17 research outputs found

    Frugivorous flies (Diptera: Tephritidae; Lonchaeidae) associated with guava tree: species diversity, parasitoids and population fluctuation in the EspĂ­rito Santo state, Brazil

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    The commercial cultivation of guava tree (Psidium guajava L.) occurs in all Brazilian regions, where fruit flies cause direct losses to production and affect fresh fruit exports due to quarantine restrictions. This study aimed to determine the incidence, diversity and population fluctuations of frugivorous fly species that infest guava trees, as well as to survey their associated parasitoids, in the EspĂ­rito santo state, Brazil. Fruits and flies captured in traps were sampled in three guava-producing regions. Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) was the main species associated with guava trees, particularly in the coastal region. Anastrepha chiclayae was recorded for the first time associated with guava trees in Brazil. Medfly was not considered an important species. Neosilba zadolicha was the most common Lonchaeidae species collected, but with low importance. Higher populations of frugivorous flies were found in hot and humid areas. Two population peaks of A. fraterculus were observed during October (spring) and from March to April (summer-autumn). Tephritid flies occurred in all surveyed regions, with higher infestations in the coastal area, followed by the northern and mountain regions, respectively. Doryctobracon areolatusand Aganaspis pelleranoi were the most common species of parasitoids; however, the natural biological control of frugivorous flies in guava trees was very low and had little impact on fruit fly populations

    Use of grass and leguminous species as winter mulching in organic notillage system of lettuce crop

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    ABSTRACT The no-tillage system for vegetables is an environmentally and economically suitable alternative, particularly for organic crops. However, further studies are needed using other plant species and under different growing conditions. This research aimed to evaluate the influence of different winter soil covers on lettuce development and yield under no-tillage system in an organic cultivation area. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with five treatments and six replications. The treatments used were three soil covers in the organic no-tillage system and two systems without cover crops and with soil tillage, one organic and the other conventional. The grass Avena strigosa (L.), the leguminous Lupinus albus (L.), and the intercropping of both species were used. The number of leaves per plant, stem length and diameter, head diameter, fresh and dry weight of plants, fresh weight of leaves and stem and Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) index were evaluated. The use of leguminous straw is recommended for winter cultivation of lettuce in an organic no-tillage system. Black oat straw, single or intercropped, impaired the development and productivity of lettuce in the organic no-tillage system in winter cultivation

    Qualidade sensorial da bebida de cultivares de Coffea arabica L. em função do processamento pós-colheita: Sensory quality of coffee beverages from Coffea arabica L. cultivars as affected by post-harvest processing

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a qualidade sensorial de bebida de diferentes cultivares de Coffea arabica L., submetidas ao processamento natural e despolpado. O experimento foi realizado no municĂ­pio de Conceição do Castelo – ES (20Âș 21’ 50” S e 41Âș 14’ 57” W, 850 m de altitude). A implementação e condução do experimento foi em delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetiçÔes, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo as parcelas constituĂ­das por trĂȘs cultivares (Catucai 785-15, CatuaĂ­ IAC 44 e Arara) e as subparcelas representadas por dois mĂ©todos de processamento (natural e cereja descascado). Foi realizada anĂĄlise de variĂąncia dos dados, utilizando-se teste de agrupamento de mĂ©dias de Scott-Knott em nĂ­vel de 5% de probabilidade. Todas as cultivares avaliadas possuem potencial para produção e cafĂ©s especiais. Para o ambiente avaliado, a cultivar Arara Ă© superior as demais cultivares avaliadas na produção de cafĂ©s com maior qualidade sensorial de bebida. Os mĂ©todos de processamento avaliados nĂŁo interferem na nota final de bebida para as cultivares avaliadas

    Bioecology, damage and control of Planococcus citri (Risso) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner (Rubiaceae)

