52 research outputs found
Freeze-thaw effects on pore space and hydraulic properties of compacted soil and potential consequences with climate change
Freezing and thawing affect the pore -space structure in agricultural soils with implications for soil hydraulic properties and water flow. Previous studies have focused on the upper few centimeters of the tilled topsoil, where most freeze -thaw (FT) cycles occur, even though deeper soil layers are also subject to freezing and thawing in cold climates. Thus, little is known about how freezing and thawing affect untilled soil layers, which often show high bulk densities that restrict vertical water movement. Furthermore, it remains unclear how shifts in FT patterns with climate change may change the pore -space structure and water flow through these soil layers. Here we investigated the effects of freezing and thawing on X-ray imaged pore -space characteristics, water retention and near -saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) in untilled soil directly below plough depth. Intact cores were sampled at two sites in central Sweden under the same long-term reduced tillage management. The two soils, a silt loam and a silty clay loam, were subjected to three FT scenarios in a laboratory environment intended to represent FT patterns that are considered likely under current and future winter conditions for this region. The latter scenario was characterised by more FT cycles and a lower freezing temperature. Freezing and thawing increased K in the near -saturated range in both soils, which we attribute to observed small (<0.01 mm(3 )mm( -3)) increases in the volume of pores of diameters close to the X-ray resolution limit. Concomitant increases in pore network connectivity and critical pore diameter, especially in the denser silty clay loam soil, probably contributed to this increase in K. The water retention data suggested that changes in pore -space characteristics below X-ray resolution also occurred in both soils. Furthermore, our results indicate that both soils may show higher drainage rates due to shifts in FT patterns in the future, although longer -term changes in pore -space structure with an increasing number of FT cycles would mostly be limited to soils with relatively high clay contents. These soils are often more compacted below plough depth and, thus, benefits from improvements in soil structure such as improved root growth and plant water supply are also expected to be larger
Macropore flow in relation to the geometry and topology of soil macropore networks: Re-visiting the kinematic wave equation
The rapid flow of water through soil macropores significantly affects the partitioning of precipitation between surface runoff and infiltration and also the rate of solute transport in soil, both of which have an impact on the risk of contamination of surface water and groundwater. The kinematic wave equation is often employed as a model of gravity-driven water flow through soil macropores. The exponent in this simple model influences the pore water velocity attained in the macropores at any given input rate and is usually estimated by inverse modelling against measured flow rates or water contents. In theory, the exponent in the kinematic wave equation should depend on the geometry and topology of the conducting macropore networks, although these relationships have not so far been investigated. In this study, we related metrics of soil structure derived from X-ray images to values of the kinematic exponent estimated from drainage experiments on twenty-two columns sampled at three different field sites under two contrasting land uses and at three different depths. We found that smaller values of the exponent in the kinematic wave equation, which would equate to more rapid flow of water through soil macropores, were found in plough pan and subsoil columns of smaller macroporosity, for which biopores comprised a significant fraction. The macroporosity in these columns was more vertically oriented and poorly inter-connected, though still continuous across the sample. In contrast, topsoil columns from both arable land and grassland had better connected, denser and more isotropically-distributed macropore networks and larger values of the kinematic exponent. Our results suggest that for predictive modelling at large scales, it may be feasible to estimate the kinematic exponent using class pedotransfer functions based on pedological information such as land use and horizon type
Spatial variation in herbicide leaching from a marine clay soil via subsurface drains
