8,296 research outputs found

    Coulomb blockade and Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in quantum dots

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    The non-Fermi-liquid properties of an ultrasmall quantum dot coupled to a lead and to a quantum box are investigated. Tuning the ratio of the tunneling amplitudes to the lead and box, we find a line of two-channel Kondo fixed points for arbitrary Coulomb repulsion on the dot, governing the transition between two distinct Fermi-liquid regimes. The Fermi liquids are characterized by different values of the conductance. For an asymmetric dot, spin and charge degrees of freedom are entangled: a continuous transition from a spin to a charge two-channel Kondo effect evolves. The crossover temperature to the two-channel Kondo effect is greatly enhanced away from the local-moment regime, making this exotic effect accessible in realistic quantum-dot devices.Comment: 5 figure

    Skewed Sudakov Regime, Harmonic Numbers, and Multiple Polylogarithms

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    On the example of massless QED we study an asymptotic of the vertex when only one of the two virtualities of the external fermions is sent to zero. We call this regime the skewed Sudakov regime. First, we show that the asymptotic is described with a single form factor, for which we derive a linear evolution equation. The linear operator involved in this equation has a discrete spectrum. Its eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are found. The spectrum is a shifted sequence of harmonic numbers. With the spectrum found, we represent the expansion of the asymptotic in the fine structure constant in terms of multiple polylogarithms. Using this representation, the exponentiation of the doubly logarithmic corrections of the Sudakov form factor is recovered. It is pointed out that the form factor of the skewed Sudakov regime is growing with the virtuality of a fermion decreasing at a fixed virtuality of another fermion.Comment: 6 page

    The Challenge of Light-Front Quantisation: Recent Results

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    We explain what is the challenge of light-front quantisation, and how we can now answer it because of recent progress in solving the problem of zero modes in the case of non-Abelian gauge theories. We also give a description of the light-front Hamiltonian for SU(2) finite volume gluodynamics resulting from this recent solution to the problem of light-front zero modes.Comment: 17 pages, lecture delivered by GBP at the XXXIV PNPI Winter School, Repino, St.Petersburg, Russia, February 14-20, 2000, version to appear in the Proceeding

    Algebro-Geometric Solutions of the Boussinesq Hierarchy

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    We continue a recently developed systematic approach to the Bousinesq (Bsq) hierarchy and its algebro-geometric solutions. Our formalism includes a recursive construction of Lax pairs and establishes associated Burchnall-Chaundy curves, Baker-Akhiezer functions and Dubrovin-type equations for analogs of Dirichlet and Neumann divisors. The principal aim of this paper is a detailed theta function representation of all algebro-geometric quasi-periodic solutions and related quantities of the Bsq hierarchy.Comment: LaTeX, 48 page

    Zeros of the Partition Function for Higher--Spin 2D Ising Models

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    We present calculations of the complex-temperature zeros of the partition functions for 2D Ising models on the square lattice with spin s=1s=1, 3/2, and 2. These give insight into complex-temperature phase diagrams of these models in the thermodynamic limit. Support is adduced for a conjecture that all divergences of the magnetisation occur at endpoints of arcs of zeros protruding into the FM phase. We conjecture that there are 4[s2]−24[s^2]-2 such arcs for s≄1s \ge 1, where [x][x] denotes the integral part of xx.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 3 uuencoded figure

    Parity Effect in a Small Superconducting Particle

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    Matveev and Larkin calculated the parity effect on the ground state energy of a small superconducting particle in the regimes where the mean level spacing is either large or small compared to the bulk gap. We perform a numerical calculation which extends their results into the intermediate regime, where the level spacing is of the same order as the bulk gap.Comment: 6 LaTeX pages, including 2 EPS figures; corrected reference and spellin