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    CafĂ© Ă© uma das principais commodities agrĂ­colas brasileiras exportadas, possui forte aspecto social, distribui renda e possibilita qualidade de vida no meio rural. CafĂ© ArĂĄbica (Coffea arabica L.) Ă© o mais cultivado no mundo e o cafĂ© Robusta (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) representa cerca de 45% da produção mundial e 30% da produção brasileira. Insetos, incluindo Planococcus citri (Risso) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) tĂȘm sido relatados reduzindo a produtividade do cafĂ© no Brasil. Essa cochonilha Ă© praga polĂ­faga, causa dano a diversas culturas e em cafĂ© Robusta tem mostrado rĂĄpido crescimento populacional. O objetivo dessa tese foi contribuir para o conhecimento da dinĂąmica populacional de P. citri, seus inimigos naturais, dispersĂŁo no cafeeiro, disseminação na maior regiĂŁo produtora brasileira desse cafĂ©, danos Ă  produtividade e possibilidade de seu controle em condiçÔes de campo. Os resultados foram organizados em trĂȘs artigos. O primeiro artigo constatou que P. citri Ă© espĂ©cie de cochonilha dominante em cafĂ© Robusta, com baixa população de inimigos naturais, disseminada de 14-714 m snm e associada Ă  altitude, temperatura e precipitação. Flores e frutos do cafĂ© permitiram seu desenvolvimento na primavera-verĂŁo e plantas associadas ao cultivo do cafĂ© podem ser refĂșgio. O segundo artigo relata danos diretos Ă  produtividade entre 25,2% a 46,4% e seu controle via foliar, no tempo correto, proporcionou acrĂ©scimo mĂ©dio de 1.360,82 kg.ha^-1 .ano^-1. Rosetas infestadas se correlacionaram positivamente com cochonilhas vivas e a produtividade negativamente com rosetas infestadas e cochonilhas vivas. O terceiro artigo mostrou trĂȘs nĂ­veis de infestação natural e dano superior a 60% na produtividade. Neonicotinoides reduziram a população de P. citri em dose Ășnica aplicados de julho a setembro, sem reaplicação e seu uso tardio permitiu maior dispersĂŁo de P. citri nas plantas de cafĂ© Robusta. Esses produtos podem ser usados em programas de manejo integrado de pragas nesse cafĂ©.Coffee is one of the most important agricultural exported Brazilian commodities, it has a strong social aspect, distributes income and enables quality of life in rural areas. Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is the most species cultivated worldwide, although Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) represents circa 45% of world, and 30% of Brazilian total production. Insects, including Planococcus citri (Risso) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) has been related reducing coffee yield in Brazil. This is a polyphagous mealybug, causes damage to several crops and Robusta coffee allows fast development of its population. This thesis aimed to contribute with the knowledge of the population dynamics of P. citri, their natural enemies, dispersion in the coffee canopy, spread in the Brazilian Robusta coffee largest producing-region, damage to yield and the possibility of its control under field conditions. Results were organized into three papers. The first showed that P. citri is the dominant mealybug in Robusta coffee with low population of natural enemies, spread from 14 to 714 m asl, and its population was associated with altitude, temperature and rainfall. Coffee flowers and fruits allowed its development in the spring-summer, and plants associated with coffee may be refuge. The second article reports direct damages to yield varying from 25.2% to 46.4%, and that foliar sprays at the right time had increased an average of 1,360.82 kg.ha^-1 .year^-1 on yield. Infested rosettes were positively correlated with live mealybugs, and yield negatively with infested rosettes and live mealybugs. The third article pointed out three levels of natural infestation and damage over than 60% on yield. Neonicotinoids effectively reduced field population of P. citri as a single dose through soil drench application from July to September, without reapplication. Soil later applications allowed greater dispersion of P. citri in Robusta coffee canopy. These products can be used in integrated pest management programs in Robusta coffee.Fundação de Amparo Ă  Pesquisa do EspĂ­rito Sant


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    Figura1: Representação esquemĂĄtica da ocorrĂȘncia das cigarras do cafeeiro, em cafĂ© arĂĄbica, no estado do EspĂ­rito Santo.Published as part of <i>Fornazier, MaurĂ­cio JosĂ© & Martinelli, Nilza Maria, 2000, OCORRÊNCIA DE CIGARRAS EM CAFÉ ARÁBICA NA REGIÃO DE MONTANHA DO ESTADO DO ESPIRITO SANTO1, pp. 1175-1177 in </i> on page 1176, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10061521">10.5281/zenodo.10061521</a&gt

    Figura 3 in Controle Da Cigarra Do Cafeeiro Em RegiÔes Declivosas No Estado Do Espírito Santo

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    Figura 3: Incrementos de Produtividade em Relação à TestemunhaPublished as part of <i>Fornazier, Maurício José & Rocha, Aledir Cassiano da, 2000, Controle Da Cigarra Do Cafeeiro Em RegiÔes Declivosas No Estado Do Espírito Santo, pp. 1167-1171 in </i> on page 1169, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10061453">10.5281/zenodo.10061453</a&gt

    Figura 2 in Controle Da Cigarra Do Cafeeiro Em RegiÔes Declivosas No Estado Do Espírito Santo

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    Figura 2: Produção de Café Beneficiado (kg/trat.)Published as part of <i>Fornazier, Maurício José & Rocha, Aledir Cassiano da, 2000, Controle Da Cigarra Do Cafeeiro Em RegiÔes Declivosas No Estado Do Espírito Santo, pp. 1167-1171 in </i> on page 1169, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10061453">10.5281/zenodo.10061453</a&gt

    Figura 1 in Controle Da Cigarra Do Cafeeiro Em RegiÔes Declivosas No Estado Do Espírito Santo

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    Figura 1: NĂșmero de Ninfas de CigarrasPublished as part of <i>Fornazier, MaurĂ­cio JosĂ© & Rocha, Aledir Cassiano da, 2000, Controle Da Cigarra Do Cafeeiro Em RegiĂ”es Declivosas No Estado Do EspĂ­rito Santo, pp. 1167-1171 in </i> on page 1169, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10061453">10.5281/zenodo.10061453</a&gt