253 research outputs found


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    The authors investigated the geological systems and productive condition of producing districts of soils used for the coating of mat rushes in Hiroshima Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture, collected samples of soils and examined the physical and chemical properties of these soils. For chemical properties, hot hydrochloric acid analysis and total analysis of soil colloid were carried out and the calculated silica-alumina ratio, base exchange capacity and proportion of Fe++ and Fe+++, color reaction and dying of soil colloid were determined. For physical properties, the soil colloid was separated by the sedimentation method and the quantity of colloid was determined. Specific gravity, dehydration curve, absorption power and variation of temperature of soil by exposing to the rays of the sun were determined. 1) The producing district in Hiroshima Prefecture is a region which centers in Mihara, Onomichi and Matsunaga, and is limited to the southeast region of Hiroshima Prefecture. 2) Geological system at Kamura, Hongo, Kanae, Takasu, Fukamachi, Shirahama, Tomoji, Mizuochi and Uenohara belongs to Palaeozoic, at Kajiyamada to Granite, and at Seto to Granite Porphyry. 3) Producing districts in Hyogo Prefecture are Okura and Okubo in Akashi, and their geological system belongs to Diluvium and form hillock. 4) Soil color is divided into five kinds such as whitish grey, light yellowish grey, yellowish grey, light brownish grey and bluish grey. pH value shows 4.55 in the lowest and 6.70 in the highest. 5) Clay with particle diameter less than 0.002 mm is considered to be soil colloid. This was separated by the Pipette Method. Quantity of colloid is 39.65% in the highest, 8.32% in the lowest and 23.07% in average. 6) Relationship between soil color and pH value can not be recognized as a definite relation, but quantity of colloid has a tendency of being less in light-colored soil, and on the contrary, much more in dark-colored ones. 7) On the average, values of total nitrogen, Fe2 0 3, CaO and MgO in soils of Hyogo Prefecture are very much more, and K 20 and Na20 are a little more than in those in Hiroshima Prefecture. 8) On total analysis the amount of H 20, CaO and MgO is very much more but Fez03 and P20 5 are less in soil colloid of Hyogo Prefecture than in those of Hiroshima Prefecture. 9) SiOz/ Al203 and Si02 /R20 3 of colloid by total analysis are higher in Hyogo Prefecture, but the difference between them is not great. 10) Base exchange capacity of soil colloid in Hiroshima Prefecture is 21.6 m eq in the highest, 7.46 m eq in the lowest and 13.38 m eq in average. In Hyogo Prefecture it is 18.0 m eq and 13.3 m eq. Little differences between them are recognizable. 11) Quantity of Fe++ and Fe+++ is closely associated with soil color. Proportion of Fe++ and Fe+++ in whitish grey and yellowish grey soil is 10-14 to 86-90, and in brown soil Fe++ is decreased but Fe+++ is increased. In soils of Hyogo Prefecture the quantity of Fe++ is very much more than Fe+++, and the proportion is 90 to 10. Fe+++ is found more in Hiroshima Prefecture soils and Fe++ more in Hyogo Prefecture soils. 12) Results of color reaction by benzidine and dying by safranine T can be recognized that clay mineral of Kaolinite group is adulterated. 13) Specific gravity by picnometer is 2.730 in the highest, 2.248 in the lowest and 2.595 in average. 14) Dehydration curve examined at from 100oC to 900oC is similar to that of clay minerals such as Kaolinite and Halloysite. 15) Absorptive power of colloid seems to depend more upon soil property than upon the quantity. 16) Variation of temperature of soil used for the coating of mat rushes by exposing to the direct rays of the sun shows some different result owing to the kinds of soils. Though discovering a substitute for soils used for the coating of mat rushes was the task of this study, in coating the stems, when the stems were treated with other materials such as bentonite or Japanese acid clay and dried and moreover when a finished mat was produced, commercial value as a mat was much reduced unless the usual soil was used. Therefore under the present phase it does not solve the problem of a substitute. The quantity of production of the soil used for the coating of mat rushes in Hiroshima Prefecture seems to be less than in Hyogo Prefecture and the future reserves are also less. Hence we can use the soil produced at Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture as a substitute, but as mentioned before, the quality and property of Fe of Hyogo Prefecture soils are diferent from that of Hiroshima Prefecture. Since the color of the mat may be somewhat bluish, the commercial value is as yet uncertain