BACKGROUND: Subsurface transport via tile drains can significantly contribute to pesticide contamination of surface waters. The spatial variation in subsurface leaching of normally applied herbicides was examined together with phosphorus losses in 24 experimental plots with water sampled flow-proportionally. The study site was a flat, tile-drained area with 60% marine clay in the topsoil in southeast Sweden. The objectives were to quantify the leaching of frequently used herbicides from a tile drained cracking clay soil and to evaluate the variation in leaching within the experimental area and relate this to topsoil management practices (tillagemethod and structure liming). RESULTS: In summer 2009, 0.14, 0.22 and 1.62%, respectively, of simultaneously applied amounts of MCPA, fluroxypyr and clopyralid were leached by heavy rain five days after spraying. In summer 2011, on average 0.70% of applied bentazone was leached by short bursts of intensive rain 12 days after application. Peak flow concentrations for 50% of the treated area for MCPA and 33% for bentazone exceeded the Swedish no-effect guideline values for aquatic ecosystems. Approximately 0.08% of the glyphosate applied was leached in dissolved form in the winters of 2008/2009 and 2010/2011. Based on measurements of glyphosate in particulate form, total glyphosate losseswere twice as high (0.16%) in the second winter. The spatial inter-plot variation was large (72–115%) for all five herbicides studied, despite small variations (25%) in water discharge. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows the importance of local scale soil transport properties for herbicide leaching in cracking clay soils
Three-dimensional X-ray imaging of macropore flow
Macropores are known to be important pathways for the rapid transport of water, solutes and colloids in soil. Nevertheless, we still know very little about how the topology and geometry of macropore networks govern water flow configurations and velocities in natural soil. In this study, we aimed at gaining more insight into macropore flow by using X-ray tomography to quantify air-water distributions in the macropore networks of undisturbed topsoil and subsoil columns of a clay soil at varying steady-state flow rates. We observed that while large fractions of the macropore network remained air-filled, the air phase only became entrapped when the irrigation rate was very close to the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The data enabled us to parameterize a kinematic wave model for water flow following the approach proposed in Jarvis et al. (2017a). Follow-up experiments would be required to evaluate whether these kinematic wave parameters derived by Xray imaging match with those obtained from outflow measurements. We found that quantitative X-ray imaging of macropore flow through soils still remains a challenging task. We recommend that future experiments are conducted on smaller soil samples to improve image resolution and minimize experimental time spans as well as X-ray image noise and illumination bias. Such experiments could also include 3-D tracer imaging to identify the imaged macropore networks transporting most of the water (i.e. the backbone) at varying steady irrigation rates
Improved descriptions of soil hydrology in crop models: The elephant in the room?
Soil-crop simulation models are widely used to assess the impacts of soil management and climate change on soil water balance, solute transport and crop production. In this context, it is important that hydrological processes in the soil-crop system are accurately modelled. We suggest here that empirical treatments of soil water flow, water uptake by plant mots and transpiration limit the applicability of crop models and increase prediction errors. We further argue that this empiricism is to a large extent unnecessary, as parsimonious physics-based descriptions of these water flow processes in the soil-crop system are now available. Recent reviews and opinion articles, whilst strongly advocating the need for improvements to crop models, fail to mention the significant role played by accurate treatments of soil hydrology. It seems to us that empirical models of soil water flow have become the elephant in the room
Relations between soil organic carbon content and the pore size distribution for an arable topsoil with large variations in soil properties
Soil organic carbon (SOC) in arable topsoil is known to have beneficial effects on soil physical properties that are important for soil fertility. The effects of SOC content on soil aggregate stability have been well documented; however, few studies have investigated its relationship with the soil pore structure, which has a strong influence on water dynamics and biogeochemical cycling. In the present study, we examined the relationships between SOC and clay contents and pore size distributions (PSDs) across an arable field with large spatial variations in topsoil SOC and clay contents by combining X-ray tomography and measurements of soil water retention. Additionally, we investigated the relationships between fractionated SOC, reactive Fe and Al oxide contents and soil pore structure. We found that porosities in the 0.2-720 mu m diameter class were positively correlated with SOC content. A unit increase of SOC content was associated with a relatively large increase in porosity in the 0.2-5 and 480-720 mu m diameter classes, which indicates that enhanced SOC content would increase plant available water content and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. On the other hand, macroporosities (1200-3120 mu m diameter classes) and bioporosity were positively correlated with clay content but not with SOC content. Due to strong correlations between soil texture, carbon-to-nitrogen ratios and reactive iron contents, we could not separate the relative