220 research outputs found

    AoI-based Multicast Routing over Voronoi Overlays with Minimal Overhead

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    The increasing pervasive and ubiquitous presence of devices at the edge of the Internet is creating new scenarios for the emergence of novel services and applications. This is particularly true for location- and context-aware services. These services call for new decentralized, self-organizing communication schemes that are able to face issues related to demanding resource consumption constraints, while ensuring efficient locality-based information dissemination and querying. Voronoi-based communication techniques are among the most widely used solutions in this field. However, when used for forwarding messages inside closed areas of the network (called Areas of Interest, AoIs), these solutions generally require a significant overhead in terms of redundant and/or unnecessary communications. This fact negatively impacts both the devices' resource consumption levels, as well as the network bandwidth usage. In order to eliminate all unnecessary communications, in this paper we present the MABRAVO (Multicast Algorithm for Broadcast and Routing over AoIs in Voronoi Overlays) protocol suite. MABRAVO allows to forward information within an AoI in a Voronoi network using only local information, reaching all the devices in the area, and using the lowest possible number of messages, i.e., just one message for each node included in the AoI. The paper presents the mathematical and algorithmic descriptions of MABRAVO, as well as experimental findings of its performance, showing its ability to reduce communication costs to the strictly minimum required.Comment: Submitted to: IEEE Access; CodeOcean: DOI:10.24433/CO.1722184.v1; code: https://github.com/michelealbano/mabrav

    Image-based biomechanical models of the musculoskeletal system

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    Finite element modeling is a precious tool for the investigation of the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system. A key element for the development of anatomically accurate, state-of-the art finite element models is medical imaging. Indeed, the workflow for the generation of a finite element model includes steps which require the availability of medical images of the subject of interest: segmentation, which is the assignment of each voxel of the images to a specific material such as bone and cartilage, allowing for a three-dimensional reconstruction of the anatomy; meshing, which is the creation of the computational mesh necessary for the approximation of the equations describing the physics of the problem; assignment of the material properties to the various parts of the model, which can be estimated for example from quantitative computed tomography for the bone tissue and with other techniques (elastography, T1rho, and T2 mapping from magnetic resonance imaging) for soft tissues. This paper presents a brief overview of the techniques used for image segmentation, meshing, and assessing the mechanical properties of biological tissues, with focus on finite element models of the musculoskeletal system. Both consolidated methods and recent advances such as those based on artificial intelligence are described

    Numerical analysis of interseismic, coseismic and postseismic phases for normal and reverse faulting earthquakes in Italy

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    The preparation, initiation, and occurrence dynamics of earthquakes in Italy are governed by several frequently unknown physical mechanisms and parameters. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing new techniques and approaches for earthquake monitoring and hazard assessments. Here, we develop a first-order numerical model simulating quasi-static crustal interseismic loading, coseismic brittle episodic dislocations, and postseismic relaxation for extensional and compressional earthquakes in Italy based on a common framework of lithostatic and tectonic forces. Our model includes an upper crust, where the fault is locked, and a deep crust, where the fault experiences steady shear. The results indicate that during the interseismic phase, the contrasting behavior between the upper locked fault segment and lower creeping fault segment generates a stretched volume at depth in the hanging wall via extensional tectonics while a contracted volume forms via compressional tectonics. The interseismic stress and strain gradients invert at the coseismic stage, with the interseismic dilated volume contracting during the coseismic stage, and vice versa. Moreover, interseismic stress gradients promote coseismic gravitational subsidence of the hanging wall for normal fault earthquakes and elastic uplift for reverse fault earthquakes. Finally, the postseismic relaxation is characterized by further ground subsidence and uplift for normal and reverse faulting earthquakes, respectively, which is consistent with the faulting style. The fault is the passive feature, with slipping generating the seismic waves, whereas the energy activating the movement is stored mostly in the hanging wall volume. The main source of energy for normal faulting and thrust is provided by the lithostatic load and elastic load, respectively

    Multi-technique geodetic detection of onshore and offshore subsidence along the Upper Adriatic Sea coasts

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    We assess about 20 years of onshore and offshore subsidence along a sector of the Upper Adriatic Sea (Italy) coastal areas affected by natural soil compaction and intense anthropogenic activities such as aquifers exploi-tation and hydrocarbons extraction. Our approach is based on the synergistic use of independent remote sensing and in-situ geodetic data to detect and spatially characterise the deformation pattern by cross-validating the different available measurements. We collect extensive datasets from i) SAR images provided by Envisat, Cosmo-SkyMed and Sentinel-1 missions, ii) GNSS measurements from continuous stations managed by public in-stitutions, local authorities and private companies and iii) Leveling surveys. The cross-validation analysis shows good agreement among all the independent datasets, thus providing a reliable assessment of the ongoing deformation. We detect an onshore and offshore subsidence peak of about -1/-1.5 cm/yr in the proximity of the coastline, close to Lido di Dante and Fiumi Uniti villages, and at the present offshore platform. The outcomes highlight how the integration of different remote sensing and in situ geodetic techniques is successful to retrieve deformation history in time and space in complex areas, where different natural and anthropogenic sources concur to the overall deformation pattern. Moreover, such approach provides a robust support to modelling studies for hazard assessment in both inland and shoreline areas
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