30 research outputs found

    Методы синтеза текстов на естественном языке в заданном стиле

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    This paper focuses on content generation with style and style transfer on text in natural language. The key challenge of this work is to develop a method of transferring sentences from one style (or genre) to another. The paper deals with the theoretical issues of generating text in a certain style or genre and methods for changing style of a given text and contains a review of existing solutions and ideas for solving the stated problem, the proposed method for implementing the idea of automatic style transfer using vector representation of words and experiments on style transfer based on the developed method using Russian Wikipedia and Russian-language news corpuses.В данной работе исследуется задача изменения стиля текстов на естественном языке. Целью исследования является разработка методики «перевода» текстов из одного стиля или жанра в другой. В работе рассматриваются теоретические вопросы генерации текстов в определенном стиле или жанре и методы замены стиля в заданном тексте, проведен обзор существующих решений и идей по решению этой задачи. Предложен метод для реализации идеи автоматического замены стиля текста с использованием векторных представлений слов. В практической части данного исследования описан эксперимент по переводу стиля текста на основе разработанного метода с использованием корпусов Википедии на русском языке и подборки русскоязычных новостей

    Методы синтеза текстов на естественном языке в заданном стиле

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    This paper focuses on content generation with style and style transfer on text in natural language. The key challenge of this work is to develop a method of transferring sentences from one style (or genre) to another. The paper deals with the theoretical issues of generating text in a certain style or genre and methods for changing style of a given text and contains a review of existing solutions and ideas for solving the stated problem, the proposed method for implementing the idea of automatic style transfer using vector representation of words and experiments on style transfer based on the developed method using Russian Wikipedia and Russian-language news corpuses.В данной работе исследуется задача изменения стиля текстов на естественном языке. Целью исследования является разработка методики «перевода» текстов из одного стиля или жанра в другой. В работе рассматриваются теоретические вопросы генерации текстов в определенном стиле или жанре и методы замены стиля в заданном тексте, проведен обзор существующих решений и идей по решению этой задачи. Предложен метод для реализации идеи автоматического замены стиля текста с использованием векторных представлений слов. В практической части данного исследования описан эксперимент по переводу стиля текста на основе разработанного метода с использованием корпусов Википедии на русском языке и подборки русскоязычных новостей

    System Analysis and Solution of Energy Efficiency Problems in Machine-Building Production

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    The article discusses application of system analysis to identify and solve the problems of energy efficiency of machine-building enterprises. The increase in the efficiency of a machine-building enterprise is influenced by many factors, among which tariffs and prices for energy services have a significant impact. The increase in tariffs for these services has a direct impact on the increase in cost. Energy efficiency objectives also include: high energy capacity of products; insufficient efficiency of generation, transportation and distribution of energy resources; low reliability of power supply; insufficient volume or low reliability of information on the energy infrastructure operation. As a result of the system analysis, directions have been identified that enable one to increase energy efficiency, which leads to a decrease in the cost of production, and, consequently, to an increase in the profit of the enterprise. Directions for increasing the energy efficiency of machine-building enterprises can be identified as a result of system studies of the activities of all divisions of the main, auxiliary and service industries. The greatest effect from energy-saving measures is achieved in the process of rational energy consumption, which is advisable to implement at machine-building enterprises. Reduced production output caused by the global economic crisis that began in 2008 and the impact of the 2020-2021 pandemic have resulted in the equipment operation at reduced loads and in off-design modes, which in turn has led to the auxiliary equipment consuming almost the same amount of energy as at nominal performance. This circumstance leads to an increase in costs. A mathematical model has been developed, in which a machine-building enterprise is considered as a set of functional elements and components with a hierarchical structure of connections between them, described in the form of a ‘6-tuple’

    Risk factors and prediction chart of violations of health of the one-year-olds born with very low and extremely low birth weight

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    The study revealed biological and social risk factors for the formation of life of the one-year-olds such as the low length, deficit of body weight, delay of mental development, frequent acute respiratory infections, the formation of cerebral palsy in children born with very low and extremely low birth weight. In identifying risk factors and prognostic drafting tables the method of sequential mathematical analysis of Wald has been used. It was found that the greatest influence on the formation of these health disorders in children with birth weight less than 1500g have the biological risk factors – health status and age of the mother, during pregnancy and childbirth, the child's health condition in the neonatal period. An algorithm for predicting the data of health disorders in the child's admission with a birth weight less than 1500 grams under the supervision of the district pediatrician

