a cause of seasonal fever with neurotropic findings in countries that share borders with Pakistan. Here, we describe the active and persistent circulation of WNV in humans in the southern region of Pakistan. This is the first report of WNV causing neurological disease in human patients in this country. Of 997 enrolled patients presenting with clinical features suggestive of arboviral disease, 105 were positive for WNV IgM antibodies, and 71 of these patients possessed WNV-specific neutralizing antibodies. Cross-reactivity of WNV IgM antibodies with Japanese encephalitis virus(JEV) occurred in 75 of these 105 patients. WNV co-infections with Dengue viruses were not a contributing factor for the severity of disease. Nor did prior exposure to dengue virus contribute to incidence of neurological involvement in WNV-infected patients. Patients with WNV infections were more likely to present with altered mental status, seizures, and reduced Glasgow Coma scores when compared with JEV-infected patients. Human WNV cases and vector numbers exhibited a temporal correlation with climate

    Flaviviruses as a cause of undifferentiated fever in Sindh province, Pakistan: A preliminary report

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    Arboviral diseases are expanding worldwide, yet global surveillance is often limited due to diplomatic and cultural barriers between nations. With human encroachment into new habitats, mosquito-borne viruses are also invading new areas. The actual prevalence of expanding arboviruses is unknown in Pakistan due to inappropriate diagnosis and poor testing for arboviral diseases. The primary objective of this study was to document evidence of flavivirus infections as the cause of undifferentiated fever in Pakistan. Through a cooperative effort between the USA and Pakistan, patient exposure to dengue virus (DENV), West Nile virus (WNV), and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was examined in Sindh Province for the first time in decades. Initial results from the 2015 arbovirus season consisting of a cross-sectional study of 467 patients in 5 sites, DENV NS1 antigen was identified in 63 of the screened subjects, WNV IgM antibodies in 16 patients, and JEV IgM antibodies in 32 patients. In addition, a number of practical findings were made including (1) in silico optimization of RT-PCR primers for flavivirus strains circulating in the Middle East, (2) shipping and storage of RT-PCR master mix and other reagents at ambient temperature, (3) Smart phone applications for the collection of data in areas with limited infrastructure, and (4) fast and reliable shipping for transport of reagents and specimens to and from the Middle East. Furthermore, this work is producing a group of highly trained local scientists and medical professionals disseminating modern scientific methods and more accurate diagnostic procedures to the community

    Viral Enrichment Methods Affect the Detection but Not Sequence Variation of West Nile Virus in Equine Brain Tissue

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    West Nile virus (WNV), a small, positive sense, single stranded RNA virus continues to encroach into new locales with emergence of new viral variants. Neurological disease in the equine can be moderate to severe in the face of low to undetectable virus loads. Physical methods of virus enrichment may increase sensitivity of virus detection and enhance analysis of viral diversity, especially for deep sequencing studies. However, the use of these techniques is limited mainly to non-neural tissues. We investigated the hypothesis that elimination of equine brain RNA enhances viral detection without limiting viral variation. Eight different WNV viral RNA enrichment and host RNA separation methods were evaluated to determine if elimination of host RNA enhanced detection of WNV and increase the repertoire of virus variants for sequencing. Archived brain tissue from 21 different horses was inoculated with WNV, homogenized, before enrichment and separation. The protocols utilized combinations of low-speed centrifugation, syringe filtration, and nuclease treatment. Viral and host RNA were analyzed using real-time PCR targeting the WNV Envelope (E) protein and equine G3PDH to determine relative sensitivity for WNV and host depletion, respectively. To determine the effect of these methods on viral variation, deep sequencing of the E protein was performed. Our results demonstrate that additional separation and enrichment methods resulted in loss of virus in the face of host RNA depletion. DNA sequencing showed no significant difference in total sequence variation between the RNA enrichment protocols. For equine brain infected with WNV, direct RNA extraction followed by host RNA depletion was most suitable. This study highlights the importance of evaluating viral enrichment and separation methods according to tissue type before embarking on studies where quantification of virus and viral variants is essential to the outcome of the study