95 research outputs found

    A Priori Estimates for Fractional Nonlinear Degenerate Diffusion Equations on bounded domains

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    We investigate quantitative properties of the nonnegative solutions u(t,x)≥0u(t,x)\ge 0 to the nonlinear fractional diffusion equation, ∂tu+L(um)=0\partial_t u + {\mathcal L} (u^m)=0, posed in a bounded domain, x∈Ω⊂RNx\in\Omega\subset {\mathbb R}^N with m>1m>1 for t>0t>0. As L{\mathcal L} we use one of the most common definitions of the fractional Laplacian (−Δ)s(-\Delta)^s, 0<s<10<s<1, in a bounded domain with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions. We consider a general class of very weak solutions of the equation, and obtain a priori estimates in the form of smoothing effects, absolute upper bounds, lower bounds, and Harnack inequalities. We also investigate the boundary behaviour and we obtain sharp estimates from above and below. The standard Laplacian case s=1s=1 or the linear case m=1m=1 are recovered as limits. The method is quite general, suitable to be applied to a number of similar problems

    Weighted fast diffusion equations (Part I): Sharp asymptotic rates without symmetry and symmetry breaking in Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities

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    In this paper we consider a family of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg interpolation inequalities (CKN), with two radial power law weights and exponents in a subcritical range. We address the question of symmetry breaking: are the optimal functions radially symmetric, or not ? Our intuition comes from a weighted fast diffusion (WFD) flow: if symmetry holds, then an explicit entropy - entropy production inequality which governs the intermediate asymptotics is indeed equivalent to (CKN), and the self-similar profiles are optimal for (CKN). We establish an explicit symmetry breaking condition by proving the linear instability of the radial optimal functions for (CKN). Symmetry breaking in (CKN) also has consequences on entropy - entropy production inequalities and on the intermediate asymptotics for (WFD). Even when no symmetry holds in (CKN), asymptotic rates of convergence of the solutions to (WFD) are determined by a weighted Hardy-Poincar{\'e} inequality which is interpreted as a linearized entropy - entropy production inequality. All our results rely on the study of the bottom of the spectrum of the linearized diffusion operator around the self-similar profiles, which is equivalent to the linearization of (CKN) around the radial optimal functions, and on variational methods. Consequences for the (WFD) flow will be studied in Part II of this work

    Weighted fast diffusion equations (Part II): Sharp asymptotic rates of convergence in relative error by entropy methods

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    This paper is the second part of the study. In Part~I, self-similar solutions of a weighted fast diffusion equation (WFD) were related to optimal functions in a family of subcritical Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities (CKN) applied to radially symmetric functions. For these inequalities, the linear instability (symmetry breaking) of the optimal radial solutions relies on the spectral properties of the linearized evolution operator. Symmetry breaking in (CKN) was also related to large-time asymptotics of (WFD), at formal level. A first purpose of Part~II is to give a rigorous justification of this point, that is, to determine the asymptotic rates of convergence of the solutions to (WFD) in the symmetry range of (CKN) as well as in the symmetry breaking range, and even in regimes beyond the supercritical exponent in (CKN). Global rates of convergence with respect to a free energy (or entropy) functional are also investigated, as well as uniform convergence to self-similar solutions in the strong sense of the relative error. Differences with large-time asymptotics of fast diffusion equations without weights will be emphasized

    Quantitative Local Bounds for Subcritical Semilinear Elliptic Equations

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    The purpose of this paper is to prove local upper and lower bounds for weak solutions of semilinear elliptic equations of the form −Δu=cup-\Delta u= c u^p, with 0<p<ps=(d+2)/(d−2)0<p<p_s=(d+2)/(d-2), defined on bounded domains of \RR^d, d≥3d\ge 3, without reference to the boundary behaviour. We give an explicit expression for all the involved constants. As a consequence, we obtain local Harnack inequalities with explicit constant, as well as gradient bounds.Comment: 2 figure
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