49 research outputs found

    Sister Cecilia

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    I stood outside her door in the music building, the same place I had stood once a week since the fifth grade..

    The Second President

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    SOMEONE\u27S LOOKING for you, Annie. Looking for ^ me? I looked up from the flat I was painting for the last scene of the Mad Woman of Chaillot. I had sticky gurp up to my elbows, all over my stiff jeans and sweater and even in my hair..

    The Ballet Meister

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    WHAT A BALL, called Luigi in his best New Jersey slang. He put another tablespoon of Mexican sauce on his hamburger and repeated the phrase for anyone who might be listening. What an absolute ball. He was describing the party after the opening of the ballet

    Two by Two

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    I SAT IN THE SECOND CHAIR of Howard\u27s Barber Shop in Dogtown yesterday. I watched the girls walk by. Always two by two. Always in wool tubes and sweaters. Always with short hair, white anklets and loafers. I waited for a girl with braids or green socks, but there weren\u27t any..

    Got a Man to Please?

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    Think of all the birthday shirts and ties that have been sentenced to hang in a closet simply because they didn\u27t suit the owner. Before you set foot in George\u27s Store for Smart Men, study your man. Take mental note of his coloring, look at his chin line, the shape of his head and his build, and think about his type. Then buy your gift especially for this man

    Your College Home

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    Why hasn\u27t a college girl ever written an ode to unfinished furniture and the versatile orange crate? Someone should, for either can do a lot to make a college room a haven rather than a hole

    You Cried

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    You cried And died a little more because I did not make a sound. I would not let my emotions run down my cheeks And drop in pools on the ground..

    Information Please

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    Intrigued by international travel? Booklets galore are waiting to help you decide where and how to go

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.33, no.1

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    Your Date, Rachel Bernau, page 7 Shape-Up, Karen Termohlen, page 8 All in a Day’s Work, Mary Jean Stoddard, page 9 Got a Man to Please?, Margaret Mattison, page 10 Spring Calendar, page 11 Everyone Cooks… Men, Too, Mary Odegard, page 12 What’s New, Ann Lindemeyer and Dee Mingus, page 14 Home Economics Mystery, Marilyn Bergeson, page 16 Here’s an Idea, Rachel Bernau and Margaret Mattison, page 17 Trends, Jane Montgomery, page 1

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.33, no.4

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    An American Task, Dr. Paul Sharp, page 7 Pizza, Doris Jirsa, page 8 International Social Whirl, Ann Lindemeyer, page 9 Enchanting Paris, Else Nielsen, page 10 New Foods and Flavors, Dorothy Will, page 11 Costa Rican Friendships, Margaret Cole, page 12 A Debt Is Due, Marilyn Heu and Lillian Nakamota, page 13 Information Please, Rachel Bernau and Margaret Mattison, page 14 Overseas Jobs for YOU, Kay Scholten, page 15 Food for the Male, Pat Stiff, page 16 An Invitation to the U. N. Tea, Jane Hammerly, page 17 A.H.E.A. Ambassadors, Harriet Parsons, page 18 Nationally Speaking, Dorothy Will, page 19 What’s New, page 20 Trends, Gwen Owen, page 2