142 research outputs found

    Magnon Current Generation by Dynamical Distortion

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    The interaction between spin and nanomechanical degrees of freedom attracts interest from the viewpoint of basic science and device applications. We study the magnon current induced by the torsional oscillation of ferromagnetic nanomechanical cantilever. We find that a finite Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction emerges by the torsional oscillation, which is described by the spin gauge field, and the DM interaction leads to the detectably-large magnon current with frequency same as that of the torsional oscillation. Our theory paves the way for studying torsional spin-nanomechanical phenomena by using the spin gauge field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Renormalization of spin-rotation coupling

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    We predict the enhancement of the spin-rotation coupling due to the interband mixing. The Bloch wavefunctions in the presence of mechanical rotation are constructed with the generalized crystal momentum which includes a gauge potential arising from the rotation. Using the eight- band Kane model, the renormalized spin-rotation coupling is explicitly obtained. As a result of the renormalization, the rotational Doppler shift in electron spin resonance and the mechanical torque on an electron spin will be strongly modulated.Comment: 8 page

    Theory of spin hydrodynamic generation

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    Spin-current generation by fluid motion is theoretically investigated. Based on quantum kinetic theory, the spin-diffusion equation coupled with fluid vorticity is derived. We show that spin currents are generated by the vorticity gradient in both laminar and turbulent flows and that the generated spin currents can be detected by the inverse spin Hall voltage measurements, which are predicted to be proportional to the flow velocity in a laminar flow. In contrast, the voltage in a turbulent flow is proportional to the square of the flow velocity. This study will pave the way to fluid spintronics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Microscopic Theory of the Spin Hall Magnetoresistance

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    We consider a microscopic theory for the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR). We generally formulate a spin conductance at an interface between a normal metal and a magnetic insulator in terms of spin susceptibilities. We reveal that SMR is composed of static and dynamic parts. The static part, which is almost independent of the temperature, originates from spin flip caused by an interfacial exchange coupling. However, the dynamic part, which is induced by the creation or annihilation of magnons, has an opposite sign from the static part. By the spin-wave approximation, we predict that the latter results in a nontrivial sign change of the SMR signal at a finite temperature. In addition, we derive the Onsager relation between spin conductance and thermal spin-current noise.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Word-Alignment-Based Segment-Level Machine Translation Evaluation using Word Embeddings

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    One of the most important problems in machine translation (MT) evaluation is to evaluate the similarity between translation hypotheses with different surface forms from the reference, especially at the segment level. We propose to use word embeddings to perform word alignment for segment-level MT evaluation. We performed experiments with three types of alignment methods using word embeddings. We evaluated our proposed methods with various translation datasets. Experimental results show that our proposed methods outperform previous word embeddings-based methods.Comment: 5 page

    Universal 1/31/3-suppression of magnonic shot noise in diffusive insulating magnets

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    Extending a Boltzmann-Langevin theory to magnons, we show a universality of current-noise suppression in diffusive systems against the difference of quantum-statistical properties of bosons and fermions. To this end, starting from a quantum kinetic equation for magnons subjected to thermal gradient in dilute impurities, we derive a bosonic counterpart of the semiclassical Boltzmann-Langevin equation for electrons and evaluate a magnonic current-noise in the diffusive insulating magnet. We theoretically discover that compared with a Poissonian shot noise of magnons in an insulating ferromagnetic junction, the magnonic shot noise is suppressed in the diffusive insulating bulk magnet and noise-to-current ratio (Fano factor) at low temperatures exhibits a universal behavior, i.e., the same suppression 1/31/3 as the one for electron transport in diffusive conductors, despite the difference of quantum-statistical properties. Finally, we show that our predictions are within experimental reach with current device and measurement technologies.Comment: 4+4 pages; the title has been changed following the suggestion from the publishe

    Spontaneous generation of spin current from the vacuum by strong electric fields

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    We discuss spontaneous spin current generation from the vacuum by strong electric fields as a result of interplay between the Schwinger mechanism and a spin-orbit coupling. By considering a homogeneous slow strong electric field superimposed by a fast weak transverse electric field, we explicitly evaluate the vacuum expectation value of a spin current (the Bargmann-Wigner spin current) by numerically solving the Dirac equation. We show that a non-vanishing spin current polarized in the direction perpendicular to the electric fields flows mostly in the longitudinal direction. We also find that a relativistic effect due to the helicity conservation affects direction/polarization of spin current.Comment: v2: 16 pages, 5 figures; discussions and references adde

    Determination of spin relaxation time and spin diffusion length by oscillation of spin pumping signal

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    We theoretically investigate a manipulation method of nonequilibrium spin accumulation in the paramagnetic normal metal of a spin pumping system, by using the spin precession motion combined with the spin diffusion transport. We demonstrate based on the Bloch-Torrey equation that the direction of the nonequilibrium spin accumulation is changed by applying an additional external magnetic field, and consequently, the inverse spin Hall voltage in an adjacent paramagnetic heavy metal changes its sign. We find that the spin relaxation time and the spin diffusion length are simultaneously determined by changing the magnitude of the external magnetic field and the thickness of the normal metal in a commonly-used spin pumping system

    Acoustic Rashba-Edelstein effect

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    We theoretically study the mechanical induction of the spin density via the Rashba spin--orbit interaction (SOI). The spin density in the linear response to lattice distortion dynamics is calculated based on the microscopic theory. We reveal that there are two mechanisms of spin induction: one is the acoustic Edelstein effect (AEE) from the acceleration of the lattice dynamics and the other is caused by the Rashba spin--vorticity coupling (RSVC). We find that the AEE induces a more efficient spin-to-charge conversion in comparison with the conventional electric Edelstein effect. The induced spin density due to the RSVC is expressed as a Berry curvature-like quantity; therefore, it can be attributed to the spatial symmetry breaking due to the Rashba SOI. Our work demonstrates high-efficiency spin generation in Rashba systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Alternating Current-induced Interfacial Spin-transfer Torque

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    We investigate an interfacial spin-transfer torque and β\beta-term torque with alternating current (AC) parallel to a magnetic interface. We find that both torques are resonantly enhanced as the AC frequency approaches to the exchange splitting energy. We show that this resonance allows us to estimate directly the interfacial exchange interaction strength from the domain wall motion. We also find that the β\beta-term includes an unconventional contribution which is proportional to the time derivative of the current and exists even in absence of any spin relaxation processes.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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