4 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Expression of Proangiogenic and Coagulation Proteins in Gliomas of Different Histopathological Grade.

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    Brain gliomas are characterized by remarkably intense invasive growth and the ability to create new blood vessels. Angiogenesis is a key process in the progression of these tumors. Coagulation and fibrinolysis factors play a role in promoting angiogenesis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expression of proangiogenic proteins (VEGF and bFGF) and hemostatic proteins (TF, fibrinogen, fibrin, D-dimers) associated with neoplastic cells and vascular endothelial cells in brain gliomas of various degrees of malignancy. Immunohistochemical tests were performed using the ABC method with the use of mono- and polyclonal antibodies. The obtained results indicated that both neoplastic cells and vascular endothelial cells in gliomas of various degrees of malignancy are characterized by heterogeneous expression of proteins of the hemostatic system and angiogenesis markers. The strongest expression of proangiogenic factors and procoagulant factors was demonstrated in gliomas of higher-grade malignancy

    Totally implantable central venous access ports

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    Całkowicie implantowane systemy dożylnego podawania leków (tzw. porty dożylne) stanowią niezwykle dogodne rozwiązanie u chorych poddanych chemioterapii. Metoda ta znajduje coraz szersze zastosowanie. Rocznie 700-1000 dorosłym chorym w Polsce wszczepia się port donaczyniowy. Z inicjatywy krajowego konsultanta w dziedzinie onkologii klinicznej odbyło się spotkanie uzgodnieniowe w celu ustalenia zasad bezpiecznego stosowania portów w Polsce. W spotkaniu uczestniczyło 26 ekspertów z 17 ośrodków onkologicznych. Rezultatem spotkania stało się uzgodnienie zasad przedstawionych w formie standardów i zaleceń. Uzgodnienia dotyczyły wskazań do zastosowania portów, kwalifikacji chorych, warunków technicznych implantacji i okresu obserwacji po zabiegu, zapobiegania i leczenia powikłań infekcyjnych i powikłań zakrzepowych, szkolenia personelu obsługującego porty, informacji przekazywanej chorym.Totally implantable central venous access ports are very useful in chemotherapic treatment. It gains wider application. In Poland they are implanted in 700-1000 patient annually. National Consultant in Clinical Oncology at meeting with 26 experts from 17 oncologic centers established the principles of safe implantation of ports in Poland. The meeting resulted in report on standards and recommendations containing: recommendation on ports application, patients’ qualification, implantation technics and follow-up observation, prevention and treatment of infection and thrombotic complication, professional staff training and information for patients

    Imbalance in Coagulation/Fibrinolysis Inhibitors Resulting in Extravascular Thrombin Generation in Gliomas of Varying Levels of Malignancy

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    Neoplastic processes are integrally related to disturbances in the mechanisms regulating hemostatic processes. Brain tumors, including gliomas, are neoplasms associated with a significantly increased risk of thromboembolic complications, affecting 20–30% of patients. As gliomas proliferate, they cause damage to the brain tissue and vascular structures, which leads to the release of procoagulant factors into the systemic circulation, and hence systemic activation of the blood coagulation system. Hypercoagulability in cancer patients may be, at least in part, a result of the inadequate activity of coagulation inhibitors. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expression of the inhibitors of the coagulation and fibrinolysis systems (tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI; tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 TFPI-2; protein C, PC; protein S, PS, thrombomodulin, TM; plasminogen activators inhibitor, PAI-1) in gliomas of varying degrees of malignancy. Immunohistochemical studies were performed on 40 gliomas, namely on 13 lower-grade (G2) gliomas (8 astrocytomas, 5 oligodendrogliomas) and 27 high-grade gliomas (G3–12 anaplastic astrocytomas, 4 anaplastic oligodendrogliomas; G4–11 glioblastomas). A strong expression of TFPI-2, PS, TM, PAI-1 was observed in lower-grade gliomas, while an intensive color immunohistochemical (IHC) reaction for the presence of TFPI antigens was detected in higher-grade gliomas. The presence of PC antigens was found in all gliomas. Prothrombin fragment 1+2 was observed in lower- and higher-grade gliomas reflecting local activation of blood coagulation. Differences in the expression of coagulation/fibrinolysis inhibitors in the tissues of gliomas with varying degrees of malignancy may be indicative of their altered role in gliomas, going beyond that of their functions in the hemostatic system