    Prediction of fetal acidemia in placental abruption

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    BACKGROUND: To determine the major predictive factors for fetal acidemia in placental abruption. METHODS: A retrospective review of pregnancies with placental abruption was performed using a logistic regression model. Fetal acidemia was defined as a pH of less than 7.0 in umbilical artery. The severe abruption score, which was derived from a linear discriminant function, was calculated to determine the probability of fetal acidemia. RESULTS: Fetal acidemia was seen in 43 survivors (43/222, 19%). A logistic regression model showed bradycardia (OR (odds ratio) 50.34, 95% CI 11.07 – 228.93), and late decelerations (OR 15.13, 3.05 – 74.97), but not abnormal ultrasonographic findings were to be associated with the occurrence of fetal acidemia. The severe abruption score was calculated for the occurrence of fetal acidemia, using 6 items including vaginal bleeding, gestational age, abdominal pain, abnormal ultrasonographic finding, late decelerations, and bradycardia. CONCLUSIONS: An abnormal FHR pattern, especially bradycardia is the most significant risk factor in placental abruption predicting fetal acidemia, regardless of the presence of abnormal ultrasonographic findings or gestational age

    Prediction of fetal acidemia in placental abruption

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    Russian Comfreyのアスコルビン酸含量について

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     Russian comfrey はムラサキ科ヒレハリソウ属の永年植物で,蛋白質の含量が高く飼料作物としてその価値は大である.深根性で再生力が強く,西日本の夏季高温の時にも夏枯れをきたすことはない.動物の栄養上必要なアスコルピン酸含量に対し,施肥並IC 徴量要素が如何に影響するかを試験した.  圃場に土管を埋設し,これに沖積土と花崗岩風化土を充填し,一定の大きさのRussian comfreyの根を植付けた。肥料は10a当り三要素を8kg宛施与した.窒素肥料には硫安,尿素,石灰窒素を燐酸肥料には過石を,加里肥料には硫加を用いた.微量要素はha 当りCu 4kg, Mn 6kg, Zn 2kg,Co 2kg, B 6kg, Mo 2kg, Ni 2kg を添加した.11 月中旬新鮮葉につきIndophenol 滴定法によりアスコルピン酸含量を測定した.  三要素の中その一つを欠いてもアスコルビン酸含量は減少する.特IC 加里と窒素の影響は大きく燐酸はあまり影響しない.窒素肥料はその種類によってアスコルビン酸含量に差異を示す.微量要素の添加は何れもアスコルピン酸含量を摺加する.アスコルビン酸含量に対する土壌の種類の影響はこれを認めることはできなかった.Deficiency of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium results in a substantial decrease in the concentration of ascorbic acid. Especially potassium and nitrogen reduce, but phosphoric acid has no obvious effect. Fertilizing together with lime increases the ascorbic acid content in leaves of Russian comfrey. Single trace element in the case of Cu increases the ascorbic acid content of Russian comfrey as in many other kinds of plants. The ascorbic acid content of Russian comfrey is uniform under the same conditions in different soils

    Effects of chronic testosterone administration on the degree of preference for a high-fat diet and body weight in gonadal-intact and ovariectomized female rats

