371 research outputs found

    Wide-field 1-2 GHz research on galaxy evolution - synenergies with multi-wavelenght surveys

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    In these proceedings I discuss various extragalactic surveys which will be undertaken over the next few years and which will be complementary to any HI and/or continuum surveys with the SKA-precursor telescopes. I concentrate on the near-infrared public surveys which will be undertaken with the Visible and Infrared Survey Telscope for Astronomy (VISTA), and in particular the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) survey which will provide the ideal data set to combine with any deep SKA-precursor observations of the extragalactic sky. After highlighting the links that the SKA precursors have with the various VISTA surveys, I briefly describe two forthcoming Herschel surveys, Herschel-ATLAS survey and HerMES which have a large scientific overlap with the SKA-precursor telescopes. Finally, I present a case study in combining multi-wavelength data sets with radio-frequency surveys to find the highest redshift radio sources with the aim of probing the epoch of reionization.

    Radio Galaxy populations and the multi-tracer technique: pushing the limits on primordial non-Gaussianity

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    We explore the use of different radio galaxy populations as tracers of different mass halos and therefore, with different bias properties, to constrain primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type. We perform a Fisher matrix analysis based on the predicted auto and cross angular power spectra of these populations, using simulated redshift distributions as a function of detection flux and the evolution of the bias for the different galaxy types (Star forming galaxies, Starburst galaxies, Radio-Quiet Quasars, FRI and FRII AGN galaxies). We show that such a multi-tracer analysis greatly improves the information on non-Gaussianity by drastically reducing the cosmic variance contribution to the overall error budget. By using this method applied to future surveys, we predict a constraint of sigma_fnl=3.6 on the local non-Gaussian parameter for a galaxy detection flux limit of 10 \muJy and sigma_fnl=2.2 for 1 \muJy. We show that this significantly improves on the constraints obtained when using the whole undifferentiated populations (sigma_fnl=48 for 10 \muJy and sigma_fnl=12 for 1 \muJy). We conclude that continuum radio surveys alone have the potential to constrain primordial non-Gaussianity to an accuracy at least a factor of two better than the present constraints obtained with Planck data on the CMB bispectrum, opening a window to obtain sigma_fnl~1 with the Square Kilometer Array.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Herschel-atlas/Gama: a difference between star formation rates in strong-line and weak-line radio galaxies

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    We have constructed a sample of radio-loud objects with optical spectroscopy from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) project over the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (Herschel-ATLAS) Phase 1 fields. Classifying the radio sources in terms of their optical spectra, we find that strong-emission-line sources (‘high-excitation radio galaxies’) have, on average, a factor of ∼4 higher 250-μm Herschel luminosity than weak-line (‘lowexcitation’) radio galaxies and are also more luminous than magnitude-matched radio-quiet galaxies at the same redshift. Using all five H-ATLAS bands, we show that this difference in luminosity between the emission-line classes arises mostly from a difference in the average dust temperature; strong-emission-line sources tend to have comparable dust masses to, but higher dust temperatures than, radio galaxies with weak emission lines. We interpret this as showing that radio galaxies with strong nuclear emission lines are much more likely to be associated with star formation in their host galaxy, although there is certainly not a one-to-one relationship between star formation and strong-line active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity. The strong-line sources are estimated to have star formation rates at least a factor of 3–4 higher than those in the weak-line objects. Our conclusion is consistent with earlier work, generally carried out using much smaller samples, and reinforces the general picture of high-excitation radio galaxies as being located in lower-mass, less evolved host galaxies than their low-excitation counterparts.Web of Scienc
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