105 research outputs found
Muistikortit oppimisen tukena röntgenhoitajan englanninkielisissÀ opintojaksoissa
Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun (OAMK) radiografian ja sÀdehoidon koulutusohjelma on lisÀnnyt tutkinto-ohjelmaansa englanninkielisiÀ opintoja 30 opintopisteen edestÀ vuonna 2016. Muutoksella on pyritty lisÀÀmÀÀn Oamkin kansainvÀlistÀ kiinnostavuutta sekÀ tarjoamaan opiskelijoille entistÀ paremmat kansainvÀliset valmiudet. Röntgenhoitajan kansainvÀlinen osaaminen korostuu opintojen aikana ja röntgenhoitajan työn toimenkuva saattaakin vaatia kansainvÀlistÀ osaamista pÀivittÀin. Oamk tukee opiskelijoiden kansainvÀlistÀ osaamista tarjoamalla heille kielikursseja, kansainvÀlistÀ tuutoritoimintaa, vieraskielistÀ opintomateriaalia sekÀ toisinaan tarjoamalla taloudellista tukea kansainvÀlisille opintomatkoille.
Toiminnallisen opinnĂ€ytetyöni tarkoituksena oli tuottaa englanninkielistĂ€ opiskelumateriaalia muistikorttien (âflashcardsâ) muodossa niin suomalaisille röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoille kuin ulkomaalaisille vaihto-opiskelijoille. Muistikorttien on tutkimusten mukaan todettu parantavan terminologian ja vieraan kĂ€sitteistön oppimista sekĂ€ edistĂ€vĂ€n opiskelijan itseopiskelua, metakognitiota ja vuorovaikutustaitoja. Muistikortit olemaan osa radiografian ja sĂ€dehoidon tutkinto-ohjelman toisen vuoden opintojakson Safe Use of Medical Radiation III -opintomateriaalia, joka on vuodesta 2016 lĂ€htien toteutettu englanniksi.
Muistikorttien kehitystavoitteena oli edistÀÀ röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoiden oppimistavoitteita optimoinnin, sÀteilyturvallisuuden sekÀ terminologian osalta tietokonetomografiassa, magneettikuvantamisessa, ultraÀÀnessÀ ja lÀpivalaisussa. Sen lisÀksi kehitystavoitteena oli avartaa röntgenhoitajaopiskelijan kÀsitystÀ ammattinsa kansainvÀlisyydestÀ sekÀ valmistella hÀntÀ kÀytÀnnön tilanteeseen, jossa kansainvÀlistÀ osaamista tarvitaan. Röntgenhoitajan ammatin kansainvÀlisyys voi tulla opiskelijalle vastaan esimerkiksi tÀmÀn kohdatessa vieraskielinen potilas tai opiskelija, kÀyttÀessÀ vieraskielistÀ kuvauslaitetta tai -ohjelmaa, osallistumalla konferensseille tai tuutoritoimintaan.
Muistikortteja tuotettiin yhteensĂ€ 24 kappaletta Office 365 tuotesarjan Word-ohjelman pohjalle. Toisen vuoden röntgenhoitajaopiskelijaryhmĂ€ (rad16sp) toimi muistikorttien esitestaajana. Muistikortit olivat opiskelijaryhmĂ€n kĂ€ytössĂ€ kaksi viikkoa, minkĂ€ pohjalta opiskelijat tĂ€yttivĂ€t sĂ€hköisen palautekyselyn. Muistikortteja muokattiin opiskelijaryhmĂ€n palautteen perusteella mm. vĂ€rimaailman, fyysisen koon ja asiasisĂ€llön suhteen. Muistikorttien kĂ€yttötuloksia voidaan soveltaa jatkossa opiskelumateriaalin kehittĂ€mistĂ€ varten. JatkokehitystĂ€ ajattelen muistikorteista voisi luoda hypermedia muistikortteja, jotka toimisivat interaktiivisessa ja mobiilissa muodossa, kuten esimerkiksi Ă€lypuhelimella tai tabletilla.The degree programme of Radiography and Radiotherapy at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAS) has added 30 credits worth of English courses to its curriculum in 2016. The aim of these English courses was to increase the international appeal of OUAS and to provide its students with better international proficiencies. Radiographersâ international proficiencies are emphasized during the programme because these skills may be put into daily use in the radiographerâs line of work. OUAS promotes the international profiencies of its students by offering them with foreign-language courses, international tutoring, foreign-language study material, and by occasionally providing financial support for international field trips.
