989 research outputs found
Fixação biológica de nitrogênio na cultura do arroz irrigado por inundação: Parte I: bactérias endofíticas diazotróficas isoladas das cultivares BRS 7 "Taim" e BRS Pelota.
Effect of drying temperature on the nutritional quality of the pinhão (araucária angustifolia) flour.
At present, there is quite limited market for pinhão products due to their low level of industrialization. This study aimed to evaluate the drying process of pinhão at 40 oC, 50 oC and 60 °C for essential amino acids preservation in the final product. Effective diffusivity (Deff) was 15.6x10-10m2.s-1at 60 oC and the correspondent activation energy was 31.13 kJ. mol-1. Compared to raw pinhão, it was observed greater retention of the amino acid content for the pinhão flour obtained at 50 oC.Autoria: MATTOS, L. da S. de [i.e. NASCIMENTO, L. da S. de M.]
Root behavior of savanna species in Brazil's Pantanal wetland.
The objective of this study was to determine the maximum depth, structure, diameter and biomass of the roots of common woody species in two savanna physiognomies (savanna woodland and open woody savanna) in Brazil's Pantanal wetland. The root systems of 37 trees and 34 shrubs of 15 savanna species were excavated to measure their length and depth and estimate the total root biomass through allometric relationships with stem diameter at ground level. In general, statistical regression models between root weight and stem diameter at ground level showed a significance of P < 0.05 and R2 values close to or above 0.8. The average depths of the root system in wetland savanna woodland and open woody savanna are 0.8 ± 0.3 m and 0.7 ± 0.2 m, respectively, and differ from the root systems of savanna woody species in non-flooding areas, whose depth usually ranges from 3 to 19 m.Weattribute this difference to the adaptation of woody plant to the shallow water table, particularly during the wet season. This singularity of woody species in wetland savannas is important when considering biomass and carbon stocks for national and global carbon inventories
Manual de boas práticas agrícolas na produção de alface.
Manual de BPA para na produção de alface. BPA. Local de produção e ambiente. Área de plantio. Infraestrutura. Insumos na produção primária. Higiene e saúde dos trabalhadores. Equipamentos e utensílios utilizados na colheita. Sistema de produção. Colheita. Pós-colheita. Embalagem. Conservação. Comercialização. Como escolher a alface. Como conservar a alface.bitstream/item/118353/1/DOC-142.pd
Metodologia para obtenção de fungos degradadores do herbicida glifosato.
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