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    Energy balance and reproductive functions are closely linked in some species. The sex hormones (estrogens and androgens) are involved in the regulation of appetite, metabolism, body weight (BW), and body composition in mammals. Previously, we showed that the effects of testosterone on BW, appetite, and fat weight were markedly affected by alterations to the gonadal hormonal milieu. In this study, we examined whether testosterone administration changes food preferences and whether these effects of testosterone depend on gonadal status in female rats. We also evaluated the underlying mechanisms responsible for these effects, focusing on hypothalamic inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In gonadal-intact (sham) female rats, chronic testosterone administration promoted a preference for a high-fat diet (HFD) and increased BW gain, fat weight, and adipocyte size, whereas no such effects were observed in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Testosterone administration increased hypothalamic interleukin-1 mRNA expression in the sham rats, but not the OVX rats. On the contrary, testosterone administration decreased the hypothalamic mRNA levels of ER stress-response genes in the OVX rats, but not the sham rats. These testosterone-induced alterations in OVX rats might represent a regulatory mechanism for preventing hypothalamic inflammation and the overconsumption of a HFD. In conclusion, testosterone’s effects on food preferences and the subsequent changes were affected by gonadal status. Testosterone-induced changes in hypothalamic inflammatory cytokine production and ER stress might be related to these findings

    A FORTRAN data processing system for the epidemiological data on rheumatic diseases - Part 1. Basic programs for deposit and retrieval of data

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    A set of FORTRAN programs for small computer is described for deposit and retrieval of the epidemiological data, which have been compiled at the Kami-hojo-cho district in Feb. 1972and Feb. 1975. A data file is constructed on a magnetic disk. The following items are recorded and registered on the disk for every person: identification number, full name in Japanese alphabet, sex, date of birth, weight, height, blood pressures, chemical characterics of blood serum and urine, and various complaints of clinical significance (fever, morning stiffness, arthralgia, joint swelling, myalgia, cutaneous rash, aphthous stomatitis, dry eyes, dry mouth, joint deformity, subcutaneous nodules, lymph and parotid gland enlargement, struma, heart murmur, and neulogical findings). All information per one person requires only two IBM cards due to compact encoding of original records. The encode-decode procedures are explained also in the text

    Early Embryonic Lethality Caused by Targeted Disruption of the Mouse Thioredoxin Gene

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    AbstractThioredoxins belong to a widely distributed group of small proteins with strong reducing activities mediated by a consensus redox-active dithiol (Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys). Thioredoxin was first isolated as a hydrogen donor for enzymatic synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides by ribonucleotide reductase inEscherichia coli.Recent studies have revealed a variety of roles that thioredoxin plays in transcription, growth control, and immune function. In this report, we describe the phenotype of mice carrying a targeted disruption of the thioredoxin gene (Txn). Heterozygotes are viable, fertile, and appear normal. In contrast, homozygous mutants die shortly after implantation, and the concepti were resorbed prior to gastrulation. When preimplantation embryos were placed in culture, the inner cell mass cells of the homozygous embryos failed to proliferate. These results indicate thatTxnexpression is essential for early differentiation and morphogenesis of the mouse embryo

    Muscarinic Agonist-Mediated Heterologous Desensitization in Isolated Ileum Requires Activation of Both Muscarinic M2 and M3 Receptors

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    We investigated the subtypes of the muscarinic receptor mediating short-term heterologous desensitization in the isolated ileum. Treatment of the ileum from C57BL/6 mice with acetylcholine (30 μM) for 20 min caused a subsequent decrease in contractile sensitivity to both prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and the muscarinic agonist, oxotremorine-M. This subsensitivity was characterized by 7- and 3-fold increases in the EC50 values of the agonists, respectively, with no significant effect on the maximal response. The subsensitivity to PGF2α was prevented in both M2 and M3 muscarinic receptor knockout mice. Similarly, the subsensitivity to oxotremorine-M was prevented in M2 knockout mice. Acetylcholine-mediated desensitization of histamine-induced contractions in the guinea pig ileum was inhibited by both M2- and M3-selective muscarinic antagonists with high potency, although careful analysis of the data suggested behavior more consistent with an M2 antagonistic profile. Modeling studies showed that the competitive antagonism of response contingent upon activation of two receptor subtypes should exhibit a pharmacological profile similar to that of the least sensitive signaling pathway. Our results demonstrate that muscarinic agonist-mediated short-term heterologous desensitization of intestinal smooth muscle is contingent upon activation of both M2 and M3 muscarinic receptors and that activation of either receptor by itself is insufficient to cause desensitization