The purpose of my thesis was to produce learning material in the English-language in the form of flashcards for the use of Finnish radiographer students as well as foreign exchange students. According to research, flashcards have been found to be effective in the memorization of terminology and unfamiliar concepts. Additionally, flashcards may have the benefit of encouraging students to make their own notes, and to improve the studentsâ metacognitive ability and social skills. The flashcards will be a part of the âSafe Use of Medical Radiation IIIâ courseâs study material, which was remade in English in 2016.
The goal of the flashcards was to help the students to achieve their learning goals on optimization, radiation safety, and terminology in computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and fluoroscopy. Furthermore, the secondary goal was to expand the studentsâ awareness of the international magnitude of radiology as well as prepare them for a situation that requires international skills. The international aspect of a radiographerâs line of work may present itself to a student when they, e.g. encounter a foreign patient or a student, use machinery or software in a foreign language, participate in a conference, or volunteer for international tutoring.
Ultimately, 24 flashcards were made by utilizing Word of the Office 365 software. The sophomore class of radiographer students (rad16sp) were the primary test group of the flashcards. The test group had two weeks to use and evaluate the flashcards by using a standard feedback form. The flashcards were altered according to the user feedback, and modifications were made on the color scheme, content, and size. The user feedback may be used to develop study materials in the future, which could include hypermedia flashcards, i.e. interactive flashcards to be used on mobile platforms, such as a tablet or a smart phone
Is Childhood Obesity Associated with Bone Density and Strength in Adulthood?
Associations between childhood obesity and adult bone traits were assessed among 62 obese premenopausal women, of which 12 had been obese since childhood (ObC), and 50 had gained excess weight in adulthood (ObA). Body composition and bone mineral content (BMC) of the total body, spine, and proximal femur were assessed with DXA. Total cross-sectional area and cortical (diaphyseal CoD) and trabecular (epiphyseal TrD) bone density of the radius and tibia were measured with pQCT. Compared to ObA-group, ObC-group was 5.2âcm taller having 2.5 and 3.5âkg more lean and fat mass, respectively. Depending on the statistical adjustment, ObC-group had 5â10% greater TrD both in tibia and in radius. The remaining bone traits did not significantly differ between the groups. Current preliminary observations bring up an interesting question whether childhood obesity can result in denser trabecular bone in adulthood. However, prudence must be exercised in the statistical adjustment
Neuromuscular training and the risk of leg injuries in female floorball players: cluster randomised controlled study
Objective To investigate whether a neuromuscular training programme is effective in preventing non-contact leg injuries in female floorball players
Important Gaps in HIV Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Among Young Asylum Seekers in Comparison to the General Population
Migrants are disproportionately affected by HIV in many European countries, including Finland. We aimed to compare the HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of young asylum seekers to those of the general young adult population. Two cross-sectional surveys were conducted among 20- to 25-year-old young adults: The TIE study among asylum seekers (n=47) and the World AIDS Day 2014 study among the general population (n=485). Important gaps in HIV KAP were identified especially among the young asylum seekers. For the general young adult population, previous HIV testing was associated with female gender, better HIV knowledge and increased sexual activity. Health education concerning HIV needs to be further enforced among young adults in Finland. Due to poorer HIV knowledge, young asylum seekers might be especially vulnerable to HIV. The asylum process is a window of opportunity for health education and HIV testing.Peer reviewe
Comparison of the Growth and Thermal Properties of Nonwoven Polymers after Atomic Layer Deposition and Vapor Phase Infiltration
