13 research outputs found

    Pregnancy outcomes according to the definition of gestational diabetes

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    Objective To assess the frequency and perinatal outcomes of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) defined by the criteria according to the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) diagnostic criteria for GDM. Design A retrospective cohort study. Setting Six secondary and tertiary delivery hospitals in Finland in 2009. Population Pregnant women (N = 4,033) and their offspring. Methods We used data on comprehensive screening of pregnant women with a 2-h 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), performed between gestational weeks 24 and 40. OGTT glucose concentrations were used to identify women who fulfilled IADPSG and NICE criteria. While cut-offs according to Finnish national criteria partly overlapped with both criteria, a subgroup of IADPSG- or NICE-positive GDM women remained undiagnosed by Finnish criteria and hence non-treated. They were analysed as subgroups and compared to controls who were negative with all cut-offs. Main outcome measures GDM prevalence, birth weight SD score (BWSDS), large for gestational age (LGA) and caesarean section (CS) rates. Results Among the 4,033 women screened for GDM, 1,249 (31.0%) and 529 (13.1%) had GDM according to the IADPSG and NICE criteria, respectively. The LGA rate was similar in both groups. Regardless of the diagnostic criteria, women with GDM had a higher risk of induced delivery and CSs than controls. In IADPSG-positive non-treated women, offspring’s BWSDS and CS rate were higher than in controls. Conclusions GDM prevalence was 2.4-fold higher according to the IADPSG compared with the NICE criteria but the LGA rate did not differ. BWSDS and CS rate were increased already with mild untreated hyperglycaemia.Peer reviewe

    Ilmalämmitysjärjestelmä pientalossa : rakennetekniikan kehittyessä

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    Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin kokeellisen rakentamisen keinoin ilmalämmitysjärjestelmän rakentamista uuteen pientaloon ja tehtiin järjestelmän käytönaikaisia mittauksia. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää ilmalämmitysjärjestelmän toteutuksessa ilmeneviä haasteita, sekä tutkia järjestelmän vaikutuksia sisäilmanlaatuun. Työssä rakennettiin uuteen pientaloon ilmalämmitysjärjestelmä, tutkittiin järjestelmän toimintaa käytön aikana ja pohdittiin tarpeenmukaisen ilmanvaihdon käyttömahdollisuuksia pientalossa. Ilmalämmitysärjestelmä toteutettiin perinteisistä järjestelmistä poiketen täysin yläjakoisena koko rakennuksen alalle. Ilmanlaatua tutkittiin hiilidioksidi-, kosteus- ja lämpötilamittauksin. Lämpötilaeroja huoneiden sisällä tutkittiin lämpökameralla kuvaamalla. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että ilmalämmitysjärjestelmä on mahdollista toteuttaa tekemällä pieniä muutoksia tavanomaiseen ilmanvaihtojärjestelmään. Ilmalämmitysjärjestelmä ei myöskään aiheuta erityisiä vaatimuksia pientalon rakenteelliselle toteutukselle. Ilmanlaadun todettiin kiertoilmaa hyödyntämällä paranevanyön yli tehdyillä mittauksilla havainnoiden. Lämmön jakaantumista lämpökameralla tutkittaessa ei tiloissa havaittu suuria lämpötilaeroja. Asukkaiden kokemus ilmalämmitysjärjestelmästä on ollut myönteinen asunnon tasalämpöisyyden ja sisäilman raikkauden vuoksi. Työn tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että ilmalämmitys on toimiva lämmönjakojärjestelmä nykyaikaiseen pientaloon. Järjestelmästä ei noussut työn edetessä esiinseikkoja, jotka heikentäisivät ilmalämmitysjärjestelmän toteutus- tai käyttömahdollisuuksia. Tuloksista voidaan yhteenvetona todeta, että ilmankierrätyksellä voidaan saada laadukkaampaa sisäilmaa oleskelutiloihin energiankulutusta kasvattamatta. Lämpökuvauksen perusteella yläjakoisena toteutettu ilmalämmitysjärjestelmä on lämmön jakaantumisen kannalta toimiva vaihtoehto pientalon lämmönjakojärjestelmäksiIn this thesis, the construction of an air heating system in new detached house was investigated by means of experimental construction and measurements were made during the use of the system. The purpose of this thesis was to save energy and improve indoor air quality by developing the ventilation system of the detached house. The aim of the work was to build a functioning air heating system in the new small house, to investigate the operation of the system in practice and to examine the use of adaptive ventilation in the small house. Unlike traditional systems, this air heating system is based on blowning air from above throughout the building. Air quality was studied by measuring carbon dioxide, moisture and temperature from indoor air. The temperature differences inside the rooms were investigated by thermal imaging. The study found that it is possible to implement an air heating system by making relatively small changes to a conventional ventilation system. The use of recirculated air improved air quality, as observed by overnight measurements. In the thermal imaging, no significant temperature differences were found in the rooms. The residents' subjective experience with the airheating system has been positive. Based on the results, it can be concluded that air heating is a functional heat distribution system for a modern small house. As the work progressed, no issues appeared that would make the implementation of the air heating system less viable. The results show that air recirculation provides better indoor air for living areas without increasing energy consumption. On the basis of the thermographic survey it can be stated that the air heating system discussed here is a viable alternative to the heat distribution system of a detached house

    Pregnancy outcomes according to the definition of gestational diabetes

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    Objective To assess the frequency and perinatal outcomes of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) defined by the criteria according to the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) diagnostic criteria for GDM. Design A retrospective cohort study. Setting Six secondary and tertiary delivery hospitals in Finland in 2009. Population Pregnant women (N = 4,033) and their offspring. Methods We used data on comprehensive screening of pregnant women with a 2-h 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), performed between gestational weeks 24 and 40. OGTT glucose concentrations were used to identify women who fulfilled IADPSG and NICE criteria. While cut-offs according to Finnish national criteria partly overlapped with both criteria, a subgroup of IADPSG- or NICE-positive GDM women remained undiagnosed by Finnish criteria and hence non-treated. They were analysed as subgroups and compared to controls who were negative with all cut-offs. Main outcome measures GDM prevalence, birth weight SD score (BWSDS), large for gestational age (LGA) and caesarean section (CS) rates. Results Among the 4,033 women screened for GDM, 1,249 (31.0%) and 529 (13.1%) had GDM according to the IADPSG and NICE criteria, respectively. The LGA rate was similar in both groups. Regardless of the diagnostic criteria, women with GDM had a higher risk of induced delivery and CSs than controls. In IADPSG-positive non-treated women, offspring’s BWSDS and CS rate were higher than in controls. Conclusions GDM prevalence was 2.4-fold higher according to the IADPSG compared with the NICE criteria but the LGA rate did not differ. BWSDS and CS rate were increased already with mild untreated hyperglycaemia