125 research outputs found

    (±)-Gossypol induces apoptosis and autophagy in head and neck carcinoma cell lines and inhibits the growth of transplanted salivary gland cancer cells in BALB/c mice

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    Racemic Gossypol [(±)-GOS], composed of both (-)-GOS and (+)-GOS, is a small BH3-mimetic polyphenol derived from cotton seeds. (±)-GOS has been employed and well tolerated by cancer patients. Head and neck carcinoma (HNC) represents one of the most fatal cancers worldwide, and a significant proportion of HNC expresses high levels of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. In this study, we demonstrate that (±)-GOS inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis and autophagy of human pharynx, tongue, and salivary gland cancer cell lines and of mouse salivary gland cancer cells (SALTO). (±)-GOS was able to: (a) decrease the ErbB2 protein expression; (b) inhibit the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and AKT; (c) stimulate p38 and JNK1/2 protein phosphorylation. (±)-GOS administration was safe in BALB/c mice and it reduced the growth of transplanted SALTO cells in vivo and prolonged mice median survival. Our results suggest the potential role of (±)-GOS as an antitumor agent in HNC patients

    Prospective validation of the CLIP score: a new prognostic system for patient with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Prognosis of patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) depends on both residual liver function and tumor extension. The CLIP score includes Child-Pugh stage, tumor morphology and extension, serum alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) levels, and portal vein thrombosis. We externally validated the CLIP score and compared its discriminatory ability and predictive power with that of the Okuda staging system in 196 patients with cirrhosis and HCC prospectively enrolled in a randomized trial. No significant associations were found between the CLIP score and the age, sex, and pattern of viral infection. There was a strong correlation between the CLIP score and the Okuda stage, As of June 1999, 150 patients (76.5%) had died. Median survival time was 11 months, overall, and it was 36, 22, 9, 7, and 3 months for CLIP categories 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 to 6, respectively. In multivariate analysis, the CLIP score had additional explanatory power above that of the Okuda stage. This was true for both patients treated with locoregional therapy or not. A quantitative estimation of 2-year survival predictive power showed that the CLIP score explained 37% of survival variability, compared with 21% explained by Okuda stage. In conclusion, the CLIP score, compared with the Okuda staging system, gives more accurate prognostic information, is statistically more efficient, and has a greater survival predictive power. It could be useful in treatment planning by improving baseline prognostic evaluation of patients with RCC, and could be used in prospective therapeutic trials as a stratification variable, reducing the variability of results owing to patient selection

    Come nasce un omicidio politico

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    Mancini Giacomo

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    Le Radici del riformismo sindacale. SocietĂ  di massa e proletariato alle origini della CGdL (1901-1914)

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    Nel quadro delle grandi trasformazioni di inizio Novecento, quali l’avvento della societĂ  di massa e l’avvio dell’industrializzazione, i contadini e gli operai sono al centro di quella grande stagione di scioperi che, all’alba del nuovo secolo, rivelĂČ la molteplicitĂ  delle istanze «di base» e la frammentazione del proletariato italiano. Pari importanza assumono le vicende dei quadri attivi nel periodo immediatamente successivo, quando furono compiute scelte importanti, compendiate nel progetto di fondare un nuovo organismo, la Confederazione Generale del Lavoro. Obiettivo del volume Ăš dunque tracciare le linee di una «storia sociale dell’organizzazione», volta a ricostruire i concreti meccanismi di funzionamento della CGdL. Ne emerge uno scenario appassionante, fatto non solo di mozioni congressuali e piattaforme politiche (finora del resto esaurientemente illustrate), quanto di donne e uomini animati da passioni ideali e interessi materiali, capaci di forti slanci unitari, ma anche di aspri scontri: una storia di grandi scioperi e di quotidianitĂ  minuta, sullo sfondo del conflitto sociale e del rapporto fortemente dialettico tra sindacato e partito socialista. Un intreccio complesso, capace comunque di produrre effetti profondi nella societĂ  italiana