The growth mechanism of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on polymeric surfaces differs from growth on inorganic solid substrates, such as silicon wafer or glass. In this paper, we report the growth experiments of Al2O3 and ZnO on nonwoven poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), polyethersulphone (PES) and cellulose acetate (CA) fibres. Material growth in both ALD and infiltration mode was studied. The structures were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), attenuated total reflectance-fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Furthermore, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis were used to explore the effect of ALD deposition on the thermal properties of the CA polymer. According to the SEM, STEM and ATR-FTIR analysis, the growth of Al2O3 was more uniform than ZnO on each of the polymers studied. In addition, according to ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, the infiltration resulted in interactions between the polymers and the ALD precursors. Thermal analysis (TGA/DSC) revealed a slower depolymerization process and better thermal resistance upon heating both in ALD-coated and infiltrated fibres, more pronounced on the latter type of structures, as seen from smaller endothermic peaks on TA
Comparison of the Growth and Thermal Properties of Nonwoven Polymers after Atomic Layer Deposition and Vapor Phase Infiltration
The growth mechanism of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on polymeric surfaces differs from growth on inorganic solid substrates, such as silicon wafer or glass. In this paper, we report the growth experiments of Al2O3 and ZnO on nonwoven poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), polyethersulphone (PES) and cellulose acetate (CA) fibres. Material growth in both ALD and infiltration mode was studied. The structures were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), attenuated total reflectance-fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Furthermore, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis were used to explore the effect of ALD deposition on the thermal properties of the CA polymer. According to the SEM, STEM and ATR-FTIR analysis, the growth of Al2O3 was more uniform than ZnO on each of the polymers studied. In addition, according to ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, the infiltration resulted in interactions between the polymers and the ALD precursors. Thermal analysis (TGA/DSC) revealed a slower depolymerization process and better thermal resistance upon heating both in ALD-coated and infiltrated fibres, more pronounced on the latter type of structures, as seen from smaller endothermic peaks on TA
The use of unlicensed bone marrow-derived platelet lysate-expanded mesenchymal stromal cells in colitis : a pre-clinical study
Background: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a promising candidate for treatment of inflammatory disorders, but their efficacy in human inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) has been inconsistent. Comparing the results from various preclinical and clinical IBD studies is also challenging due to a large variation in study designs. Methods: In this comparative pre-clinical study, we compared two administration routes and investigated the safety and feasibility of both fresh and cryo-preserved platelet-lysate-expanded human bone marrow-derived MSCs without additional licensing in a dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) colitis mouse model both in the acute and regenerative phases of colitis. Body weight, macroscopic score for inflammation and colonic interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)alpha concentrations were determined in both phases of colitis. Additionally, histopathology was assessed and Il-1 beta and Agtr1a messenger RNA (mRNA) levels and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) protein levels were measured in the colon in the regenerative phase of colitis. Results: Intravenously administered MSCs exhibited modest anti-inflammatory capacity in the acute phase of colitis by reducing IL-1 beta protein levels in the inflamed colon. There were no clear improvements in mice treated with fresh or cryopreserved unlicensed MSCs according to weight monitoring results, histopathology and macroscopic score results. Pro-inflammatory ACE protein expression and shedding were reduced by cryopreserved MSCs in the colon. Conclusions: In conclusion, we observed a good safety profile for bone marrow-derived platelet lysate-expanded MSCs in a mouse pre-clinical colitis model, but the therapeutic effect of MSCs prepared without additional licensing (i.e. such as MSCs are administered in graft-versus-host disease) was modest in the chosen in vivo model system and limited to biochemical improvements in cytokines without a clear benefit in histopathology or body weight development.Peer reviewe
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