    Академическая мобильность в Костанайской области: проблемы XXI века

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    N.P. Kim1, [email protected], E.A. Abil2, [email protected]оm, N.A. Matveeva2, [email protected]оm 1A. Baitursynоv Kоstanai State University, Kоstanai, Kazakhstan, 2Kоstanai State Pedagоgical Institute, Kоstanai, Kazakhstan. Ким Нaтaлья Пaвловнa, доктор педaгогических нaук, профессор, профессор кaфедры педaгогики и психологии, Костaнaйский госудaрственный университет им. A. Бaйтурсыновa, г. Костaнaй, Кaзaхстaн, [email protected]. Абиль Еркин Аманжолович, доктор исторических нaук, профессор, ректор Костaнaйского госудaрственного педaгогического институтa, г. Костaнaй, Кaзaхстaн, [email protected]оm. Мaтвеевa Нaдеждa Aлексaндровнa, кaндидaт педaгогических нaук, стaрший преподaвaтель кaфедры инострaнных языков, Костaнaйский госудaрственный педaгогический институт, г. Костaнaй, Кaзaхстaн, [email protected]оm.In modern conditions, it becomes more obvious that national higher education systems can not develop beyond global processes and trends, beyond the demands of the world labor market. In this regard, multidimensional education, the internationalization of education becomes a purposeful policy of the state. The priority goals included both state responsibility for higher education and global academic mobility. With the develоpment оf ICT, the cоncept оf mоbility has becоme seriоusly enriched. Nоwadays mоbility has mоre tо dо with the mоvement thrоugh the virtual space. Tоday, under the mоbility оf a specialist, we increasingly mean its virtual mоbility. The problem of organization of virtual mobility is brand new for Kostanai region, and Kazakhstan in general. The aim of the research is tо analyse the present state of academic mobility in Kostanai region, and to define the challenges brought in by new demands of 21st century education, namely organizational problems of virtual form of academic mobility. Scientific literature review, critical analysis of the results of international activities of the institutions, analysis of the professional activities of the academic staff, monitoring, observation, and a sociological survey were used to answer the questions of the research. As a result, virtual mobility challenges for Kostanai regional higher educational institutions were defined. Topics that are considered key issues to be solved before being able to really implement virtual mobility into mainstream education include accreditation and credit transfer, overlap and compliance of academic calendars, compliance with number of credit hours given for particular course implementation, and joint curriculum development. Furthermore, virtual mobility competences of higher education teachers (including intercultural competence, language management, digital literacies and skills) need improvement. At the same time, there is a lack of concrete scenarios, models and implementation procedures, and best practice examples for implementing virtual mobility. Therefore, virtual mobility programs remain a challenge for all actors involved. В современных условиях становится все более очевидным, что национальные системы высшего образования не могут развиваться вне глобальных процессов и тенденций, вне рамок требований мирового рынка труда. В этом отношении многомерное образование, интернационализация образования становятся целенаправленной политикой государства. В этих условиях приоритетными целями становятся ответственность государства за высшее образование и глобальная академическая мобильность. С появлением информационных технологий серьезно обогатился смысл понятия мобильность. Теперь мобильность больше связана с виртуальным перемещением в пространстве. Сегодня под мобильностью специалиста мы все больше подразумеваем его виртуальную мобильность. Проблема организации виртуальной мобильности совершенно нова для Костанайской области и Казахстана в целом. Целью исследования является анализ современного состояния академической мобильности в Костанайской области и определение проблем, связанных с новыми требованиями образования в XXI веке, а именно организационными проблемами виртуальной формы академической мобильности. В процессе исследования были использованы следующие методы исследования: обзор научной литературы, критический анализ результатов международной деятельности учреждений, анализ профессиональной деятельности академического персонала, мониторинг, наблюдение и социологический опрос. В результате были определены следующие проблемы организации виртуальной формы академической мобильности в высших учебных заведениях Костанайской области: соответствие учебных планов; одинаковое количество кредитов (часов), отводимых для изучения конкретного курса; учет кредитов; совместная разработка учебных планов. Кроме того, рассматривая виртуальную мобильность как профессиональную компетенцию современного педагога, необходимо отметить необходимость формирования таких ее составляющих как межкультурной компетенции, иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции и ИКТ грамотности. В то же время, ощущается нехватка конкретных сценариев, моделей и процедур внедрения, а также примеров передового опыта реализации виртуальной мобильности в вузах Казахстана. Таким образом, программы виртуальной мобильности остаются проблемой для всех участников образовательного процесса

    Environmental Education via Project Activity: Implementation Experience

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    Ecological training and education for sustainable development is necessary for the formation of a genuine human attitude to nature, the definition of acceptable measures of nature transformation, the development of behavior standards in the system Man-Nature. The relevance of the strategy for ecological education formation is directly related to the requirements of modern society to the knowledge and competencies that a young specialist should have entering the labor market: to be able to adapt in real conditions, to think critically, to identify emerging problems, to put forward hypotheses, to find alternative solutions to problems, to be responsible for the result of their own actions. Methodical approaches of ecological education are associated with the ability to master universal knowledge, the ability to apply them in practice in different situations. The purpose of the article is to describe the experience of a particular ecological project. On the basis of the work carried out the author's methodical development of the ecological project is suggested which is based on ideas of coevolution and culture of interaction in the noosphere focused on harmony creation of the Person and Nature existence. The materials of the article can be useful to educational institutions' heads of different levels, teachers, as well as they can be used as the basis for the development of textbooks, work programs of the discipline related to environmental education