importance of these soil properties for PSDs. Reactive aluminium and particulate organic carbon contents were poorer predictors for PSDs compared with clay and SOC contents. This study provides new insights on the relations between SOC and soil pore structure in an arable soil and may lead to improved estimations of the effects of enhanced SOC sequestration on soil water dynamics and soil water supply to crops. Highlights Relations between soil organic carbon (SOC) and pore size distribution (PSD) in an arable soil were explored. We used X-ray tomography and soil water retention to quantify a wide range of PSD. There were positive correlations between SOC and porosities in 0.2-720 mu m diameter classes. Porosities in 0.2-5 and 480-720 mu m diameter classes were more strongly correlated with SOC than clay. Our results have implications for improved estimates of effects of SOC sequestration on soil water dynamics
Dual-platform micromechanical characterization of soils : Oscillation shear rheometry and spherical indentation
Acknowledgements Funding from the NJ faculty at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is acknowledged for partly funding RH’s Ph.D. work. PH acknowledges funding from UKRI (BB/L026058/1, ES/T003073/1, NE/S009167/1) that supported background research that led to this study. This research was partly funded by the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (NJ Faculty) of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Dual-platform micromechanical characterization of soils: Oscillation shear rheometry and spherical indentation
The dynamics of soil structure is caused by biotic and abiotic processes, with the onset and magnitude of deformation controlled by soil rheological and mechanical properties. Quantification of such properties is challenging because soil behaviour changes with soil moisture, but common rheological tests are not applicable over all consistency ranges. Here, we combine oscillation shear rheometry with spherical indentation mechanical measurements of soil to obtain greater characterization over a broader range of water contents. The elastic modulus could be measured with either approach, with good agreement found for measured silt and clay textured remoulded agricultural soils. For shear rheometry, plastic viscosity, complex modulus and shear yield stress were also obtained. The spherical indentation provided measurements of hardness and yield stress. Although yield stress was correlated between approaches, the values were orders of magnitude greater for the indenter (0.54 +/- 0.33 kPa vs. 34.4 +/- 31.2 kPa), presumably because of different loading and failure conditions. At drier water contents, yield stress varied more between the two tests on the clay soil, which corresponded with brittle fracture creating artefacts in shear rheometry measurements. Spherical indentation has not been widely applied to the testing of soils, but the good agreement over a wide water content range between elastic modulus obtained from spherical indentation measurements (0.66 +/- 0.27 MPa in wetter zone to 4.45 +/- 2.53 MPa in drier zone) and shear rheometry (0.47 +/- 0.11 MPa in wetter zone to 2.02 +/- 0.98 MPa in drier zone) is promising. Moreover, spherical indentation can be applied to materials varying from brittle to viscous and allows testing on structurally intact soil aggregates. The geometry of a spherical indenter may more closely mimic contacting soil aggregates, so scope exists to extend the approach to explore the slumping of aggregated seedbeds produced by tillage
Approaches to delineate aggregates in intact soil using X-ray imaging
Soil structure refers to the spatial arrangement of primary soil particles and pores, and is known to influence a variety of soil functions including carbon sequestration and water holding capacity. At present, research in this field is often divided, focusing either on pores where pore networks are investigated in undisturbed soil or on solids where isolated soil aggregates are commonly studied. The choice of approach depends on the needs and traditions in different disciplines of soil science. While there is much debate regarding how well these viewpoints relate to each other, there have been only marginal research efforts undertaken to compare them quantitatively. In this study, we presented and evaluated methods to identify 3-D subunits in X-ray images of eight undisturbed soil samples that we interpreted as macroaggregates, and compared these to to results from drop-shatter tests. Here, we exploited the cohesive forces of water that induces shrinkage cracks under drying. Despite promising trends, comparisons between image and drop-shatter test derived aggregate properties remained inconclusive. Nevertheless, our results encourage further investigations on larger sample sets and different observation scales. The here presented and discussed aggregate delineation methods illustrate an approach to harmonize soil structure characterization in terms of both pore-networks and soil aggregation. For example, respective extended approaches may be developed to evaluate the locations of microaggregates within macroaggregates
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